Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

That’s true.

Ever seen goats bashing heads?

And phockin’ blah-blah. Begone!

Because that’s not how it works? As soon as you turn to tunnel horizontally you’ll have a part of the planet come crashing down on you.

Plus we apparently love putting gameplay mechanics into this conversation for whatever reason, so if she can’t move she can’t move. Roaches can, so it is possible.

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Oh, really? It would be nice if you explain why is that instead of just ignore it. I don’t know what in your head, by just ignoring it you failed to demonstrate how wrong I am and how dishonest you are. (Leave your opponent’s point untouched and pretend it’s wrong is dishonest. That maybe not how you think, but that’s what happens.)

I would really love to live inside your head. It must be quite an interesting place.

Your theory is that she can be resurrected, right? From your point of view, stepping into the pool shouldn’t kill her. At least not permanently. Because she should be resurrected. She could die and then being resurrected. That’s your theory.

That’s why Abathur’s word make no sense under your theory. He shouldn’t protest. If anything, he should be excited about sending her in die and send a new one over and over until she evolves.

Mine is that she can’t be resurrected and can be killed for real. From my perspective, the statement is accurate. Why do I need to prove that it’s not?

And go back in over and over. Abathur shouldn’t be protest against it. As I typed earlier, that’s how Zerg pressure themselves to evolve.

Yes, but your competing possibilities contradicts each other, which means it can not be right simultaneously.

Err, no… In reality, it’s me who destroyed your resurrection explanation. You just admit yourself that we not enough information to defend your own speculation from us.

Kerrigan is not human. The game shows that she can burrow consistently.

And yes, it would be nice not to let her take so much damage until she is out of commission for a while. However, the same can be said with your resurrection. Running back to base is better than letting her died and then you have to waste time and resources on her resurrection.

Which I did. They contradicts each other, which means they can’t be right at the same time.

Like using fancy word to distract us from the fact that you didn’t really defend my argument? Yeah, I learnt from the best.

Well, that’s not how it works. Ever see mole and worm and whatnot tunneling through the earth?

Or better yet, go to the beach. Make a sand mountain. Dig a hole through it and you’ll see.

You mean that a tiny mole will make as much destruction while it is tunneling as a person would who’s somehow burrowing legs first at a high speed? I ain’t buying it.

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Yeah, you got me. The speed has been an issue that I can’t solve…

And yet, that’s exactly how it happens. How do you think we drill a whole through mountain and the like? We drill a hole straight in and build a reinforcement structure after it. At least that how we use to do it back in the day.

And which part is missing from the fantastical burrow?

Actually, when it comes to burrowing animals, their dens collapse all the time. They just dig out new holes as necessary. Theres a groundhog who lives under my shed that, no matter how many times we brick over the entrance to his den, he makes a new one somewhere else.

The part that this tunnel is much smaller. And the fact that it can collapse almost instantly; there is no need to left it behind for further use.

Perhaps she doesn’t do all the work herself. She could just burrow as deep as she can and wait for a nydus worm to recover her.

Or perhaps there is some specialize Zerg unit waiting under her feet. All she has to do is burrow down and it will grab her.

I almost want to say that we don’t have enough information on how it works exactly and weasel my way out of all issue…

That’s all posh and dandy, but there is still zero explanation for speed.

And if you can do that why doesn’t she speed burrow into enemy base to drop some pods and then just bail out.

Assumption that she would do this only once she dies is honestly broken.

Way too much use of the word perhaps, maybe, probably.

Just weasel out and say burrowing is BS, while you don’t buy Gradius’ explanation at the same time, because you find the evidence for his claim lackluster or something.

Because the game didn’t give us access to nydus worms I=(

More seriously, we do see worms and drop pods dropped on the enemy base. Frequently. Typically while she’s punching down their front door.

Well I don’t see her doing that.

You are really reaching there.

It’s a cool concept, yes it sure is. But it is completely unfounded.

Doing what, deep tunneling in and unleashing the drop pods? Im legitimately not sure what it is youre asking to be explained right now.

No Zerg, outside of Nydus Worms has the tools to burrow this rapidly fast and appear at another side of the map.

A) Kerrigan is not a Nydus Worm.
B) If she were she would be using this form of travelling, which is somehow faster than her regular movement speed on the ground to travel inside enemy bases and wreak havoc. We don’t see her doing that.

Kerrigan burrowing like this is dumb and I cannot bear this argument any longer unchecked.

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Swarm Hosts can, with the specific evolution. I think Dehaka, oddly, also demonstrates this ability on Zerus.

Why would she do that? She cant take her swam with her, and whether she reincarnates or deep tunnels she’s still able to be shot down and forced out. If she wants to flank the enemy, she has Nydus Worms that don’t have that flaw.

Sorry, I mistype. The speed is one issue that I can’t deal with. The animation is fine, because I can overlook it.

Have I irritated you, Brother? I do realize that our debate has devolved into shouting match and insult.

I know that the deep tunneling is flawed and imperfect.

I don’t buy Gradius’ explanation because I find his evidence to be lackluster and it raises too many unanswered questions with the story. And also because of vanity… Lot and lot of vanity…

I know you just making fun of me, but this is another good point. For planet like Char, deep tunneling could be dangerous. She could dive into a lava pocket and dies.

Also, for space platform like Skygeirr, who knows what kind of hazards she could dig into?

It’s at this moment that I wonder why the Zergs don’t just use their Nydus Worms to collapse the ground their enemies are standing on :crazy_face:

That wasn’t my intention Gunblade :confused: