Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

They submerge and emerge through vibration, it’s irrelevant what part of body they use.

Well since this debate is pretty much over I’ll say something nice about the opposing side so people don’t walk away all butthurt.

  • Yes, some of the dialog comes off weird when you consider that death isn’t permanent.
  • Yes, Naktul’s quote and Kerrigan having the burrow ability count as valid evidence.
  • Yes, it was kinda implied that the resurrection ability died along with cerebrates. I don’t think that completely rules out my explanation, but I am reaching on this one.
  • If they came out in the future and said it was burrowing the whole time and not resurrection I wouldn’t be too surprised. I just think resurrection has more evidence and isn’t totally unworkable as an explanation.

Well alright, since were doing this.

  • Yes, Warfield’s dialogue is odd given that he should know better than to think she died just because she vanished.
  • Yes, it is not unreasonable to take Browder as an authority figure here. Clearly the interviewer did.
  • Yes, deep tunneling leaves its own oddities that don’t mesh well no matter how you spin it.
  • If they came out in the future and explicitly said it was resurrection and not burrowing, I would be surprised, but they don’t actually specifically say that she is or is not mortal or immortal under any given circumstance one way or the other. I just think that burrowing causes significantly fewer problems integrating with the rest of the story and serves better as a gameplay handwave.

Beacon of Positivity, heh.


Another thing I thought of over the weekend re: this is that perhaps they did have her use the Burrow animation, but found during testing that it confused people into thinking they accidentally hit Burrow instead of the game unit dying. That’s obviously not a mistake that can be made in “Wings of Liberty” since she isn’t player controlled, and Nova doesn’t have the same teleport animation for any of her abilities when she “dies,” as I recall.

Same concept with the text. Saying she’s “dead” is a universal way of saying the unit died.

Of course, this is all conjecture on my part.

For the lead designer comment, as I’ve mentioned, that’s a huge thing and the reason that, personally, I’m saying it’s absolutely possible that she can resurrect and isn’t just deep tunneling. The same lead designer using resurrection incorrectly with “Wings of Liberty,” and also stating someone else should be asked the lore questions, provides reasonable doubt about his statements though.

Agreed. For both possibilities.

I also found it interesting though that in “Legacy of the Void,” she dies for real in the only mission you control her in, and in the others if she’s “killed” she never comes back, but clearly isn’t dead. Her ability isn’t the most consistent, which is another reason I’m leaning more on the game-mechanic front.

Not really if she is killed by the Tal’darim. And the Moebius probably imbutes their weapon with Void energy. The only thing that questionable is the Construct attack. (Yes, I think about this scenario, too, but decide not to bring it up since it can’t prove anything. Same with Hybrid at Skygeirr; the damn thing use Psi Blast not Void Blast…)

In the mission you control both her and Artanis, if she dies, you fail the mission regardless of who or how she dies.

I absolutely agree with you, I wouldn’t even join this, but this burrowing stuff got way too frickin’ ridiculous.

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In that mission there’s no nearby hatcheries and a bunch of void energies/weapons that would mess up resurrection.

Burrowing should still be an option tho.

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Conceivably, but Amon is in there actively destroying the shrines. Reincarnation or burrowing or warping out, if one of them has to retreat, they’ve already lost anyway.

I actually can’t recall, does the game unit have “Burrow” in that mission?

Deep tunneling is technically possible, but to where? The place is a maze, she could get lost underground and dies.

You should join us more, Brother. If there is one thing we can’t get enough of, it is the different perspective from various cultures.

You get enough of that in BA35

No way, Brother! I would never get enough of you!

This calls for some innuendos.


Yeah, Kerrigan deep tunnels to the void xD

Conclusion, Kerrigan survives against all capital ships because she deep tunnels?

——> Blow up the planet, problem solved.

Makes you wonder what the whole HoTS was for - oh wait, Mengsk is on the planet

Otherwise he would fire the missile, fire it again, fire them all!

One of the common nitpicks here is that Kerrigan could have just assassinated Mengsk instead that whole roaring rampage of revenge which cost countless lives.

“Kerrigan wants to kill Mengsk for revenge”

Sounds more like the pitch for a Starcraft:Ghost game than for a RTS campaign, especially a Zerg one.