Check anyone who plays multi race Terran will be lowest MMR

Sites like Nephest or Ranked only count ladder games.

You are the one making a claim here without being able to provide any valid evidence. Can you show me some studies that have been done on this topic by professionals and experts? Which SC2 professionals and experts can confirm what you write here.

Valid evidence being the entire ladder? Terran under-performing? In spite of playing more games? In spite of having a more experienced player base?

If that’s not “evidence,” what is?

This is a claim.

This is not an valid evidence.

You are running in circles and will not accept that you have no valid evidence of your claims.

I swear I’m a lightning rod for morons.

your all morons wasting your time arguing about dumb stuff. get a life.

Why? I enjoy that show. Whenever I come here, they are always arguing about that in every thread. It could be cool if I could bet, who would give up last. I would bet on barcode.


i know, i come for the show to, and your right id love to place bets about who quits first. Its these same guys always arguing the same thing in atleast three diffent threads this week alone, let alone last week. right now i find it histerical, theres one guy ygdrassil over in one of the other threads these two hijacked saying im poisionous for stating these guys are arguing a really low iq thing to be arguing about. These terran whine threads have become a straight up joke anymore.

So you are trolling here also and lying too.

You really don´t get it do you. This is not about the Terran Players.

This is about you. You are rude and you think you know better than others. Not only i that thread but everywhere. That is why I said I think you are poison to this forum.

how am i lying and how is telling people its a pointless argument and that they are wasting there time arguing, being a troll, thats called trying to stop people arguing, im just being a good samaritan.

also how am i lying, i havent lyed about anything.

you really dont get it do you, your the only one making it about me at all, chill out dude, take a chill pill and walk away. I know you love me so much but its starting to get really creepy the way you are stalking me.

also, why do you get so angry, its weird dude. Seriously you need to chill.