I think this can sorta include Void Thrashing too. Even though it’s typically one of the fastest missions (not counting speedrunning shenanigans on others).
Here’s how:
- Do the mission as you normally would but don’t kill the last Void Thrasher; or leave more or all alive depending on your skill level (and patience).
- Keep aggro’ing the Thrasher with your armies so that it stops attacking the fortress and only attacks your forces.
- Make sure to only “move” your forces around it and never A-move or hold position or stop. So that you aren’t killing the thrasher.
- Unlike DoN, you’ll need to be active the whole 9 hours. Your ally and you can take turns aggro’ing it. Setup a ton of static def at the enemy wave spawn points, possibly with a secondary army to deal with those.
The thrasher keeps trying to attack your forces, your forces don’t shoot back and take minimal or no damage. And so on.
Would be a crazy challenge to do it with all 10 thrashers but probably do-able with keeping the last 4 alive. And definitely do-able with just the last one.
So I found out that Kerrigan, my favourite, is not very good in this
The key is to destroy the buildings asap (=before night 3), ideally without taking losses, so for example HnH or Vorazun (or Mengsk, but it takes time to setup the EO and they can’t reach the edges of the map from the center and you can’t focus on building both EOs and tanks due to limited gas)
I would be seriously impressed if someone managed this by night 3. Just Die and Photon Overload make pushing way more challenging than normal. I beat it with Zagara w/ Abby ally, and even going full tilt we didn’t win till the 5th day.
Practically speaking, a strong level of defense is required. Kerrigan’s lurkers behind worms are incredible, and I thought was a pretty straight forward path to victory. I added some zerglings once defense was established to destroy buildings and provide extra defense in a pinch.
I finished such game today (As Mengsk with HnH partner, who cleared twice as many of the infested structures as me); we waited for the bonus, otherwise it would be done before the end of Day 3 I think.
This mutators don’t really affect Strike Fighters or Earthsplitter Ordnance.
Kerrigan is good at defending this (although I think Mengsk (or Swann, or Raynor) is better), but I had troubles pushing with her … I tried destroying infested buildings with lurkers (so I could leave them behind, unaffected by photon overload), but it was too slow and by the night 8 it was over as we run out of rss and there were too many stanks or chokers to handle
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I think Spirit’s video (first reply to topic) is exactly that.
Rule of thumb for DoN mutations, finish early by using HH and Mengsk for an easy time.
I random queued and ran into maguro and we easily beat it before night 3 as Swann + Raynor. The thing is, night pushing is actually defense and offense at the same time, since you catch a lot of the Infested that are headed for the base. This means the defensive partner doesn’t have to invest as much into full defense and actually get a daytime pushing force to help you.
Very easy as Han & Horner with strike fighters.
Can finish before night 4 starts
Good point. I should’ve said way upfront that I’m far from the best player and even if I can’t complete it that fast, I’m not surprised at all that 1) it’s possible, and 2) that some of the best-known and published players would be able to do it.
I will note that I have not managed a great level of success using HH on this level. HH is one is one of my favorite commanders and one I feel most comfortable with, but I’ve yet to crush this level using strike platforms. I can’t get them out fast enough, and it’s so far been a cumbersome level to play.
See guys it’s easy; just run into Lila on the solo queue and you got this no problem.
Lol, where do y’all even play at? EU?
I’ve never had the pleasure of encountering you famous people.
The trick with H&H is:
- Get 10 strike fighters ASAP, let your ally worry about defence
- Get the “Napalm upgrade” for striker fighter ASAP (set ground on fire)
- With the “Napalm upgrade”, try to hit a minimum of 2 small buildings with one strike (!!IMPORTANT)
- Big buildings will require 3 fighter strikes to kill
- Constantly use your striker fighters, don’t leave them idle for too long
- Use your first Galley to scout for buildings (I normally scout to the north first)
- Once you have 10 striker fighters, use cloaked wraiths to sneak around the map to scout for buildings
- Once you have 10 striker fighters, Get up to 5 Galleys and pump hellbats and battlecruisers. Just leave them in the middle of the base in case your allies defence gets breached.
With this method you should complete the mission before the 4th night starts
Finally beat this with mass Tempests, ally was Swann, he was the primary defender, took me awhile (on Brutal)!!
Pretty easy this week. Managed to complete it with both Swann and Mengsk in 1 shot with random allies. Hardest part of the mission is if you get Skanks instead of Nydus Worms. Those things take quite a bit of punishment to take down.
Highly recommend using supply depot walls if you’re Terran.
For me, this brutation was a challenge. Had to try a few times, eventually won with Nova + Zeratul.
Haven’t done brutations for a long time but easy one as Stukov with full DB and Nova partner.
A lot depends on the enemy composition you get and which special infected.
Getting Terran is a pain - Ravens will drop turrets which also have the Photon Overload buff. And their initial turrets are always near your mineral line.
If you get Chokers, their grab range is massive thanks to Long Range.
Stanks are much harder to deal with than Nydus worms, and have to be killed twice thanks to Just Die. Nydus worms come with some warning time where they’re harmless and can be killed off before they unload, just need to deal with photon overload when they are attacked. Even if they do unload some units, those are all easier to deal with than Stanks.
I suppose the easiest enemy comp for this mission and mutation is gateway protoss, with kaboomers and nydus worms.
I beat this one twice by the end of night 2
I lied - it was actually half way through day 3. I can post the replay if you want
Hahaha, yeah I was gonna say. Wow that is indeed impressive.