Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

By deep tunneling? Is she going to squeeze zerglings through one at a time, making however many trips she has units?

Doesn’t matter. If it’s a nydus worm we’re talking about, she can squeeze through a crap ton.

But we saw her take down marines and a bunch of vikings in a cinematic in one swoop. The worst case scenario is she pops in, lays down an apocalypse nuke, and if things are too hairy, retreat. If not, keep doing damage while your ultras bust down the front door.

Seems like a way better tactic than just rushing headlong into their best defenses, at least to me. Besides, weren’t you always telling me that she cares about the lives of her zerg? That’s why she didn’t want to make her job harder and had to destroy all the industrial worlds instead of just her target (Korhal). Or that’s why she couldn’t land in the palace, etc. I agree that the lives of zerg are meaningless but I think you should stand by those previous statements.

Its not a Nydus worm were talking about. its Kerrigan personally deep tunneling.

And i’ll ask again, is there some advantage to doing this from the rear, while under fire, instead of from the front from behind the cover of your swarm?

You do both at the same time.

Why? What advantage do you gain? The gate is being blown open either way.

You’re asking why is it advantageous to attack somebody from the front and a rear?

All across the desert lie plenty of old, crumbling monuments, their broken and rugged edges reminding anyone with a knack for philosophy of the unavoidable fall, yet the horse moved on, unmoved.

Im asking why its advantageous to deploy a bomb from the rear.

Ah, well, not entirely sure about that. It’s not like they can stop said bomb.

Yeah, that’s the point. Its going off in the same area no matter which side you deploy it from.

It allows you to access angles that would not be possible from the front, units that would be out of range, disrupt the formation of the enemy.

That’s good in theory, but Kerrigan doesn’t really assault strongholds defended like that except on Char. Korhal is the only place we really see that tactic come into place, opening up the new attack paths for the Swarm in the last mission, but her base is already on the flank there.

@Brother Rainbow

My guess is that her ability to deep tunneling has cooldown. So she can’t just deep tunneling in and then bail out. And during those time down time she is susceptible to just die…

deep tunnel*

that time*

just dying/being killed*

She’s burrowing, she’s not doing fancy psionics.

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That’s good in practise as well, because in this reality she has no ability to do this.

Im not sure what you mean.

I think he’s saying Kerrigan doesn’t live in a reality where she can burrow insane distances like that, whether offensively or for healing.

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Maybe, but then his “that’s good in practice too” comment doesn’t make any sense. Being unable to deep tunnel to flank in the first place makes flanking via deep tunneling significantly less viable as a tactic.

This deep tunnel flanking works in your reality where Kerrigan burrows to safety.

I mean, it “works” in as much as its technically a thing she could do yes. It doesn’t work in the sense that it gains her any real advantage to doing so. If she’s going to flank for any reason, she will use a nydus worm so that she can bring in more troops with her.

Her troops would be lambs to the slaughter though. It’s a different story with her because she’s a veritable demigodess.

Burrow in, use apocalypse. You’ve destroyed forces that would otherwise be helping to slaughter your attacking force at the front gate and you’ve also diverted attention away from the front gates. If Kerrigan thinks she can do even more damage then the battle is over that much faster. If she can’t, she rejoins her main forces and tears down the front gate with ease.

On top of that, yes, zerglings or even hydras can pour through one at a time to back her up. Pretty amazing tactic tbh.