Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

I’ve been in the states for so long I’m basically American. I still like to tell people I’m from Chernobyl as a joke.

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It’s so annoying watching all the ways you find to ignore evidence.

Me: Here’s an interview from the lead designer.
You: Nah. Lore ain’t his specialty.

Me: Here’s a quote from a main character.
You: Nah. He’s mistaken.

Me: Look, here’s a gameplay animation. The game is showing you exactly what’s happening.
You: Nah, it’s an oversight.

Me: Here’s another example of zerg resurrection that could easily apply to Kerrigan.
You: Nah.

This is why debates with you are so freaking annoying. I mean, you gave me a Naktul quote, but at least I tried to work it into my conception of the game instead of just finding some way to ignore it. At what point do you provide more evidence of yours for a change?


We can take a joke unlike other ethnicities.

Ever get any crazy reactions?

While I myself am generally of the mindset that Kerrigan doesn’t reincarnate (as I mentioned in a more detailed post above), an interview from the lead designer saying it’s a thing is a very, very huge deal that can’t be ignored.

@Gradius Is the interview still available to read?

I remember a week ago, a lesbian teenager here in France made a video where she criticized Islam in a trash-y way on a video. Not intelligent at all, but nothing reprehensible by law. She received thousands of hate mails and death and r@pe threats, had to drop school and move elsewhere, and no one outside of the far-right came in her defense. Feminists and LGBT associations reaction was : “Well, that sucks, but she shouldn’t have done that anyway”.

Gosh I hate everyone on the political spectrum.


What does her being a woman or a lesbian have to do with anything? Does it somehow become less stupid of her because she’s LGBT? Like, I get that the responses were entirely out of proportion, but not everything comes down to sexuality.

The point is that teen has done something stupid, but nothing really criminal and she becomes a pariah. And groups that act like crazy in certain situations are way too big wusses to stand up for what they preach.

Her being a lesbian matters, because LGBT groups try to act like protect their whole community. Which is true, unless the part of the community has non-mainstream opinion.

Being part of the LGBT community doesn’t automatically entitle you to have a group that agrees with your every thought and opinion, or who will defend the same. Unless you think the death threats and the like are specifically because she is a lesbian (I honestly don’t know, some people have an amazing capacity to be awful without discrimination), its not an LGBT problem, its a “some people are awful” problem. You might as well complain about PETA not standing with her.

Well PETA is a bunch of Charlie Umrella *ovember Tangos anyway.

I mean we need Marsaro to give us more intel…

My point was that some LGBT groups do act like the community is homogenous. Which it obviously isn’t.

And trust me there were definitely hate threats based on her sexuality. She trashed Islam.

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As far as im aware, being a straight white dude, the whole point of the LGBT community is bonding and support over a specific set of shared circumstances and experiences. You step outside that range, and theyre just people, the same as any other.

This. Conservative muslims are pretty much homophobic and sexist by design, and if someone in those categories attacks their religion, you bet your @ss they aren’t missing on the occasion to call their target a “sl.ut” or a “deviant”. With the r@pe threats to “set her straight”.
Meanwhile all the Muslim organizations in the country have barely paid lipservice to condemn the hate speeches. And then they play the outrage when Islamophobia ramps up.
No sh!t, they compared the Muslims to Jews during WW2, with the Muslim veil being the new Yellow Badge in their own words (Just… no.)


Here ya go. I know how Europe works.

Thing that muslim women either wear deliberately or are forced by their own family/community. Yeah. Totally same as yellow badge.

By the way, watch the language. Homme/Femme Le Mod might still be around.

And you know it went south when it seems the left is basically making blasphemy a criminal offense (with all those “She shouldn’t have said that.” It’s like the “she asked for it” dipsh!t excuse for r@pe) while the right is defending freedom of thought.
I say “it seems”, because when Christianity is insulted, the right still throws a fit while the left say “FrEeDoM oF tHoUgHt”.
I leave the final word to our good old Human Prince who came back today.

“This entire continent must be purged”

More I think about it left-wing and right-wing seem to be lot more flexible in the long run.

Liberals these days are the ones calling for bans and restriction.

Sometimes I feel like the problem with religions is often monotheism. It doesn’t leave a wiggle room for other stuff, it lacks the tolerance to comprehend difference.

Generally speaking.

There’s a solution for all these problems.

Kerrigan and a Tusky have much in common! (my name for her pet ling form HotS)

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Tusky should be the next Zerg co-op Commander.


I dunno. Other religions can go @pesh!t too, like those Buddhist Monks in Myanmar, the Hindu government in India and, historically, the Boxer rebellion. Not to mention that the Dalai Lamas weren’t exactly saints.
I think the main difference tho is that Christianity and Islam (and Buddhism, maybe. Will need Spirit for confirmation) are universal religions. You don’t see Jews trying to convert everyone to Judaism since their religion is for themselves only, and conversion isn’t an easy step from what I heard. The 2 big religions on the other hand think they have a duty to convert their neighbor, and as such will hardly tolerate other faiths (Islam may tolerate other monotheists, but even then only as second-class citizens)

Better than P^thead. Yes, that is censored.