Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

Its literally one of her abilities, and its explicitly said in game that she deep tunnels back to the hatchery. Game > non-game. Period.

Theyre specifically trying to not kill her in WoL. Of course he’s not going to react like they killed her.

Cool. Not what happened with Warfield in the game. Go replay the mission if you want.

That has nothing to do with my point, but ok.

Don’t care. Warfield was mistaken. We are told explicitly what happens, and she doesn’t die.

Of course it does. Theyre not trying to kill her in WoL, so when she vanishes, its not because she’s dead. They are trying to kill her in HotS, so when she vanishes, it could be because she’s dead.

Seriously Gradius, absolutely nothing about this is actually consistent with her dying except that you want to think she’s reincarnating. Why don’t the zerg go out of control for the minute or so she’s out of commission? How does Kerrigan have a near-death experience with Narud, and why does she act like Raynor shooting her would do anything? Why is she worried about being killed on Korhal if she cant be permanently killed? How are the hybrid destroyers remotely threatening to her if she can just reincarnate from being killed? Its such a stupid, indefensible position that makes the entire campaign seem like it has no idea what the heck is happening at even the most basic level.


Ok, since you can arbitrarily declare characters to be mistaken without any evidence, in that case I think Naktul was talking about her old queen of blades ability and not about what was currently happening. And her human burrow ability is a gameplay mechanic. Now what? Just your word against mine? Except the gameplay animation shows her dying. I have more evidence. From the game. 2v1. I win.

Or maybe you want to be fair and take characters words’ out of it? In that case the gameplay animations are showing us her not burrowing (yet you have the audacity to say the game is on your side). And then we’ve got the word of the lead designer on top of that.

I have more evidence. Like, why are you still responding? This debate is over. Just accept your loss and move the hell on.

He. Saw. Her. Burrow.

It has nothing to do with whether she could be dead or not. The argument that he’s mistaken is completely bunk when the game tells us he has the ability to tell the difference. :roll_eyes:

She’s restructured the swarm to be more independent? Abathur fixed that flaw? I could rattle off way more excuses.

I’ve explained this. He’s using the void to cut off the resurrection. SC1 explains this. I don’t know why that’s hard. Kerrigan doesn’t have to use the void herself. It’s not like Cerebrates ever used void abilities.

She can cut off her contact to the hive mind.

She can. You have to get rid of all the hatcheries. Plus she was suspecting that Mengsk would have something up his sleeve. Like, I don’t know, the artifact. Which he did. Which could kill her.

They use the void. -_-

Nah, it’s pretty feasible.

On the other hand, I’d have to bash my skull in with a rock in to get on board with this “non-Zerg Kerrigan just swims through miles of rock while unconscious back to her hatchery for healing” tripe that you guys think makes sense. What does this freaking retarded explanation get you that resurrection doesn’t? The absurdity is so over the top as to be sublime.

Is this an out of season April Fool’s joke?

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Ok, this, this right here? This is exactly why your argument fails. You need to create excuses for everything. None of your explanations fit organically, you basically need to re-write the underlying narrative and at times outright ignore the canon to make your explanation work (yes, cerebrates and the Overmind do in fact explicitly use the Void to reincarnate, which Kerrigan cant do). Meanwhile, my explanation is simpler, more consistent with the lore and the way characters treat it, and only requires that one character be mistaken about something that he wouldn’t be able to know about anyway.

All you’ve done is call my argument stupid and then expect that to somehow convince me of your correctness. Well plot twist, arguments don’t work that way. All youre doing is coming off as a petulant child being upset that he couldn’t trick mommy into giving him a cookie. Grow up and argue like an adult, or admit that you cant bring anything to the table and move on.

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I admit that I personally cannot bring anything to Starcraft’s table. Not just because of my personal failings, but because the table burned to ash long before we even started arguing. The arguments have always been childish by nature.

Starcraft has a garbage story. It always has and always will. Arguing over it is like arguing over… I don’t know, Twilight? 50 Shades of Gray? A typical telenovela?

I’d have more fun mocking a Kratman novel, honestly. Blizzard’s writing is simply atrocious. Kratman can actually write well in a technical sense, it’s just that his political beliefs are insane. The Queen of Blades wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell against a typical Kratman protagonist. Heck, the dude could probably charm her raw meat pants off by challenging her to an atrocity competition and winning with embarrassing ease.

Starcraft is Kerry. It’s nothing without her deranged telenovela antics. Nobody cares to make it anything outside of those grating antics. Starcraft 3? She’s gonna come back and do more stupid crap. Assuming Blizzard isn’t bought out again. (Here’s to hoping! :wink: )

So arguing over stupid crap like how an obscure magic plot device works is the height of autistic nerd OCD here. You’re missing the forest for the leaves.

And yet somehow youre confused as to why nobody else seems to want you in their communities.

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You’re nitpicking crap that doesn’t matter. You never saw a brood go out of commission upon a non-void Cerebrate death in SC1 either. Why is it my burden to explain it for SC2?

In the meantime the game is literally showing you that they’re falling down and not burrowing. Yet I’m “outright ignoring” the canon. Give me a break.

Your standard of evidence is ridiculous for others and nonexistent for yourself.

Just ignoring something you don’t like is not a valid freaking debate tactic. I don’t care that you like your explanation better. I have more evidence than you. From the game. Period.

Do the Cerebrates in To Chain the Beast count ?

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We did in fact, actually. In the last mission of the terran campaign in BW, we kill 3 of them to neutralize the broods.

Except my evidence actually exists, while yours outright contradicts explicit canon elements. Reincarnation is a Void power, which Kerrigan cannot use. The game itself treats Kerrigan as mortal. All your “evidence” is, is things that you literally just made up to explain why the game treats her as very killable. You say we don’t have anything more than a voice line, but then we give specific examples and you just handwave them away with more excuses. How long will it go on?

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Cool. In the Brood War protoss campaign they just respawn instantly and nothing else happens. What is your point?

A character saying he did something and the game showing it to you via animation is non existent? Just because you disagree? My god you’re delusional.

Needs citation. That’s just something you made up. The SC1 Torrasque can reincarnate yet there’s no evidence it uses the void.

… That we see an instance where we kill the cerebrate and then its zerg get neutralized. You asked for an example, I gave it. This shouldn’t be hard. Even Marsaro jumped on that one. We see another one in the Enslavers campaign as well, actually (allowing that you play it in the original game engine where you cant make Dark Templar)

Yes, a character declaring something to be true when other evidence shows it not to be does not constitute proof of the character’s correctness.

No, what is made up is that reincarnation is a function of the hive mind. The Overmind explicitly says that his reincarnation is a void ability, which is why the void powers of the Dark Templar can disrupt it.

“These Dark Templar radiate energies that are much like my own, and it is by these energies that they have caused me harm.”

The Dark Templar use void energies, the Overmind uses the same energies as the Dark Templar to reincarnate, Ipso Facto.

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I didn’t really ask for one. Obviously I remember the last BW terran mission, no $hit. I was making the point that the game doesn’t have to show the brood going out of commission, which you demanded must happen. You’re nitpicking stupid crap because you’re grasping at straws at this point.

And the game animation. And the lead designer.

Can you just admit that you’re ignoring evidence because you disagree and that’s the only reason? It’s hypocritical to take your quote as gospel while discarding mine. Again, I think Naktul is talking about the queen of blades’ old ability instead of what is currently happening. Prove me wrong.

The Overmind is the hive mind. And if it’s some biological apparatus that’s responsible for the resurrection, Kerrigan can grow a new one. Because that’s how the zerg work. The reincarnated entity itself though doesn’t have to use the void though. Case in point: Torrasque.

That’s such a ridiculous cop out. The brood going out of commission is an established element even with reincarnation in play, so the onus is on you to demonstrate either that it occurs or explain why it shouldn’t. You don’t get to just demand proof that this is a thing that happens and then ignore it when youre given it.

I have been. The whole time. Youre just choosing to ignore it, and then being immensely hypocritical about it.

Great! Now show that that has happened. Because theres still no proof. “She could have”, “it may have” I don’t care about your speculation. That’s not proof. That’s not evidence. That has no meaning. Congratulations on being able to construct an elaborate alternate reality, but that has nothing to do with whats actually happening in this one and I don’t freaking care about what your imagination chucks out.

Also, the Overmind isn’t the hive mind, because the hive mind continues to exist after the death of the Overmind.

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It literally happens in SC1 all the time, therefore it can happen in SC2. The cerebrate dies and gets instantly reincarnated instead of his brood going out of commission. So wtf are you talking about?

And the last BW mission doesn’t really count anyway because you’re using the psi disruptor.

I’ve given you:

  • A direct quote from a character (who has seen Kerrigan burrow before and can tell the difference)
  • the in-game animation (game showing you exactly what’s happening)
  • An interview from a lead designer
  • An example of another zerg unit reincarnating (Torrasque)

But it’s not evidence? An alternate reality? Has no meaning? You’re beyond delusional. Get a grip. What the actual f*** is wrong with you? -_-

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Oh, sorry. For me obsessively overthinking about this is fun, but if you don’t enjoy it there is no reason you should continue.

We’re free to believe in whatever we like no matter how much other people disagree. This is a game. I can see why some would prefer this theory, it makes sense in my aspect and you are able to chalk up everything to a Hive Mind. If you like this theory personally, even though some small part of it really boggle MY (not your) mind, then just ignore it.

The same can be said about deep tunneling. And this is the heart of my argument. Both theory is possible, albeit unlikely. That’s why I tried to discuss in term of relative unlikeliness. It’s more likely that Kerrigan deep tunneling than two Zerg units capable of perfectly replicate her at any moment.

I already lay out my reasoning, please explain why you don’t agree with it.

Same with everything else! This is why I’m telling you that we just need to know enough. Take dice for example. You don’t know what you would roll, but I’m willing to bet that for any standard cubic-shape dice, you can’t roll higher than or equal to seven. However, if you’re going to try to get it the possible of each face, there is so many parameter involve. No dice, hand and floor is perfect. The odd of each face isn’t one out of six, but one out of six is a good estimation. You’re trying to know exact number when it’s not a requirement.

Just know enough.

Yes, this is because you’re trying to get into too much detail. It’s like trying to measure how corner of a dice is a bit chipped. When ultimately the defect doesn’t matter.

We know that a dog and cat has feeling and conscious. There is a thing called animal brutality. However, we all agree that Kerrigan was blue shirting when she said to Lasarra about killing Zerg is cruel. We all know that they’re mindless killing machine. So the fine detail doesn’t matter just assume that they’re all as smart as a dog.

Not exactly. If we keep going at some point all theory will fail. The best one is the theory that most believable with its failure being considered.

I’m not sure what you mean by not theory, but reason itself. Because the reasoning still work just fine, it’s always the theory that fails.

I’m well aware of deep tunneling issue. Even with that in consideration, I still think it’s more logical.

You will be amaze at what number can do. (In whisper: and what it can’t!) Just give it a shot and see how far reasoning can take you.

Abathur, himself, states that the Zerg shouldn’t be too smart as to pose any threat to the leader. In term of capabilities, the Zerg could evolve to be extremely smart, sure. However, they’re not. Only Brood Mother is somewhat intelligent. What you’re trying to say is that by connecting just two or five mindless Zerg together you got a supercomputer.

Look, as long as you keep saying that it’s possible, albeit unlikely; I’m going to keep stomping on this minimum number. You want to refine this theory? Let us start by increasing this lowest number. Sixteen Zerglings connect to an Overlord is not enough to create a supercomputer, deal?

This is why I said ‘more’ sensible. It’s a relative term. Sure there is some special case; one specific mission that it makes more sense. But in general with all the other missions? Which theory works better should be the more sensible one.

Now, I’m going to grab some popcorn and watch the two titans fought. And poke them!

Same with your reincarnation, buddy. Same with yours. Somehow you think a couple hundred of Zerg can remember exactly what Kerrigan’s brain is at any moment.

Are we playing the same game? At very least, I thought you believe that Kerrigan deep tunneling in Wing of Liberty.

I can warp my mind around it, which is why I think it’s ridiculous.

So is deep tunneling.

How many time must I tell you that I don’t care? I don’t switch my stand on developers’ intent ever since we know each other. What make you think I will change this time?

I fails to see how this logic work. Even if he is preoccupied with something, he should make a comment when it is reported that Kerrigan is defeated.

I’m not sure how is this suppose to work. You deny almost every single evidence I ever brought up to support my case. Saying that a character is wrong or can’t be trusted is a strategy I stole from you. How am I suppose to rebuttal your position if I accept any and all evidence put forth by you?

Anyway, now that you finally join our argument in earnest. Would you please explain how Kerrigan reincarnates? Make sure to explain it clear and coherent so that I can start tearing it down without Straw Man-ing you.

Wait, I brought this up first and you just hand wave it by saying it’s a gameplay thing. Can we just hand wave this off by saying it’s a gameplay thing as well?

Okay, this is absurd at this point. You keep denying my evidence and said that the Cerebrate doesn’t instantly reincarnated. Now, this instant reincarnation is a thing?

Do you even have a rigid stance? Is this why you can’t communicate your point clearly and coherently? Because you don’t have one? Do you switch it on the fly? It’s so fluid that I can never pin it down to one, right?

The Hatchery used to be hers, she should know if it is capable of reincarnation. She is a Zerg who is explaining to you what is currently happened. It’s possible that she is confused, but that need more suspension of disbelief than Warfield. A guy who is a Terran, a solider. To quote Tychus, all the solider needs to know about the Zerg’s biology is that you put the bullet in them and they dies. I highly doubt that he is anymore knowledgeable than that.

Wtf does this mean? If you accept that it happens in SC1 then you can accept it for SC2.

Why are we responsible for giving you an exact number for how many zerg are needed? It could be zero. All you need is a link to the hatchery. What are you smoking? :face_with_monocle:

Are you daft or something? It’s a gameplay mechanic in every instance.

You and Kelthar are making lore arguments against reincarnation when gameplay has nothing to do with lore. That’s your fault, not mine. If you have lore, bring it up or shut up.

Nah. I’m not diving into a rabbit hole with you when you can’t get past rudimentary concepts outlined earlier. Waste of time. :man_shrugging:

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We have been. Your response has literally just been to ignore it.

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Your 1 quote that can be interpreted multiple ways vs my quote, game animation, developer interview, etc?

I have more evidence. You lose.

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