Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

And how’s that?

You know I think that it’s not her skill, but that of the collective.

The lore is full of inconsistencies and retcons. It’s impossible to get an accurate explanation of how the hive mind works. Its nature changes depending on the writer.

In Loomings, feral zerg are smart. In Episode II, feral zerg cannot be reclaimed. In Episode VI, feral zerg default to the control of the nearest leader. In Enslavers and Episode V, you can drug a zerg leader to control their brood. In SC2 Kerry has to petition the zerg for help and Cerberus has to lobotomize the individual zerg to control then.

It’s not consistent.


Whatever you mean? It was stated via game and pretty much all official material that she isn’t fully human. The Cartoon. The book. Calling her human is fine as long as you remember that she is far from being a full human.

Are you trying to make a case for Kerrigan to be human prior to the Spawning Pool?

In other word, the resurrection is more of a thing that being done to her. Yes, I’m aware of that. Nevertheless, it doesn’t effect my point one way or the other.

Are you finally agree with me that she can’t do it alone or with help of some small Zerg? The collective sounds awful lot like you’re warming to my emergence idea.

I never disagreed with that?

Absolutely correct. As I mentioned, I’m not dismissing his comments or dismissing the whole idea at all. The lead designer saying such carries a lot of weight.

Given that in the Gamespot interview he’s stating something that’s incorrect in the same sentence, and in the SC Legacy one he’s stating they really should be asking another specific employee about lore, I do think that provides merit for reasonable doubt, despite him being the lead designer.

Well that’s the thing, isn’t it. If Browder is right, then Warfield is clearly wrong. It’s a shame Browder commented on “Wings of Liberty” as he did.

That’s true, we did. Perhaps they thought better of implementing such lore-tie in’s with those Mission Packs? The game had a different lead designer and a different lead writer for “Nova Covert Ops,” as I recall.

The Torrasque is not, correct. As I understand it though, it’s the Cerebrate, through the Overmind, doing the resurrection, and the Overmind uses Void Energy for such things. It’s not the hive mind or the Zerg structure itself doing so.

Right, but as I understand it, Zeratul killing Zasz or the Cerebrate’s on Aiur towards game’s end, his use of Void Energy prevents the Overmind from resurrecting the Cerebrates and such an occurrence is a massive shock to the Overmind itself, that it’s basically in a state of shock. It’s not that void energy is traveling through the hive mind, it’s that its use cancels out the ability to use it to bring the Cerebrate back.

Anyway, as I mentioned, I do think this whole overall discussion is one that’s read far too much into a gameplay mechanic. I don’t believe there will be a satisfactory lore answer for all as I don’t think one exists. Just like human Kerrigan being able to burrow, and shooting lightning from her hands. I personally think that’s super silly lore-wise, and it would have been better to have her have Cloak and her rifle.

For my own part, I’m not closing the door on Kerrigan’s potential to resurrect at this point in the story, but I do believe she does not have this ability. The story regularly re-enforces that she’s mortal (both when human and the Primal Queen of Blades), that she could truly die, and much of that would be moot if lore wise she was immortal.


I have game dialog, art, interviews, etc while you have virtually nothing. Sorry, but evidence is more important than your half-assed attempts to weasel out of providing your own.

Repeat after me.

I. Am. Giving. Multiple. Possibilities. Because. There. Is. No. Extra. Information. On. Ressurection.

You didn’t catch me in any contradictions, you’ve just demonstrated a failure to see the bigger picture: that the exact specifics are tangential and don’t matter as much as all the freaking evidence I’ve piled at your feet that you incessantly ignore due to dishonesty.

Your obsession with having only one singular explanation when in fact there could be multiple borders on the autistic. Please learn to deal with multiple possibilities.

Spirit: How does resurrection work here:
Gradius: Well, it could be x or y, among other things.
Gradius: Go check yourself into the insane asylum.

Why do you keep changing the subject and bringing everything back to this? Yes, I agree there’s inconsistencies and retcons. Have you noticed that’s not what we’re talking about?


I think the obsession with Kerrigan causes more harm than good. Starcraft lore is stagnant and uninteresting because of Blizzard’s great men and mary sue characters.

Gradius, do you legitimately not understand that the fact that you keep responding with “well it could be a lot of things” is a terrible weakness in your stance? We don’t care what you think it might be, we care what you can demonstrate that it is. Your speculation isn’t proof. I can prove with 100% certainty that Kerrigan can burrow as a human, because I can go into the game and click the burrow button on her hero unit and she will burrow. That’s proof. I cant say how exactly that works, but it doesn’t matter because it does inarguably work. I don’t care how many times you call it stupid, because no matter how many times you say that, it wont stop be from being able to go into the game and click that burrow button. Its like calling it stupid that High Templar can cast psi storm.

Meanwhile, you cant do any of that. You cant go into the game and show us where it says the hive mind is responsible for reincarnation, because it doesn’t say that. You cant go into the game and say that Narud can get around reincarnation with his void powers because it doesn’t say that. You keep speculating deeper and deeper to try and create some bizarre alternate canon where these things work, but at the end of the day, its all speculation with no support. Youre building an inverted pyramid and keep getting surprised when it doesn’t stand upright.

Time for another evidence recap:

  • Warfield has seen Kerrigan burrow in WoL multiple times. Yet in HotS he says he killed her.
  • The game text says “Kerrigan has died. She will be revived.” For Nova it says she avoided lethal damage. It’s telling you exactly what happened.
  • The animation is her falling down and dying, not burrowing. They already made a burrowing animation for Kerrigan though, so you can’t weasel your way out of ignoring this as if it was some oversight.
  • The Lead Designer tells us how it works in two separate interviews.
  • Other units that don’t use the void like the Torrasque have been explicitly resurrected, therefore it can happen to Kerrigan.

What you have so far is one Naktul quote that doesn’t actually make any sense because Kerrigan had most of her DNA stripped and her skin went back to normal.

I vastly outnumber you in evidence, yet the arrogance that you’re still correct regardless hasn’t abated, even a little. :thinking:

Why? Because I’m giving you too many scenarios where I’m correct? And yet neither of you want to explain human burrowing, which is pretty hypocritical. I have an explanation that works for a human, whereas burrowing doesn’t.

Hell, you guys are saying she can’t even regenerate limbs with this explanation. At least ressurection actually accomplishes what it’s meant to: recover from grievous bodily harm. Your explanation is no better than having her run back to base.

I’ve given you plenty of explanations that you haven’t sufficiently countered. Spirit getting mad that there’s more than one explanation because he can’t deal with more than one thing at once isn’t actually a counterargument or evidence.

Thank you. Finally got you guys to admit it.

It doesn’t matter though. When Kerrigan is the primal queen of blades she can burrow too and yet Warfield still says “we destroyed the queen of blades”. Her having a burrow ability doesn’t disqualify all the other evidence I’ve put forward, even if she can resurrect and burrow at the same time.

The burrow button is just irrelevant. If you want to make an argument from gameplay, I have more evidence that outweighs your burrow button (death dialog, art, lead designer interview, etc).

It just sounds like you think your opinion should trump mine because you’re entitled to it. Let’s be real, I could bring in 10 more quotes and references, and you wouldn’t care, would you? That’s not how you run debates.


Yeah, im done with this. Your dishonesty is mind numbing. I expected better of you, but apparently your ego is more important to you than an honest examination of the information. If youre going to straight up lie to our faces like this, then im going to treat you like a liar and assume you have nothing of value to say.

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To you it may be uninteresting, but we are clearly finding enough merit to go at one another. So why don’t you let us without trying to repeat how much you dislike StarCraft’s story for the 100th time?

Can she move while she is burrowed?


I’ve never had a debate where the opposing side has so little evidence in comparison yet is still so arrogant about the validity of their position.

Simply put, when I outnumber you in evidence so much, it’s not my job to answer every trivial background question about how ressurection works if there’s no information on it. It’s my job to provide you with every possibility and your job to disprove each and every single possibility. I did that all the time back in the Wings of Liberty days, and you should be able to do it for me.

Not really and definitely. Not at this speed.

There is a reason why only Roaches and Infestors move underground with impunity.

What I love is how devoted he is to a story he qualify as garbage from beginning to end. It would be akin to me spamming Twilight forums to present a Twilight fanfic while bashing on the actual material :crazy_face:


Wow, you really don’t see it. Okay, let me simplify it for you.

Kelthar/Spirit: Question 1
Gradius: Well, it could be X or Y, among other thing.
Kelthar/Spirit: Question 2
Gradius: Perhaps, Y or Z, among other thing.
Kelthar/Spirit: Question 3
Gradius: Oh, it’s A or B, among other thing.
Kelthar: Question 4
Gradius: It’s C or D, among other thing.
Spirit: But, Gradius, X and Y contradict A and B.
Gradius: It’s how multiple possibilities works, deal with it.

Look, I’m fine with not enough information to pin point one answer. You can have multiple working theory that’s fine. As long as you can prove that there is a number of them that can answer ALL the question.

The problem with yours is that no single explanation that you put forward can answer everything. With X, you might be able to answer 1 and 2. With A, you might be able to answer 3. But then X and A are mutually exclusive, which means even with X and A you can’t answer everything. There is at least one hole that you can’t defend.

If you’re saying that there is a group of answers {α,β,γ} that can answer everything by itself, then yeah, the fact that α and β contradicts each other doesn’t matter. You have a number of theory. You can’t pin point which one because there is not enough information. And I have to deal with it. YOU DON’T HAVE THAT.

You have multiple answer each working in some scenario. None working all the time. And each contradicts each other. As such, you got nothing, but speculation that didn’t even work.

I was making fun of you. Although, the more I think about it the more sense it makes.

Only because you ignore all of our rebuttal. We have already discredited everything on your list except for the animation. I really don’t get this strategy of yours. People explain clearly why your evidence has no credibility. You ignore them and pretend it still does?

We just returning the favor. You did the same for us with your multiple answer that can’t defend any of our poke.

Well, she move from above ground to below ground. You can utilize that to deep tunneling.

Which we did. By explaining that each possibility contradicts each other and that not a single one can answer everything. All your speculation must suffer from one issue or more. There are all wrong.

I’m no miner, but I don’t see how.

Did he nail him? Yes.
Is Kelthar going to care? No.

I know how he thinks by now. :man_shrugging:

  1. No you didn’t. Your rebuttals basically just consist of “nah I disagree” rather than anything concrete. Like… you still haven’t even demonstrated how Abathur’s statement of “you’ll die if you go in the pool” is inaccurate. She can die…and get resurrected. Please point out where the actual contradiction is before I lose any more respect for you. Again: competing possibilities are not contradictions.

  2. In reality it’s me who destroyed your burrowing explanation. You still have nothing that can explain how a human can do it let alone what makes it better than just running back to base.

It’s your job to demonstrate how they’re mutually exclusive and that they’re all impossible. You haven’t even really begun that process. You’re just whining that there’s multiple avenues open to me about how resurrection works.

Look, I get it. You don’t have evidence, so you’re trying to shift the focus of the debate to trivial bull$hit, hoping that I get caught in some sort of contradiction talking about things on which no information has actually been released.

Nice diversionary tactic (red herring fallacy) but it’s pathetic you think that would work on me. Pretty sure anyone could see through this transparent attempt to talk about literally anything other than the evidence.

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The arguments are repetitive and go nowhere. I don’t see how you guys can have fun doing this. Masochism and morbid fascination perhaps, but not fun.

Also, while I dislike the narrative trajectory of the games, I do like the premise. I think it could have worked out much better with a focus on factions and politics… rather than the interpersonal drama of a few characters that magically determines the fates of the quintillion people living in the sector.

But the well’s poisoned and my only recourse is to write an original setting that, at best, I could publish as an insert for a simple board game. Despair, despair, despair.

Well, if she can dig down from the surface, she can keep digging downward, right?

Depends on how deep is the planet’s crust I suppose :crazy_face:

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