Check anyone who plays multi race Terran will be lowest MMR

Here basically.
Also, insulting the other person doesn’t make you look smart.

Edit: I hope I don’t have to highlight the sentence for you.


So I called it trash your point ? That’s ok I don’t need to “look smart”

Trash, bad game, whatever but I took some time to look at your post history, and man, to keep ranting since June. That’s determination.

I am curious what you’re trying to accomplish exactly?

Edit: If it is trying to make changes to the game in what you think is not balanced, I think clear and concise (and good mannered) posts would do the job good. I just wish I knew what place has best visibility for the Balance Council to view over.

I disagree - I like to rant , problem?

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Point taken, I’ll let you be on your way.

Cool don’t let the door hit you on the way out


I’m guessing it’s Vibe you’re talking about B2GM in 2021. Vibe is also a former professional zerg player so keep that in mind when watching his series.

Vibe has a good point that macro is important and perhaps the most important skill in SC2. But just because he can win with almost only stalkers and almost no micro doesn’t mean everyone can do it.

I used to watch Vibe’s b2gm and used his “mineral build” to learn the game and learn how to macro and right at that time in 2021 it was a really good way to learn the game.

Today I regret not spending more time learning how to micro too. But it’s something I’m working on now.

I am well aware that Terran is perhaps the race that requires the most micro. Protoss and Zerg are on the other hand highly depended on good macro. But also as Protoss or Zerg player you must micro too else you won´t climb up at the ladder. Today Vibes B2GM is not great. Pig’s B2GM is better in my opinion.

You dont think a GM terran could do Mass Marines No Micro to Diamond 3? What ?
D3 is Like what ? 3k mmr? Thats nothing. Are you that delusional? I could even do it myself and im only 4k terran.

Jesus. Your whining is Off the Charts. Pros could do the Most absurd Thing and make it Happen to Diamond.


That’s another good one. No, I wasn’t mentioning his. As I recall, he did terribly in his Terran B2GM. To be honest, Vibe has kind of a bad Terran, I’ve crushed him every time we’ve met in TVT except 1. I guess that kind of supports weasy’s hypothesis… (should mention I don’t find evidence like this compelling)

All three depend on good macro. If you have fewer units, you usually lose. No matter how well those are controlled. The main reason I’d say Terran is actually the most difficult that the micro requirements are quite high and become crucial quite a bit earlier in terms of league progression.

I’m going to be blunt here… I couldn’t care less today about climbing a ladder. So many players place an over importance on an aspect of the game that they will have negligible engagement with as a casual player.

I just want to play a fun and fair game of 1v1 Starcraft 2 every now and then. If I’m a platinum level player, I am perfectly fine with that, however, the game should still be fair across the board. That one race doesen’t even have to micro their units in Platinum while another has to micro like a grand master player while continuing to macro at whatever rank they currently means that the game is fundamentally broken for the large majority of players, regardless of if it all balances out at the higher end of the competitive spectrum.

Look, I really like Starcraft 2 as a game and as a 1v1 competitive game at that BUT there is a reason nobody cares to play it anymore, even if they still enjoy catching a pro tournament or streamer playing it every now and then. You guys can beat a dead horse all you want about which race is OP, the truth is that the designers killed this game because of their bad policies on how it should be designed and who it should be appealing to. Here’s a hint: Korean professional players and the hardcore ladder wannabe pros weren’t the important demographic.

Here’s hoping that Stormgate’s developers have learned some important lessons before jumping off of the SC2 ship. Otherwise it’s just going to suffer the same fate.

Yes you have to macro and micro with all three races. But Terran is the only race were you can turtle at one base 4 minutes into the game e.g. making a gasless one base pure marine timing attack and still win the game. I am not saying this is a great build but it can work.

It would be so bad if you do something like that as Protoss and even worse for a Zerg player. Protoss need a fast second base and Zerg need a fast second and third base if you are not going for a cheese build.

Ofcourse you can make cheese with Protoss and Zerg too, but you have to expand sooner. Zerg need the Hatcheries to produce units and Protoss need the minerals and gas for their expensive units.

Yeah, and Protoss is the only race where you can build cannons and Tempests outside someone’s natural and win games. It was even in the GSL a couple of times. What’s your point?

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Yes, I know that build well and I play Protoss myself, but I don’t like cheese, I’d rather play standard.

The claim that it should be harder to play Terran simply because Terran has more micro does not hold Protoss and Zerg need to micro too.

Also Protoss and Zerg rely heavily on macro and it is perhaps the most important skill in the game. I actually believe that the game is relatively balanced. all 3 races have advantages and disadvantages.

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Terran IS harder… even Professional Protoss players have said so. Are you going to be another Protoss who denies facts? Or another Protoss who yells “Maybe all Terran players just have lower MMR because all Terran players are ‘just worse’ than all Protoss players?”

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No I don´t agree on that. That is your words not mine.

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But Terran is the most difficult. The evidence (far lower average MMR per game played) is pretty much undisputable. The cause for said disparity is consensus due to the micro requirements of Terran.

Maybe that’s not why. What is the other possible reason?

This is a claim

This is not an evidence.

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No, it’s not. The number displayed on your account in game takes every game you play into account for “number of games played”. That means co-op, that means arcade, that means Team games, and 1v1, customs, literally everything. So in order to make it a valid piece of evidence, how are you weeding out the games that aren’t 1v1 related? That is the only feasible way to make this “evidence” actually viable as evidence. As it is, you haven’t actually demonstrated that you’re only taking into account 1v1 games.

Even if I may agree with the premise being a terran myself, given other evidence we’ve seen in the past, this particular piece of evidence really doesn’t feed into that because of the above.


What? I’m not talking about that stat. I’m talking about average MMR being lower. Activity (ladder games per day) and time active.

Lol. What would be evidence?

I understand that. My question is how are you separating the number of games on a profile, from the actual number of 1v1 ladder games? because that needs to be taken into account.