Fix MMR range for Toss and Zerg

No their are not you keep repeating that claim and can´t give us any valid evidence for your claim. Admit your defeat and move on.

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And I gave plenty. You denying it doesn’t make it magically not exist.

I don’t understand why you keep going. Wheasypeasy and you are the only ones in this thread who believe what you write here is true. You are making claims without evidence. When the rest of us give you counterarguments, you won’t listen. There are even other Terran players who disagree with you. You have no valid evidence for your claims. This game is well balanced.


The is well balanced, but it’s not meant to be balanced at all skill levels. Even from the days of David Kim, he acknowledged that Terran wasn’t designed to do well at the lower levels. If I could find that old Showtime quote where he talks about it, would you listen to him? Or would you go on stream and tell him how much smarter you are about the game?

And Fabros. And Eliwan. Neither of whom is Terran.

No one has given a counterargument. It’s taken Sentry literally almost a year to come up with “Terran players are new. Oh, wait, they’re not? Oh, well then Terran players play fewer games. Oh, wait they don’t? Oh, then those games are ‘more casual.’ (source: trust me, bro). BUT! Oh, well if I split them up by MMR, the MMR is the same MMR! GOTCHA!”

We discuss this topic in another thread too. Do you remember that?

It’s not really an argument along the same vein. I’m arguing the results. You’re arguing potential causes.

Terran has the hardest micro, and the most crucial micro. Terran build orders are more strict (in the early game), but then has relatively simple mid game macro. During the mid game, supply block avoidance and spending mechanics are more complicated for Protoss. Zerg has incredibly easy spending mechanics, but very difficult spawning mechanics (injecting).

All of these are causes of difficulty for the 3 races. But as for which is the most difficult, you have to focus on the effects (the only measure of which is the MMR disparity).

llllllllllll >> Your MMR argument is not valid evidence for your claims. Data can be interpreted in different ways. We can´t be sure what this MMR disparity means. Maybee the MMR disparity doesn´t mean anything. We need experts to examine the MMR disparity and draw the conclusion.

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It’s the most likely conclusion. The only other possible explanation is that Terran players are just “somehow” inferior in ways that’s aren’t reflected in the numbers.

This is my issue with players like you. You don’t want to believe it, so you pivot from argument to argument, just like Sentry does into the most subjective feasible explanations:

Like who could argue against this? There zero data, same thing with the claim of 40-50K Terran players “just being casual” even though there’s zero metrics to define what “casual” even means.

hahaha “macro” your a clown buddy - totally braindead

no one agrees with you buddy low IQ boy you might as well be a vegetable

I disagree with this.

You assert this and you have evidence that suggests there is likely to be a problem; but “more difficult” is not the problem that I would analyze it as.

For my part, it’s that the game has very bad Protoss/Zerg tutorials, or rather, the game has bad on-ramping to playing the ladder versions of the other races.

As a consequence, the familiarity of a random average-skill player with how Terran works is likely to be higher and thus they’re more likely to, y’know, pick Terran when they want to play a few ladder games, because they don’t want to get frustrated with not mechanically understanding their race.

And then the actual problem is that Terran bio with Tanks - the most ‘comfortable’, the most ‘iconic’, the most ‘Terran’ strategy - is extremely vulnerable to a lot of basic moves and the in-response micro-based counters to those moves are very difficult to pull off well - Splitting and kiting properly is actually pretty hard - so the difference here is significant.

It’s basically just a weird case of feast-or-famine success; and you know what else works that way? Widow Mine drops. I’ve seen so many players just quit because they lost 10+ workers to Widow Mines they missed - Does that single facet make playing Zerg or Protoss difficult? No, of course not. That would be absurd.

I disagree that Terran is ‘harder’. Its micro is ‘more unforgiving’, which you might say is harder, but I would maintain that Zerg is harder because of how injects work and how essential they are to being well off. The penalty for failure to inject is that you die because one of your race’s biggest selling points is now greatly reduced - in contrast, Terran can make up for a lacking developed composition by having good micro. That’s, in a sense, ‘more forgiving’, does that make sense?

This is a strawman. Don’t do it. Especially after I literally explained why this argument is sound, at your behest? C’mon.

You talk about goalposting - this is just bad faith, which is honestly even worse as far as debate sins go.

As has been explained, at length by not just me, that is not true.

Pot, kettle.

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I thought I responded to you, but I guess I forgot, so fair play.

I still don’t buy that it’s “they’re bad,” because the only metric used to determine what skill level they’re at, is their MMR.

Have yet to pivot in an argument. My argument stands the same as it’s always been (less MMR per game, higher difficulty).

But they are.

Imagine my face when you Said eliwan is on your Side when in fact it was clear He wasnt :smiley: Same with farbros.

Dude. Just Stop. And maybe get some Help.

YOU’RE the one who cares about the popularity of ideas. Not me. I care about being correct or not.

And also:

He still did. Whether he changed his mind or not.

That said. I think he’s more annoyed that we keep going than actually taking any side whatsoever. Either way. I think I’ve demonstrated pretty handily that IDGAF lol.

You desperately tried to Claim you Had some allies. Which you dont.

And you arent. So Stop it.

Yes. In another Point He agrees with you. But Not Overall… Reading comprehension.

I’m not fighting a war lol. Maybe a war against abject stupidity.

I am, though. You not wanting to believe it doesn’t make it any less real, buttercup.

Think back, homey. To when I first proved to you that Terran players weren’t “new.” Did you ever stop and even think (much less, say) “hey, that’s a good point?” Or did you roll right into “well they must be more casual because they must play fewer games.”

Every time you goalpost, I win. Count it as a knockdown. 10-8 round. You’ve been sat down more times than I can count (well, 3, but still).

But you couldnt convince anyone so far. Just because you believe something it doesnt make it real :slight_smile:

I guess…you rather fight the war on the wrong side?

Again, i have always stated these are possible explanations. Never have i said it must be because of xyz.

Even in the discussion of avg mmr i have said: x could be because of this, y could be because of this. I delivered possible explanations. (Avg mmr can be different even tho races would be just skins; avg mmr for bottom 50% and top 50% is the same; the population is not random so we cant excpect the same behaviour for every race. etc. etc. etc.)

YOU failed to deliver a proof why a difference in mmr MUST show imbalance/difference in difficulty.

Ah, finally. Pure cringe.
Ok buddy.

You literally stated that Terran playing less games = more casual, but Terran playing more games = inconclusive… Let that sink in. How many Ls can you take?

I Like how you mention this old Point Like 10000 Times. I have Said countless Times it was Just thought i Had without checking the Numbers. The Numbers however didnt Show that terran is less active. They dont Show that they are more active either. It Matches pretty Well.

Also i havent Said that when terran Play more we cannot Draw anything Out of it. I Just Said based on the Numbers we cannot make any Argument since the Numbers Show that the Activity Matches Well.

And what has this Point to do with terran being Harder or Not? Since there is no difference in activity No Point can be Made.

Just try to distract from the fact that you have 0 reason to believe that terran is Harder. You Just want to believe it Just because.

Cope Harder please.

It doesn’t match at all buddy - the bell curve for zerg and toss are normal whereas the one for terran is right skewed. YOu have no idea what you’re tlaking about

Yeah. Terran players aren’t some superior breed. But you refused to acknowledge that the fact that Terran don’t play remarkably less, even suggests that they might not just magically be more casual just because that makes you feel better.