Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

Ok, now we are getting to ridiculous territory.

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Escape how? She has to deep tunnel to get to safety. At best, that means burrowing down into unexplored territory. At worst, it means going out into space. Neither are ideal while healthy, let alone when she’s wounded that badly.

I see we’re at the stage of the debate where you just ignore what I say outright, so let me requote myself:

The swarm is taking over the ship. It’s a difficult concept called “turning around”. I know, right?

Were talking about if she gets wounded to the point where she’s forced to deep tunnel, not superficial damage.

Yes and what’s the problem? Again, is burrowing through tons of sheet rock or metal on the other maps while injured realistic for you? On the psi destroyer map?

What if she cloaks or turns around instead of burrowing? You are disregarding the falling down animations that they specially made for her after all so it’s not like it matters how she gets back to healing.

Yes, burrowing through open space to get back to safety is too much. Its stupid and im baffled that youre promoting the idea. I had thought better of you.

Deep Tunneling is, for better or worse, an ability that both she and other zerg have had in the canon already. Theres no indication that she can actually return from literal death other than an unscripted comment from somebody not even on the writing team responding to an awkward fan question trying to avoid putting other people in a corner one way or another, and its inconsistent with the ability as it has been portrayed in the lore elsewhere.

How about she never even gets close to death unless noted in the script ? It’s not like Naktul or Warfield are saying those quotes at every turn, only when Kerrigan kicks the bucket :confused:

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It’s. Not. Through. Space. Are you trolling me? Just go back and re read my posts at this point. And burrowing through mountains of rock/metal while injured on the other maps is freaking retarded and you know it. How you think it possibly works on space platform maps like Skygeirr or the psi destroyer boggles my mind. And you want to pester me because she does it on a ship? Get real.

Let’s recap all the evidence you’re ignoring again:

  • Warfield clearly stating that he destroyed her. Yet she revived.
  • The specific falling down animation they used even though they already had a burrowing animation for Kerrigan that they could have reused.
  • The Browder q&a.
  • Other units like the SC1 Torrasque having the resurrection ability.

You’ve provided me with a quote by Naktul that Kerrigan burrows back to base, as a human nonetheless… which requires turning off your last functioning brain cell to accept as a valid explanation given that she’s no longer Zerg and it shouldn’t even be possible.

Nevertheless, we already knew Kerrigan has deep tunneled for healing before, but this doesn’t rule out her being able to reincarnate as well. Zerg leaders have historically had the resurrection ability.

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Gradius, what on earth do you think is on the outside of a space ship? They don’t call it that because of its propensity for going through atmosphere. You want to talk about turning off your brain cells? Because that’s the only explanation I can think of for the absolute excrement you’ve been trying to feed me this entire time.

The. Ship. Is. Connected. Via. Leviathan. Tentacles.

Do. You. Under. Stand? -_-

Furthermore, the swarm is on the ship. She doesn’t have to go back to space.

Why is this hard? Why couldn’t you just read this the first two times I said it and get it?

Yeah, sure, ok, she’ll just crawl her way back to a leviathan tentacle while under fire and unconscious and then use that to get back to safety. What was I thinking, theres nothing unreasonable about that at all.

Because repeating it doesn’t make it any more correct the second or third time. The swarm is irrelevant. She’s wounded to the point where battlefield healing cant get her back on her feet. That is literally, definitionally why she needs to retreat in the first place. You seem to be operating under a total absence of understanding of what prompts her to go back in the first place. Hint: it isn’t because she has a stomachache or something equally trivial.

Wat? It’s…your explanation. Are you serious? That’s literally how you must think it works on Skygeirr or the Psi Destroyer.

Burrowing back while injured is freakin stupid. I think resurrection makes more sense and has more evidence.

Thanks for doing my job for me though, I guess.

The game flat out says she’s burrowing. That beats any explanation where you have to extrapolate it. Period. An explanation is given already. If you aren’t satisfied with it, suck it up.

Also, Skygeirr isn’t a space ship, being built into an asteroid, and the Psi Destroyer has sufficient mass that, at the very least, Dehaka can navigate around it through the substructure, so we know its possible.

Yes, Kerrigan can deep tunnel. But that’s not what happened with Warfield. And it’s not my job to rationalize it, it’s your job to accept it and deal with it. :man_shrugging:

Stop denying evidence.

Yes, but shouldn’t this cut both ways? Even deeper for your case. She is too human to deep burrow, but not too human to resurrect?

This is one of the question I asked. Still hoping you’ll address it.

Yes, but didn’t they enters cocoon right where they died? Cerebrate also pop back up (I guess entering cocoon was too much for the engine back then), instead of popping out near Overmind or something.

Something has to store the psionic power of Kerrigan. It is far greater than that of any other Zerg unit. Resurrection - to me - makes far more sense generally but sometimes we do see that. Sometimes it’s not that. Don’t know.

How? All you need for resurrection is a psionic hive mind connection (which human Kerrigan has) and for your DNA to be stored at the local hatchery, which Naktul tells us is the case.

That makes way more sense than a human that can swim itself through rock and metal when injured.

You mean where the Cerebrate respawns instantly? That’s a gameplay mechanic. Imagine how useless resurrection would be if the enemy could only respawn in enemy territory… The torrasque in SC1 respawned at the Cerebrate instead of where it died.

In the queen of blades book, the Cerebrate’s true essence was a yellow ball of light that can escape.

Even human Kerrigan can already burrow, and Naktul doesn’t say anything about her DNA being stored at the hatchery.

According to Fenix, the Cerebrate respawned near instantly, right in front of them.

Yes she does. Go back and look.

No, he said “I shall remind behind”. Wouldn’t have needed to do that if it was instant.

Regardless, I’m pretty sure they can pick where they respawn. Pretty useless ability if it only works in an area that your enemy just captured.

Yeah, and in the next mission he describes the cerebrate reforming before his eyes.

I have. She mentions deep tunneling to heal. Nothing about DNA being stored.