Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

Kerrigan loses to a Carrier in lore. Change my mind.

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I mean, the Overmind lost to a carrier in the lore too. No shame there, carriers are cool.


Just going to throw a rock at the hornets nest here and note that Nova respawns too. Not seeing a lot of argument about weather she is immortal or not.


And what’s even more worrying is that Ursadons hunt in packs.


Does that mean he’s in the same spot? No. Does that mean it was instant? No. So what are you talking about?

She says Kerrigan’s essence is stored in the hatchery. You’re just pissing me off at this point. Go freaking look, I’m not going to do your work for you.

Well the lore behind that is she warps back to base before dying, which is analogous to burrowing back to base before dying.

We’re talking about whether she has Cerebrate resurrection abilities. I think she does because Warfield mentions one time “we destroyed the queen of blades”, which is the opposite of what he said in Wings of Liberty when she burrowed underground.

Plus her death animation in HotS is falling down, not burrowing. The developers already had a burrowing animation for her they could have reused if they wanted to.

Protoss can share visions thru telepathy, too.

In the licensed campaign Retribution, cerebrates take time to respawn. Their brood cannot coordinate as effectively in the interim, making it a viable tactic against them.

The protoss lost Aiur due to writer fiat. I would’ve let them win without dark templar by nuking the zerg with their fleets of solid gold death stars.

According to interviews with Dustin Browder, she does (a transcript should be on sclegacy, cannot link it due to forum software). We get another weakness in this resurrection: it is contingent on having hatcheries around to capture the essence and reconstitute it. If you kill all the zerg organisms that could revive the essence, then the resurrection is worthless.

Yet another reason why the dark templar permakill magic is a cheap lazy plot contrivance.

You could argue, based on the QoB novel depicting Zeratul slicing Zasz’s essence in half, and the Overmind canonically being in the genes of all larvae according to Stetmann’s logs, that the cerebrates could come back because their essences weren’t actually annihilated or whatever. After a retcon renaming cerebrates due to that nonsensical extra-legal arrangement with Games Workshop.

I’ll be honest. I like our forum better when it’s in discord. Pretty inactive and boring otherwise…

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I think DNA and essence pretty much interchangeable with slight differences.

Anyway, are you telling me that human Kerrigan has Hive Mind? Because as I addressed earlier, I doubt that is the case. She could control some Zerg, but that’s nothing special; other Brood Mother could do it. And as far as we know other Brood Mothers don’t have the Hive Mind. (Zagara burrows to safety) I think it’s only with a lot of Zerg shall the Hive Mind emerge; like the Internet.

Just to make sure I understand your proposal in order to prevent Straw man. Are you claiming that Kerrigan literally die and then a whole new body is being spawn at the Primary Hive Cluster, her conscious then being upload to the cloud and then download to her newly create body?

Not to me, though. I’m not saying you’re wrong that still up for debate. However, you’re claiming that she has the Hive Mind all by her lonesome self.

For the burrow theory, it could be that she always burrow away before the injured is too severe that it prevents her from escape. Moreover, she is not human. Not completely ever since the New Gettysburg.

Pretty useful, actually. A bit risky, but you don’t need to walk back into the fray. Beside, it’s more likely that you died at the boarder of enemy territory; not in the middle of their territory.

Yes, and there is that one useless (relatively) passive ability where the last 10 Zergling is being reincarnated at the Hive Cluster as well. I don’t think it’s reincarnation in a sense of the word that we used to. More of a respawn? The Zerg is mindless and there is no need to transfer the Soul? For the lack of better term. Sending a complete information of your mind is a rather very impressive feat.

I understand that there is a lot of gameplay/story segregation, but just dismiss an idea as gameplay off hand is a bit lazy, don’t you think? At least there should be some direct lore contradiction to prove that this gameplay mechanics really in conflict with the canon. There should also be some Doylist reason as to why it has to be that way. Like you could say that it was instantly because the engine can’t handle the Cerebrate being reincarnated over a period of time. Lastly, if there are two competing theory, the one where there is no conflict with the gameplay should be better, right?

Yeah, I kind of think that the Cerebrate is an essence entity house in a flesh that only Void energy could do any real harm to it. It’s my headcanon, but it’s almost like they’re never really being killed.

The game shows pretty consistently that it spawn at the same spot, though. It may not be instantly, but right before his eyes implies that it’s pretty quick like a matter of second or a minute quick.

Yes? How do you think she controls the swarm without access to the hive mind? :thinking:

I’m dismissing it because I have a pile of evidence to the contrary, not because it’s gameplay. Why does everyone always try to weasel their way out of accepting evidence around here?

Plus I don’t care where a Cerebrate is revived. You’re the one that needs to prove that it works the same way for cerebrates as it does for HotS Kerrigan. Otherwise I have no clue what point you’re trying to make.

The witch would have our wells poisoned, our crops burned to ash and our women taken away for her own amusement! I say it’s high time we kill the beast, lads! Onto the pyre!

That to me sounds like semantics. Zerglings might not have a mind or soul to transfer, but Kerrigan does. Name it rebirth or respawning, Kerrigan and a Zergling have relatively little in common.

Considering the retcons regarding Kerry’s attitude to “freeing” the zerg and the enthralled zerg needing cybernetic implants to be controlled (with difficulty)… it’s difficult to say whether the hive mind still allows easy “control” of the zerg. I get the distinct impression that at least some of the newer writers don’t want the zerg to be stuck in Kerry’s shadow forever. Or to be heroic, judging by their body horror unit lore.

Maybe their “soul” is the hive mind itself. I wouldn’t be surprised if that gets retconned to be the case in the future, anyhow.

Using her psionic link. Unless you’re saying that Stetmann had created a machine capable of possessing Hive Mind. Also, every Brood Mother in isolation. Not to mention overlord.

Having the ability to control the Zerg is not enough evidence to claim that you can transfer your complete conscience. It’s like claiming that a remote control for smart television can be used as a modem.

In case you don’t get it, remote control only send a small data which is being translate to order and execute by the television. The modem sends large amount of data to transfer useful information like your entire conscience.

Yes, a pile of evidence that you and only you believe it all to be true. I believe some might be correct, whilst the Emperor disagrees with most. Using stuffs that haven’t been completely accepted to support your stand is like putting cart before the horse.

Basically, you’re saying that assuming that I’m right this piece of contradicting evidence is wrong. No, I haven’t yet successfully proven my point, but it’s very convincing in my head. So, just trust me and disregard this information.

You hadn’t dismissed it on its own merit, yet. This is fine if it’s some minor thing, but this is about how the mechanics of reincarnation works for sentient Zerg.

A bit weird, but okay.

Both Cerebrate and Kerrigan are Zerg. They both are a intellectual being not just mindless drone. They both died (according to you) and reincarnated. They both have Hive Mind (debatable).

The Cerebrate as a sentient Zerg, whom we know to be capable of reincarnation, is a good reference point for how Zerg reincarnation works.

Although, you don’t seem to think that they’re working the same way kind of show that Kerrigan doesn’t reincarnate, right? The Cerebrate reincarnates. Kerrigan’s method is different unless I prove that it’s the same thing. Ergo, Kerrigan doesn’t reincarnate. Provide that I fail to convince you.

I know this one! Thanks to you, I finally understand this. (I knew our years and years of debate count for something!)

It’s because our own idea makes perfect sense in our mind. And because we believe there is only one ‘correct’ interpretation of the lore. That’s why we always think that other people’s point is either wrong or irrelevant. You pretty much do it all the time whenever I try to plea my case and you simply ignore or giving a pretty lame response like ‘it’s non sequitur’.

Just recall every time you dismiss my evidence by simply ignore them. Remember that those evidences are very relevant and make perfect sense in my head. Use whatever your response to that as an answer to your question. Your reason for ignore my point shouldn’t be that much different from ours.

Wouldn’t Stetmann use simple signals and commands through a computer? Not sure what you mean here.


Wrong. Unless you mean something else. We just established that Kerrigan and Cerebrates are similar, not that it would prove they work similarly. I have two arms, I presume you also have two arms, we both understand the concept of lifting up a fifty liter bag of artificial manure, yet we will probably do it differently. But back to the Cerebrate-Zerg point, the Cerebrates and Kerrigan are controllers, they should have a much bigger psionic imprint compared to a Zergling, Mutalisk or Brutalisk. They will most likely not work the same way.

No? If you accept reincarnation it doesn’t mean they do it the same way. Things can be achieved multiple ways, even by using roughly the same method.

Well, there is only one correct answer, but that can only be found via some of the big heads way up at Activision-Blizzard throwing us, hungry chickens, the seeds of knowledge and wisdom.

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Exactly, just because Zergling and Torrasque can do it that doesn’t mean it’s possible for Kerrigan. Moreover, those units are Zerg. If Kerrigan is mostly human per Gradius’, then it doesn’t make anymore sense for her to be able to reincarnation than deep burrow.

Still, priest.

Why would I poison your well? Do you have any idea how much ingredients it would take? The vast amount of water would easily dilute my foul work!

I’m a witch, not a farmer. There is little sense to burn your crop when I can’t monopolize the good. We, witches, have to eat too, you know? What the point of making you hungry and starving right beside you?

Every woman is a witch waiting to be educated. We kidnap her for her own good, trust me. We are freeing our sister from house chore and baby caring. (Not to be confused with baby making, mind you!)

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Yep, ability to control the Zerg by itself is not enough to claim the possession of Hive Mind.

Gradius pretty much saying that because Kerrigan can order some drone and Zergling around, she has access to Hive Mind.

I disagree and saying that it’s not enough evidence.

Will address other issue later.

Well it isn’t the same if you ask me. You don’t need to save the personalities of a Zerg or a Torrasque or whatever it’s called. They don’t have one. The essence of Kerrigan is important to save however.

Well, not exactly. Again, this is just my opinion, but it makes more sense that the Zerg with their fairly advanced biotechnology can “save” the data in Kerrigan’s mind and build a body for her. A human digging through rock and metal at high speed is less likely by any standard I can think of.

The hivemind is not something Kerrigan has. It’s what the Zerg have. The reason why they don’t attack each other frantically is because a hivemind gives them a higher purpose. Kerrigan controls the hivemind and therefore the Zerg.

She does. It isn’t measurable or anything, it’s just a link between each Zerg unit that turns off their need for preserving themselves and their general primal needs, and overwrites it with the greater good of the collective. And Kerrigan has control over it due to her psionic powers and personality.

The Psi destroyer affects her. And she’s Primal, so her DNA isn’t the cause for it :confused:

I don’t think Human Kerrigan would have been affected by the Psi Destroyer. When she was remade, she was remade to be directly integrated into the hive mind. Even before her first infestation though, she was able to “intrude” on it and control small groups of zerg. So being able to connect to it doesn’t necessarily equate to being a part of it.

So in this situation. Kerrigans consciousnesses is preserved through the hive mind until a new body can be spawned for her. The only way to actually kill her would be to sever that connection while killing her current body, like one would a cerebrate. The hiccup is I don’t see why there being no hatcheries in the vicinity would kill her, if her consciousness really resides within the hivemind she should be able to respawn wherever she feels like it, even on entirely different planets.

I guess it tracks. I think it’s dumb and prefer the deep tunnel explanation because resurrection makes the most overpowered character in the setting even more overpowered but shrug.

They really should have left this one as a gameplay mechanic and not touched it narratively.

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But she was remade with Primal essence, and the whole schtick of the Primals is not having the Hivemind integration issue. She shouldn’t be more integrated in the Hivemind than Dehaka is :confused: