Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

I mean Burmese vs Rohings is once again about Islam.

But yeah, Hindis in India aren’t exactly chill lately.

By the way, are you an atheist?

That explanation makes no sense to me. Kerry is using telepathy, magic wifi basically, and the hardware is her brain. She is part of the hive mind to some degree, however limited.

See, in my experience most people outside the sciences don’t seem able to understand basic real world scientific concepts much less speculative ones. So while something like a swarm intelligence is fairly simple in an overall conceptual sense (the human brain is a notable example, as are eusocial arthropods), in speculative fiction it gets mangled into a master/slave relationship.

What I have found, however, is that using magical explanations to achieve the same end point as a technical explanation seems to be more easily understood by most audiences. For example, rather than trying to explain how a realistic hive mind works, you use the magical explanation that the space bugs share a collective soul with anthropomorphized personality aspects.

Which is on a good path towards becoming a politheist religion.

I still want the Carbot Zergling.

Products need to have the largest market appeal, and keeping concepts simple is a means towards that.

It never really just that, though…

It’s hard to explain, but being a woman put you under some discrimination. Sometime, it’s very minor and out of tradition and years upon years of socializing. It’s not with malice nor conscience.

On average this kind of prejudice comes more strongly from Islamic people. Being put under this could brew resentment. I don’t know about her life, but it’s quite possible that this hate speech doesn’t come out of nowhere. There could be (I’m making highly speculative statements here) that the local Islamic community is highly toxic toward her for being Lesbian. Or just a woman.

I hope you guys know about when you judge this issue.

As far as I can tell not at all. There is an idiom about you can’t force people to drink if they aren’t thirsty. We try to advertise our religion, but we won’t even try to convert you without your explicit consent like walking into our temple for example.

HOWEVER! And this is a big however. You need to understand something about my religion. Think Catholic and Protestant, you see how there is a bit of different between two branches of a single religion? If possible recall the Christian Schism, I think it’s more applicable. Now imagine if your religion core teaching is peace, tolerance and live in harmony. With this core remains intact, two different branches can co-exist. Furthermore, our founder straight up telling his disciples that in the unforeseeable future after he is gone, they’re allowed to adept the teaching to be more appropriate with the situation and society provided that you keep the core teaching intact. (Which part is the core teaching? Which isn’t? Who know? I sure don’t.) And here we are, about two millennia and a half later give or take. Just in Southeast Asia alone, there is at least a dozen different branches that I know of.

You should also know that a Buddhist is anyone who hold Buddha’s teaching in highest regard, you are perfectly fine worshipping other religions simultaneously as well. You could hold other teaching in a higher regard, you just not a Buddhist, anymore. So, yeah, it’s a complete mess.

EDITED: I just realized this is a bit vague. So, before Buddhist can reach your country, it’s extremely likely that there is also some local religion you worship. Since you could be a Buddhist while still participating in all your local religion ritual, traditions and whatnot, the two simply merge after a few generations. Yes, the result sometime called Buddhism, sometime called something else. Regardless, it’s a mess.

I agree. However, it’s Gradius who brought it up. I assume he thought it’s the same. Otherwise, I’m not sure why he did it.

Ah, you have finally stumbled upon the biggest issue of arguing against Gradius. He is very bad at making his claim clear and rigid. This is one of the reason why I can’t understand him when he is making a nuisance point.

You have no idea how tiresome it is; making a thread after thread trying to built my case only to have him saying ‘No, you’re Straw Man-ing me’. Sometime, I just want to scream at him ‘What the Fork is your argument, then?’

Honestly, Brother. To this day, I still don’t know if he think Korhal is under imminent threat and it will take sometime to deal with or is it safe and completely fine and there is no need to hurry.

Now, if you read my post carefully, you will see that I’m making argument against four different possibilities at once. It’s quite a mess, but until I can pin point exactly what his argument is exactly, id est how exactly does Kerrigan reincarnate, I won’t commit to rebuttal any particular mechanics.

Can I interested you in a concept called ‘Dead of the Author’? It’s what I peaching.

Yep, and trying to save a person complete consciousness at the moment of her death is very impressive. I would rather believe that she deep burrow than that.

I’m not saying that they can’t. Of course, the Zerg can do that, but transferring such data is more advanced than just bring the brain that contains it back. Do you have any idea what the amount of data that is? (I don’t. I just know that it’s crazy big.)

I don’t know what mechanics the Zerg use to transfer such data, but I believe that it will be more advanced than just deep burrow. I can’t make a concrete claim until Gradius or you tell me its exact mechanics, though. Right now, the argument boils down to you guys claiming that saving those data is easier than deep burrow. I counted by asking how exactly do they save those data?

Well, you see. I don’t know what exactly is Hive Mind in Gradius’ head. Is it server-base connection? In which case, where is the mainframe? Or is it an emerging property of numerous Zerg connecting together?

You might want to check this video out. I believe Hive Mind is a Swarm Intelligent Feature in this video.

I’m prepare to argue against either case, but it’s likely that Gradius’ is something different and I’ll just Straw Man hin again.

Is she, though? She tried to just gather the Swarm once, but most of her Brood Mother refuse to the order. How does your Hive Mind function, exactly?

She clearly capable of ordering Zerg unit around, but is it because she has the Hive Mind? Or just doing something similar to that device Stetmann invented?

I think Psi Destroyer exploit the psionic link; the ability to access/connect to the Hive Mind, not Hive Mind itself.

So how does it work, then? How does Zerg control allow you to transfer your conscience? It’s different from just transferring order, right?

Err… I tried to tell you that Kerrigan no longer has access/connection to Hive Mind. You’re the one who told me that Hive Mind is the only way Kerrigan could control the Zerg. I counter by giving you the example to the contrary. I just show you that all Kerrigan has to do is broadcast ordering signal. I didn’t claim that she is mind controlling the Zerg. I don’t even claim that she is using a totally new way to order them around. All I’m telling you is that you don’t need Hive Mind to control your Zerg army.

She is still ordering them functionally the same way. She is connected to her Army, but not the Hive Mind. It’s your claim that she must connected to the Hive Mind and control her army indirectly through it. So, it’s your job to prove that this is the only way.

Or am I completely misunderstand how the Hive Mind works? Hopefully, I’ll get something more concrete than just I’m wrong without any explanation about your Hive Mind.

Now, you’re making us defend a point that we didn’t make. (You hate it and call me dishonest when I did that, remember?) In our headcanon, the Zerg can’t do it. Maybe, they’re capable of it, but Kerrigan refuse to let them have a complete copy of her DNA store. This is shown in a couple of cut-scene where she is clearly disgusted by the idea of being examined by Abathur.

We don’t have to fanon this out because in our position that isn’t being done.

You do realize that there is a Zerg outside of any given planet than there is on the planet, right? The bandwidth for interplanetary connection must be stronger than local connection.

Thanks! I was afraid you wouldn’t catch that. Do you see how messy it is? I have no idea how Kerrigan‘a reincarnation works in your head. That’s why I have no problem mixing the two together. Either could be your reincarnation! This kind of thing happens when you don’t specified your position.

And what exactly is that nature?

In case you haven’t realize, yet. Until you explain this to me in a clear non-mutable manner, all you’re saying is that due to the space magic that nobody knows or understand how it works, reincarnation is more believable than deep burrow.

So, you’re telling me that this is how Kerrigan reincarnates? Can I pin you down to this one claim? I’m not going to Straw Man or making you defend a position that you don’t make, right?

I don’t care. You know I don’t really care what the author/developers say if it’s in conflict with the game.

Other units have ability to deep burrow, too. They’re even lower in the Zerg Hierarchy as well. So this should be a point in my favor, right?

But she should have Zerg abilities/genetics of reincarnation. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I usually just pick out parts I agree or disagree with and react to that.

It’d be nice to know their intentions or what they made up as justification for a mechanic. It’s a weird situation.

Nobody has the answers but we can guess. I’m guessing connecting to the Hivemind will let her imprint on it and that is saved. Your brain was connected to it, so the data should be saved.

Burrowing and tunneling at super speeds through metal and rock is unlikely for a human. It’s something she has to do alone, wounded. Saving her essence and building a new body is what the Zerg in general have to do.


It’s how the Zerg were built. A mind that controls and its foot soldiers.

That actually fits into my narrative seamlessly. The Swarm lost its main drive, the controlling force, and Broodmothers had to evolve to fill the void. They are not powerful enough psionically to control the entire Swarm, but they can control huge chunks of it. And after her return, Kerrigan has a problem bringing the new and more powerful Broodmothers back into the fold.

As I said before, I am of the belief that the Hivemind is not a thing she has and projects to other Zerg. It’s like a feudal vassal system.

His Hivemind Emulator hijacks the Zerg’s mind. I don’t think it’s the exact same thing.

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That’s literally what we do. All the time! It’s about guessing and prove them your guess make the most sense.

Where? The imprint got to be stored somewhere. So my question is where is it?

So, there is a mainframe? You brain is connected to it and it constantly backup and updates. Your whole brain?

If it’s not, then what is it?

And her complete conscience. Never forget that. My whole argument hinges on the fact that replicates her entire brain perfectly is much more unbelievable.

I don’t think I understand. Care to elaborate?

Mine, too! The Zerg was too disarray. There is nothing enough Zerg connecting in the network to create Hive Mind. Kerrigan and barely a couple hundred of Zerg is not suffice to constitute Hive Mind.

So the Hive Mind is now in those Brood Mother? They have evolved to be the missing main drive?

In which case, where is the main drive for Kerrigan’s Brood? It can’t be Kerrigan, though. She is dying; the Hive Mind can’t be destroyed along with her death.

Cut the number down to just a small Brood, the property is gone.

That’s exactly what I believe. And when enough Zerg connected into a single network, the Hive Mind emerges.

Maybe, I’m wrong, but it seems like you’re claiming that because she has ability to order those Zerg around there is a perfect working copy of her brain in their head. If there is over billion of Zerg connected, I could believe that. Right now, you think some drone, Queen, Zergling and Hatchery is suffice. And this is less ridiculous than deep burrow!

She kind of did? She found a Hatchery and pretty much hijack it from Naktul.

Look. Do you think that maybe you believe reincarnation is easier to believe because you don’t know what the Hive Mind is exactly and is able to chalk all your unknown and concern up? You know how exactly deep tunneling works, so it’s easy to see how ridiculous the idea is. However, because the Hive Mind is rather an arcane concept, you’re able to overlook all the ridiculousness.

I don’t know if I believe in reincarnation but it is a good theory so I am trying to get into the mindset. What I do know is that we have a very different idea of what a hivemind is, and I do think yours is wrong.

You seem to think a hivemind is defined by its number of entities it merges into one collective will, which to an extent is true. One entity cannot be a hivemind. Two can already; but of course it makes more sense - at least when it comes to asthetics - to have more entities shoved into it.

The hivemind as a concept is just an advanced fotm of brain control, nothing more or less.

I actually think it makes sense based on what I know or think to know of the Zerg. I never thought of it before this argument emerged, I looked at it, and it made sense to a degree, enough so that I think it possible.

The hivemind is not an entity, it’s just a system. You need an entity in control over minions that are extentions of the controller. Otherwise we do agree.

Not exactly. There is a collective consciousness and that has to have some capacity to hold data in sone weird pseudo-scientific-psionic-biologic way. I think that can store the essence of the Queen of Blades.

Again, we are not on the same page when it comes to the hivemind. It’s not a legendary item you unlock, it’s a collective will lead by an entity with enough psionic potential.

I think it takes some time before the Brood would fracture. It could take a relatively small time for her to emerge again. I do wonder what Gradius thinks as he is the founder of the idea.


I can try. I believe the Zerg were designed to evolve this way. The far-far overwhelming majority of the Zerg have little personality with a few essential entities having a specialized and effective personality. Yet all follow the word or will of one who controls.

I think the hivemind is just that.

Kerrigan’s and a few other actual individuals’ brains. The far-far overwhelming majority of the Zerg would probably only upload impressions when needed.

Yep, this is the very heart of our argument. I’m glad you finally realize and willing to discuss it. We have a vastly different concept of what a Hive Mind is. And until we both understand under which concept the other party use; no meaningful debate can be made.

You get on very quickly. I’m glad.

It doesn’t matter that our view is different. I can get into your mindset provide that you explain it clearly. I’m willing to believe that your position is better IF you can show me that it makes more sense all the way through. Your theory hinges on the nature of Hive Mind. It is as believable as it’s weakest point. Even if it makes perfect sense, but the nature of your hive mind is ridiculous, then your whole theory is as ridiculous.

What a surprise, Brother! I think yours is wrong, too!

Well, yes, to an extend. I believe Hive Mind is an emergence property that only achieve by substantial number of Zerg connecting together. The Swarm Intelligence, if you will.

I believe it’s like a cell and body. A single cell is not enough to constitute a body. You add another cell, it’s still not. Add million, you get a blob of something, but it’s still not. Keep adding more and more and at some point, it’s not just a blob of meat anymore. You got a boy, a human. Being human is an emergence property of countless cell combine together.

For me, Hive Mind is like that. With countless Zerg psionically link together, it emerges.

Okay, I think I get it now. Yours is that when two or more Zerg link together like a group. You have a Hive Mind, which can hold an imprint of a brain.

This is where I think your theory is flaw. Remembering exactly how every cell in your brain connect to each other, its location and network is extremely complicated. Not to mention how each cell firing signal and holding ‘small information’. (Consciousness is another emergence property by the way. A single brain cell function is well study and easily understand. It doesn’t contain any consciousness. Only when vast amount of them connect together can you get a consciousness.) You’re claiming that only two Zerg is enough to hold such information.

And if it’s just that, how can it hold and/or transfer the vast amount of data that is a complete brain imprint?

Your claiming needs the Hive Mind to be something pretty impressive. Something capable of holding vast amount of information and transfer it so fast that itself create another problem entirely, but never mind that. (Although, if you’re curious, in order to transmit such data, you need a signal which contain an amount of energy. Transferring such vast amount of energy in short a time could be disastrous.)

Of course, it is. I won’t deny that. Only that it makes less sense than deep tunneling.

I don’t think it’s an entity as well.

Okay, but you need to also explain why such system is capable of holding an imprint of a brain.

I don’t have problem believing that. Holding essence and making a new body is believable. However, the conscious of the product is my issue. You can clone me, but without my personality, memory and such. Is it me?

Okay, but this is something that only require two Zerg units. I could believe it’s possible, but I think deep tunneling is more believable.

You do need it to be kind of a legendary item, though. Even with our best hard disk, it cannot hold the information that you need the Hive Mind to.

Not sometime, almost instantly. Kerrigan’s clone regain consciousness and could resume her role almost instantly. We know that she capable of communication while being created in the cocoon.

So do I, Brother. Let us hope that he will tell me in no uncertain term what his position is.

I’m not sure about evolve this way. Primal Zerg has no Hive Mind. It could be Amon’s intention, but whatever.

For most Zerg, this reincarnation is believable. The personality doesn’t matter. It can be create in any way that works. Kerrigan can not.

Sure, but if you’re saying that there is no mainframe, then the information must be held somewhere between those two Zergs who constitute your Hive Mind.

Yes, but those far-far overwhelming majority is not being reincarnated. Nor are they even presented. Remember, your position is that only two Zerg units are suffice to establish the Hive Mind.

I am not here to convert anybody. I think Gradius can do that if he wants, I just want this idea to be heard. I’m still learning it and putting it forward as we discuss it because I never considered the possibility. So this’ll be a bit rough around the edges.

I chuckled. If we didn’t sum up most of history here…

I don’t think it can be an emergency thing. If it was, it would only operate during war but we see it working all the time. It only stops or falls apart when control stops. Absolute hierarchy without the leader. Kill the queen of the ants, y’know.

It needs at least two entities, a brain that will command and a body that will follow. More bodies (Zerg units) and additional sub-brains (like Cerebrates and Broodmothers) will enhance the potency. It is one big group.

They only have to remember one being out of billions and billions of Zerg. Kerrigan’s personality will be saved up through her commands and will. It’ll be in every Zerg’s brain even if she dies. That’s why it would be easy to replicate, they have acces to everything.

Well by definition it is pretty impressive, no matter which definition we use.

Psionics? Overlords? Both?

It is not cloning though. More than that.

In theory to form a hivemind the minimum requirement is two. That will likely not be enough to do the trick for something such as this.

It would be if what Gradius says about the different animation and voiceline wasn’t true. But it is.

Yeah, biology tends to do that. We are just learning to replicate it.

My point was about the Brood not falling apart as soon as the leader is dead. Kerrigan’s last orders and impressions are in the collective think tank still.

Same, brother. I’m interested in what he has to say.

Yes, and they are far inferior in numbers and overall power compared to the Swarm as a result. They are gangs.

You see, the reincarnation for most Zerg is obsolete because the data they may know is insignificant. Efforts should logically be diverted towards saving and preserving those who matter.

But you are combining two things I talked about, which I did not combine. Information is stored between the hivemind’s parts. Absolutely, I said that. Two are enough to form a hivemind (given that one is able to control). Again, yeah, I said that. However, I did not say that two would be enough to reincarnate a Kerrigan. You see, as I acknowledged earlier, the number if entities being part of the hivemind will increase the power and potency, ergo it’ll have the capacity for tackling harder and more demanding tasks.

Because the bodies can be replaced. The sub-brains are harder to replace and replacing the actual main drive is really hard. No need to reincarnate a Zergling.

I’ll try not to forget, and I stand by it. However I already answered to the parts of this above.

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Are we still talking canon/retcons or headcanon now?

If I was using headcanon or fanfiction… then I wouldn’t worry about resurrection spells. All zerg have a racial memory if their telepathy isn’t sabotaged. Any “personalities” are constructed and easily replaced. They only have characters for the audience’s benefit.

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Well, converting is more of a side effect, really. By proving that yours makes more sense, I would adopt it.

Care to elaborate? I think you misunderstood my theory. Having a war or not doesn’t matter. All that needed is vast amount of Zerg connecting to the network.

It falls apart when the number of connection dwindle. Killing overmind would do it because his entire brood connecting to him via a single router (overlord). Once he is dead, his entire brood fracture into countless smaller group each connect to a single overlord.

With Kerrigan, it is pretty similar only that there is a higher level of hierachy, id est the Brood Mother. So with the central hub gone, the Swarm facture into smaller Brood. It’s possible that some larger Brood still possesses Hive Mind, but not Kerrigan while she still waiting for Jim.

Yes, it will. However, you need to understand a subtext here. The Beacon (and now you, I think?) believe the reincarnation theory to be superior because deep tunneling is too Zergy for frail human Kerrigan.

From that point, we know that she is most frail and human at the start of Heart of the Swarm. It then stands to reason that she must reincarnate while still on Phaeton. She can do it with about two dozen drone, a hatchery, some Queen, a handful of overlord and number of Zergling.

Even if I’m being generous that’s all you have to play with. But I’m NOT! You claim that at least two entities is enough. Then two is all you get! Kerrigan can reincarnate even with just two zerg entities present!

Yes, and with billion and billion Zerg I agree; they can do it. However, you don’t have billion and billion of Zerg. You have two. (Yes, I’m being a *itch.)

Yours is way more impressive, though. ^^

Overlord can’t even control nine Zergling at a time with the amount of data that we’re talking about controling every movement of a thousand Zergling is a child play. Also, Overlord use psionic.

Yep, and it is the ‘More than that’ part that renders your theory unbelievable.

Okay, then how much? Also, you said that the Hive Mind is used to do the trick and that two is not enough, then should Hive Mind requires more than two to form?

I’ll have to replay the game to see the animation, but I really don’t care about what Warfield says. He is a general commanding the troop from a distance. It’s likely that he is reported that Kerrigan is going down and interpret it in a spur of moment that she is dead. When you’re fighting off an army and need to inspire your troop, you’re forgiven for not get everything technically correct.

Well, my point is that the data needed is vast. You need something to hold it.

Oh, I didn’t contradict you here exactly. I was saying that there is not enough time for the Brood to falling apart.

Yes, but my point was that saving an Ultralisk is different from saving Kerrigan. Their brain is empty-ish.

This whole thing confuses me. Two are enough to create Hive Mind, but Two are not enough to do the reincarnation even though it can constitute Hive Mind, which capable of reincarnation?

I think there is some semantic issue here, so never mind that.

This is my theory. With more and more Zerg connecting together, eventually we have a Hive Mind. Before that we have a network of Zerg, but not yet a Hive Mind.

It seemed our disagreement is on when to call the network a Hive Mind. It’s semantic. I really hate argue whether to call something to-ma-to or to-mar-to.

At which point, do you think there is a sufficient number of Zerg connected to make reincarnation happends? For me, it’s over billion.


It’s totally possible, though. Since there is no need to preserve its brain, the process is easy.

I don’t know why you’d ever say that but okay.

And pointless too. Possible, yes.

Well, yes. Been like that for a while.

Exactly but not exactly. I hivemind should be able to store information sufficient to reincarnate units given they are simple. I find it hard to believe that a Drone’s memory would be enough to contain the Queen of Blades. But it’s enough for a Zergling.

That question is about as pointless and irksome as the one about the amount of Supplicants needed for Alarak to beat Kerrigan. We know not. 14, 14000 or 1400000 are all good guesses.

What are the odds, we think the same. That’s why specialized Ultralisks aren’t being reincarnated like what we we are talking about.

I was clarifying.

An entire hivemind, with accessible, empty brains from the hundreds to the billions, for example?

They have modeled out something different from WoL, so that’s that. Moral at this point is less important than it was during the invasion and he didn’t say that there.

These are gameplay mechanics. It is unlikely Kerrigan only had a maximum of 200 units.

His Brood would fracture into smaller Broods each having their own hivemind, lead by Cerebrates. Their psionic power is less impressive so they cannot hold up as many Zerg as others can.

You’re fine, brother.

She just left Hyperion to go to the surface alone and taking control of nearby Hatchery. I doubt that she has a standing army larger than a hundred.

Okay, I have no interest in THAT!

Anyway, I thought our argument go a bit beyond that and into whether it’s more plausible to reincarnation than deep tunneling.

The example that I’m using to attack your argument is at the third mission since this is a point where her army number is at the lowest and the only place where any meaningful estimations to its number can be made. It’s also the first place where she ‘dies’.

We might not know the exact number, but we know it’s less than a thousand.

Whether or not we agree it’s called Hive Mind is of little consequence. We just need to show whether or not this number can hold the imprint of her brain.

Welcome to the world of estimation. We know and agree that two is not suffice. We know and agree that over billion should be enough. We just need to lower the range where we are sure whether or not it’s possible. And if I can’t raise the maximum number of estimation where reincarnation can’t be done from two to over thousand, I won’t the argument.

To paraphrase my professor, we don’t know where the line is drawn exactly, we know it’s somewhere within these region. And that’s enough for our purposes.

Yes. So now the number is hundreds at the lowest.

I don’t know. For me fighting to protect what you have needs more moral than fighting to gain something. There is a fear of losing what you own.

Regardless, Warfield is still an unreliable narrator for what happens. He is still a general busily fending off the Zerg.

The maximum didn’t even come into play, though. When she dies, it’s unlikely that her army is anywhere near 200 supply.

The number that I give you is about 100-150 worth of supply where she and her army defeats is believable.

I meant his Brood on Aiur. They’re connected directly to him. The Cerebrates also have their own separate brood, I believe.

Now, I have just ask around for how much data you need to replicate a brain. Nobody knows for certain, but you need about 20,000 TB to completely map a dead brain without any activity. This is not enough for even a comatose patient.

At this number, assuming that you have a thousand of Zerg, each will need to remember about 20 TB worth of memories. In addition to remembering that you must slaughter and hunt something.

Starting to see that it’s ridiculous, yet?

Okay, show me evidence so I know it too.

We’re talking about the Zerg here. The trait that would describe them the best is “numberless”. Doubt it would be less than a couple hundred, given they are beating other Zerg and heavily armed Dominion forces. The 200 cap is a gameplay mechanic, not indicative of the overall strength of the Zerg.

No, you’re trying to bring it that way, I’m just refining the idea I got from Gradius.

Which we can’t. Because we have no data. So this is pointless.

Likely not.

Almost definitely.

We can’t. We don’t have data.


But it’s not. We don’t actually know if it’s there. It is likely there somewhere, but we don’t know. We don’t know if reincarnation is actually a thing, whether we believe or not.

No. Maybe an Overlord or a Broodmother is enough, but we don’t know because we don’t know how much is enough.

Okay, so you are trapped on a hostile planet, severely outnumbered and barely clinging onto what you have in one scenario. In the other you have a heavily fortified position in a pacified region, your troops have been winning and winning, they are rested, armed, steady. I ain’t buying your rhetoric.

I disagree. He is an experienced general, and his experience does extend to fighting against Kerrigan who had burrowed away before.

It’s still a gameplay mechanic. There wasn’t only a hundred Zerg she found on Char upon her return.

And that’s where the vassal system comes in play. The Overmind split his Brood into smaller Broods with sub-brains at the tops so it can be more effective.

I’m assuming your numbers are a bit low. Each Zerg breed should have a different level of knowledge. Overlords and Queens should be able to store more than Zerglings and Hyrdalisks. Then we have structures as well, which are living things. We also know that the essence of Kerrigan can be stored - the Keystone is good for that for example. Maybe the Zerg can also store some of it, maybe temporarily. If only we knew more, right?

Not really. Wait until I start pulling numbers out my ash.

Okay, I’m a bit confused here. Are you telling me that you want to stick to this idea you got from Gradius refining it to be more sensible?

It doesn’t matter whether it’s less believable than deep tunneling. You like this idea and want to stick to it, regardless.

Is this the direction you’re going?

For one, it’s fun. As long as it’s enjoyable, it’s not pointless.

We may not have enough data to pin point how much Zerg we need exactly, but we know something. We should be able to discern whether or not a thousand is suffice.

So you think two Zerg unit is enough?

Well, what I meant is that I just need you to agree with me that a thousand of Zerg is not enough to hold an imprint of a brain. And then prove that Kerrigan can have less than a thousand while she was on Phaeton.

We might not know anything else, but this is enough to rule out the reincarnation theory.

What are waiting for bother? Pull out some! That’s fine place to get all kind of number.

I’ll address other issue later. For now, I need to understand you.

I can’t and won’t say with absolute certainty that the reincarnation theory is wrong. Even with nothing, but hatchery and Kerrigan, I’m willing to believe that the Zerg using their space magic is capable of perfect brain preservation. My point and the only point I can make is that it’s more ridiculous than deep tunneling.

For me it’s about which idea is more sensible. But if you want to believe in this reincarnation even if it’s not the most logical one, I won’t stop you.

I think it’s an idea worth thinking about, could make sense.

It is not fun for me.

Possible, albeit extremely unlikely.

Well I don’t necessarily agree with that either.

But I find it so incredibly dumb to just say random numbers. None of it has any merit. It could be five or five thousand, it could depend on so many things. Are Zerglings smarter than Hydralisks, and therefore hold more information? If so, how much? You see my problem? This is all fine as long as it is being treated as a theory, as soon as we start going into the phase that would be recreation if we aimed at that, it just falls apart. Not the theory, but reason itself. Number alone won’t do.

Well I can’t say it’s right, with certainty. It seems plausible, possible, and in the case Gradius provided even probable - to me.

I don’t find it ridiculous at all. A hivemind is a supercomputer, just even more super and with a lot less restrictions than a computer would have. They also have the means for production.

In this one scenario I find reincarnation to be more sensible, believe it or not. Otherwise I wouldn’t have picked up the concept.

I can only laugh at how you think burrowing through a bunch of rock and metal while injured is “logical”. Never mind for a human that’s not even supposed to be zerg.

Anyway, go play StarCraft 1 if you can’t wrap your head around it. Reincarnation is a zerg ability and there’s more evidence for it than burrowing. The lead designer told us it was reincarnation.

Nah that’s a cop out. In WoL he says “she’s gone underground”. He can tell the difference and if he was preoccupied with something else he wouldn’t be commenting on it. Checking your soldiers’ cam footage isn’t hard. Stop denying evidence.