Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

She could do it anywhere without network.

I am flattered.

Anyway, it’s not like Kerrigan can’t spawn an army on a whim.

If their troops are all defending the front gate, then the correct location to drop an apocalypse is at the front gate. You guys are making this a lot harder than it would have to be. You don’t wheel your artillery around behind the enemy to flank them, you just shoot it straight at them.

Do you get what I am trying to communicate here? With all the flanking stuff?

If I have 5X worth of troops against 1X worth of troops, instead of rushing all five at them I could use one or two to flank and make my job easier. Because surrounding somebody is always the right idea.

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Yeah. Great. That’s what Nydus worms are for.

Honestly, I really, really think you guys are all reading way too deep on a game mechanic.

Interesting reading the back and forth though.

I’m just saying what I think Skehan is trying to communicate, oh ye, the Grumpy One.

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That’s the thing. They’re not all defending the front gate. The front gate is just where the enemy has the defender’s advantage. The point is to split up their forces to take that advantage away from them.

And Kerrigan isn’t the only zerg troop analogous to artillery. But she’s way more durable than any other troops you can send through a nydus worm. Your glass cannon troops might already tear down the front gate if there’s little resistance, but they won’t survive long spawning right in the middle of the enemy.

On the other hand, you could drop an apocalypse on the front gate and kill a bunch of them, but the rest are going to reinforce the front gates and they’re still going to give you a rough time due to defender’s advantage.

This all started because Kelthar said that Warfield was mistaken about destroying Kerrigan even though really he’s seen her burrow several times and should be able to tell the difference. It’s more than a gameplay mechanic.

If you have the sheer destructive power of Kerrigan, then you don’t want to split them up, because then not all of them are being caught in the blast. If youre about to drop a nuke on the enemy, you don’t lure all their defenders away from the target first, you want to make sure they stay right there.

Defender’s advantage isn’t a thing once you’ve blown their fortifications to hell and back Gradius. Providing it is literally the entire point of the fortifications, and its why you drop your apocalypse on them instead of the randos in the back who aren’t helping with the battle anyway.

I personally do believe he was mistaken, though as I mentioned, I haven’t shut the door on the possibility of Kerrigan having the ability to resurrect as opposed to regenerate.

We’re told in a tutorial-like mission by a Broodmother that she’s deep tunneling. When she’s (mostly) human. And as I mentioned before, I find the idea of a Terran burrowing silly.

Considering this is a game mechanic (Hero unit revival) taken straight from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, honestly, it’s just a mechanic so players will use their Hero unit Kerrigan as opposed to hiding her in their base for the Mission.

Fair enough. It’s about sending the message though. That speed burrow is way top ridiculous.

Maybe, but there doesn’t have to a super well-defended front gate either. It just seems like a good harassment tactic in general. If Kerrigan can burrow miles back to base while injured, she should be employing burrow harassment way way more. Should have at least been used way more on Korhal & Char.

Well then you’ve also got the artists who made her a falling down animation when they could have reused the burrowing animation, you’ve got the game death dialog giving you lore details and explaining Nova’s not dead but Kerrigan is, and then the lead designer tells us that it’s resurrection in two interviews. That’s a lot of lore evidence.

Likewise, they could come out later and say it was burrowing the whole time and I wouldn’t be surprised. But despite being so outclassed in evidence, Kelthar is so dead set on the explanation being burrowing it’s insane. And I quote:

“That’s the end of the story Gradius”

“I don’t care about the rest of your speculation, because an explicit explanation is already there.”

“An explanation is given already. If you aren’t satisfied with it, suck it up.”


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On Char, Kerrigan’s personal strength is minimal. That would just result in her getting wounded. On Korhal, she’s making a pretty straightforward attack through Augustgrad, and has the power to the point where such tactics are unnecessary.

That’s all gameplay evidence. Lore evidence would be her dying and respawning in a cutscene, a character explicitly mentioning her ability to reincarnate, or characters otherwise reacting as if death is cheap for Kerrigan.

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A cutscene is art. Art = lore. It’s like saying the loading screen art for the SC1 interludes are non-canon. It’s a gray area because the art is meant to serve the gameplay, but there’s no reason they couldn’t have just made her a burrowing animation, especially when they had one for the other Kerrigan model.

The game death dialog is talking about lore details, like resurrection and warping back to base. It’s lore. Though it’s possible for something to serve both lore & gameplay.

Dustin Browder was giving an interview about lore details. I don’t even know how you could possibly try to weasel out of that one. :face_with_monocle:

Which would rule out your burrowing explanation then. About to die? Just burrow back to base.

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She didn’t just burrow, though. She deep tunnel. Every Zerg who could do the similar tactic can’t do it repeatedly. Not even Nydus Worm.

Also, her exit is pretty awkward. She uses her feet to dig. Once she arrives and her feet is in the air, she can’t move. She is stuck in the most awkward position and pretty killable.

Apocalypse is kind of suck ability. Too long charge up time. She would be sitting duck and alone for way too long. To be honest, I can’t think of a practical use for that ability without passive clocked.

I have no idea how she could bring any Zerg with her. Except maybe Larva?

Same mechanism regardless. Well Nyduses are there to stay since they work as underground trams. No point in going back.

Since we are doing all this gameplay related stuff now… she can spawn Banelings and Call “Drop Pods”.

I’ll wait for Mar to do a joke, because I am not taking this one seriously.

Yes, and that’s why it’s good thing to debate and listen to each other. If nothing else, you got to see thing from different perspective. You get to see a flaw in your own thought that you will never see for yourself.

This is why it irritates me greatly whenever you just ignore my point.

I think you put too much stock in that. Nothing is concrete irrefutable objective truth here. (Except, maybe, Kerrigan’s evilness.) Even your evidence needs to be interpreted via our opinion’s lens.

And I’m not argue against that. However, it was established clearly that the Spawning Pool will give her a lot of power, if she could survive it. We saw it during the prior mission that the Primal essence give Kerrigan power. A lot of cutscenes also show that the Primal is fascinating.

Anyway, I’m not talking about full reincarnation. You and I, we both agrees that the Zerg can grow a new body for Kerrigan. So how about we grow a bunch of that and throw it in to the Spawning Pool? The evolution of the Queen of Blade should be worth the time and resources.

Because they can’t? Sending in 500 Ultralisk is just a good strategy in and of itself. Support them with a handful of Devourer and they will obliterate everything.

Yes, which is why I typed sending in her clone army, not Kerrigan herself.

Yes, I really can’t see how resurrection making more sense than emergency deep tunnel.

Quantity, sure. But some of your evidence is pretty questionable.

Look, I understand that you like to think that the developers know what they’re talking about when being asked point blank, but they’re human capable of fallacy and it’s also possible that they failed to communicate rightly what they want.

The thing is, whenever part of the interview contradicts the game, we ignore it. We only took part of interview that align with our interpretation of the game. This is bad. If the interview is going to be reliable as an evidence it must be able to withstand some contradictions. That’s what an evidence is! To withstand contradictions and prove that if your disagree with it, you’re wrong. What kind of evidence is it if you only trust it when it already agree with your idea?

Which means same hindrance, right?

Okay, I admit that it sound ridiculous, but that’s how my deep tunnel works. Do you think she could appear head first? If so, how? Both agree that she can’t move horizontally underground.

This is not an issue when she deep tunnel to her Hatchery where she can be pulled out.

This scenario with a “front gate” and a “sooper-dooper boomb” seems so oddly specific.

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