Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

Nydus Worm Acid cant melt neosteel beams?

I dunno, how deep are those beams anyways ? Most Terran building are designed to be lifted, so…

Im joking. Its a reference to a relatively well known American conspiracy theory that the 9/11 attacks on the WTC were deliberately orchestrated by the government because they allegedly had to contain chemicals you wouldn’t find on a passenger plane in order to inflict the kind of damage that occurred. The actual line is 'Jet fuel cant melt steel beams". In the modern year, its basically used to indicate that somebody is stupidly speaking in ignorance, because studies have since specifically proven that ignited jet fuel can in fact damage steel beams to the point of destruction after you beat them half to death with a plane first.

I suppose the real answer is “because then the ground is just made of Nydus Worm carcasses instead of dirt, and nothing changes”.

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I see. In that case, would you please making fun of me? I needed these small fun interruption to give this going.

And also, because you helps point out interesting issue for me to ponder.

Not you, this debate in general. Of all the odd choices of life support for this forum this is the one debate I find brain-degrading.

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She can get in, Spawn Banelings and bail out.

She can call in Drop Pods to support her infiltration.

She is also Primal Queen Bit^h of Universe later on. Between Chain Reaction, Mend and Kinetic Blast she is a One Woman Army.

Your lack of creativity is astonishing.

Do you prefer topics with redheads meddling in ?

Cuz I could in theory roleplay one if you want. In practice I’m way too lazy right now to beat WoL campaign on Brutal mode on US servers :confused:

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Ok, but then why does she need to infiltrate? She can just punch down the front door and annihilate them. As you note, she isn’t a ghost anymore, she doesn’t need to rely on subterfuge as a force equalizer, she already has more than enough without having to go through the extra steps.

Because you don’t have to go Soviet Union all the time.

It’s a way to bypass annoying defenses, chokepoints and fortifications.

Are you suggesting that Kerrigan would deliberately make her fights harder out of boredom?

It’s just not it when I know you are not dumb.

Well you’re suggesting that she can bail out by tunneling away every time she is in a pickle, so she’s not making it harder.

She can just turn into a Whack-a-Mole from Hell which burrows up and down Kinetic Blasting everything dangerous to damn smithereens before it has a chance to react.

And how is that not harder and slower than just pointing a few ultralisks at them?

Those two actions are mutually exclusive?

You can flank them You Heretical Alien Piece of Unliving Machinery.

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To what end? Kerrigan would just be exposing herself to danger for no extra gain. Its not like she somehow cant point her psionic nuke at them from the front.

My perspective is that resurrection wastes time and resources, and that there’s nothing to gain from letting her die. Same reason they only sent one Torrasque in BW rather than 500 “until it evolves”. Given that she’s an army unto herself, having her absent from the battlefield for long periods is disadvantageous. I can’t imagine it being a fast process in lore.

See everyone has an opinion. That’s why actual evidence trumps these little arguments of ours. I’m going to keep dragging the debate back to evidence, sorry.

It’s my explanation you don’t like. I clearly have more quality and quantity of evidence. If you at least admitted that i would try to put forth my guess on how it works exactly.

I got an idea.

Let’s start writing a story.

Each one of us makes a sentence, waiting for the other one to follow up.


Across the barren desert gallops a horse.

No she wouldn’t because in that reality she can instantly traverse insane distance through solid ground.

Ok, but she’s still by herself in the middle of the enemy fortifications. Her ability to get out doesn’t mean they cant force her out, and to go back and heal. If your plan of attack relies on Kerrigan dropping a bomb on their defenses, then having them drive her off before she can do that is detrimental to the attack.

She can bring troops with her. :man_shrugging: