Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

Doesn’t work that way. Or Cerebrates/Overmind would have used to that to defend themselves from dark templar. You’re literally just making crap up.

The void burns you out of the hive mind.

They’re both non void users that get resurrected. Good job.

There’s two separate interviews. In no way is the sclegacy interview invalid. I didn’t even know about the gamespot interview where he misspeaks, but the sclegacy interview is crystal clear about the subject.

Unless you’re trying to tell me Browder is wrong about everything in every interview because he misspoke one time? That’s freaking retarded.

Regardless, what Browder described in 2 separate interviews is what’s in the game. Deal with it.

Yep. :+1:

Sure, why not? Or it puts her to sleep and prevents her from activating the reincarnation.

More importantly, doesn’t really matter because even with reincarnation she can die if she goes in the pool like Abathur says. If you have evidence that it’s not permanent, then bring it up like I’ve been waiting for for like 50 years.

Well at least you got one thing right.

But what do you want, a 10 page essay about how zerg reincarnation works? Sure let me go to the effort of doing that for you when in the meantime you keep denying dialog, art, interviews and all other forms of evidence while providing none of your own. What a waste of keyboard strokes.

You are awfully uncharacteristically optimistic if you think there will be a successor.

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The developer of Loria just offered to join the “Warcraft Revival” project. He has a lot of groundwork done because he was working on a 3D RTS already. So the chances of this project working out have skyrocketed.

Which is serendipitous after A Year of Rain disbanded its team shortly before Reforged launched.

Okay, so are you now telling me that Kerrigan is revived with the same method used by Cerebrate/Overmind? I though it was the Torrasque’s method. Do you see why I need a concrete concept from you? Your stance change so fluidly…

Either, she is revived like Cerebrate or she is revived like Torrasque; pick one. You are wrong on at least one front. It would be nice to know which.

This is so dishonest. Do you know that I lost count on how many time you invent crap up to weasel your way out of defeat? I thought it was acceptable practice.

Wait what? Isn’t she just suppose to revive like a Cerebrate/Overmind not a single paragraph or so ago? It’s self-conflict thing like this that make me think you have nothing but baseless argument.

Regardless, being non Void who is being resurrected by someone else means nothing. They could still using a different method of resurrection.

Yeah, that doesn’t negate my point at all, though…

Now, that’s just Straw Man and you know it.


Are you telling me with a straight face that Abathur has problem sending Kerrigan into the first Spawning Pool over and over until she evolve?

Okay, now you just being silly.

This is a joke, right? I wonder why nobody tried to kill any Zerg under influence…

If you can’t explain your theory otherwise, sure. Although, you could just confirm that she is revived the same way that Torrasque was. Or Cerebrate/Overmind. Or Brother BartFitz’s Or whatever you make up.

We never saw her killed by dark templar, so…

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Wow, another critical thinking failure. There’s literally no contradiction. So what that they’re different? Where is the evidence that Torrasque’s brain can be frozen moments before its death? It’s literally something you pulled out of your butt and it’s not my job to defend your made-up on the spot claim.

I’ve given you an example of a unit that doesn’t use the void being reincarnated and it’s your job to supply me with counter evidence instead of making crap up. Otherwise I’m done talking to you.

Thats not how debates work. I don’t need a theory. We’re not arguing about theories, we’re arguing about whether Kerrigan uses burrowing or reincarnation. I’ve provided dialog, art and interviews that it’s reincarnation. That’s all you need to know.

There is not enough information about it to create a solid theory, and I’m not giving you the courtesy of making something up to satisfy your idle curiosity when you keep denying basic evidence and facts from the game, telling me I have “nothing”. You would evaluate anything else I tell you in a similar dishonest manner.

Furthermore, it could be a
combination of all of our theories instead of just one, or it could be none of them because the way resurrection works has changed in 4 years. Why the hell should I commit to one when there’s not enough information on it? No thanks. Your entitlement is insane.

Also, wheres your burrowing theory? You believe Kelthar’s fast vibrating ghost suit? That’s just so utterly nonsensical that I would prefer if your explanation was just that she ran back to base to heal.

As usual, all the burden of proof is on me and I’m always the one supplying evidence, while you and Kelthar feel entitled to winning the debate because you disagree.


Abathur specifically says it uses the Void to reincarnate. You even showed the quote yourself. Try again.

Yeah, that’s kind of how it works when youre the one making the outlandish claim in contradiction to the facts established by the game.

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The quote literally says the Overmind provided energy that can be taken from breaking down tissues. The void doesn’t come from organic tissue matter. You are not this oblivious. -_-

“Once, provided by Overmind.”

What energy does the Overmind use again?

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Read that bolded part, multiple times if necessary. Void comes from space, not from devouring tissues with a compound.

Maybe the Overmind did supply void for the process, but this clearly isn’t proof of that. If anything this would show you don’t need the void for reincarnation.

God your dishonesty is mind boggling. Here I thought you had an actual quote that mentioned the void. Or is your reading comprehension really this bad?

Im sorry, you were talking about the SC1 torrasque the entire time. You were pretty clear about using the SC1 torrasque in particular. You in fact made special emphasis on this. So you don’t get to now be talking about the SC2 torrasque (which they couldn’t be using to reincarnate Kerrigan anyway, given the timeline). Own your statements Gradius.

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Your quote literally mentions nothing about the void. You can’t make stuff up.

Furthermore, Kerrigan is being revived by a hatchery. She herself doesn’t have to use the void. You tried to use that quote as some bizarre excuse that Kerrigan has to be a void user. Still don’t get your thought process there.

Use. Your. Brain.

The Overmind’s energies are void energies. The Overmind himself says so.

Using the Void is the only way that zergs have been demonstrated to reincarnate prior to the ultralisk evolution mission. Since Kerrigan cant use the void, that means she cant be using it to reincarnate, and since they don’t have any other methods of doing so prior to the ultralisk evolution mission, she cant be reincarnating.


Except that quote literally demonstrated it doesn’t have to be the void. And if it does, that’s the hatchery’s job, not Kerrigan’s.

A whole host of baseless assumptions that aren’t evidence. Repeat after me.

The. Reincarnated. Unit. Doesn’t. Have. To. Use. The. Void.

You’re saying the Overmind provided void energy for the Torrasque, but a hatchery can do the same thing for Kerrigan. If you want to completely ignore the quote where Abathur told you that it also could have been chemical energy the whole time too.

It doesn’t have to be, but they don’t have any other source. You can tell, because the ultralisk mission is literally them getting an alternative source of energy to use.

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How many Capital Ships do you need to kill Kerrigan?


On Dragonball GK!


only one at sufficient speed

someone forgot that the zergs are void user, their hive mind is based on e void from there that is effective against them and kerrigan is a zerg, even opening worm hole as the overmind

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Can you provide your source for this? Outside of the Overmind, I’ve never once seen a reference anywhere that any Zerg uses Void Energy.

The only reason the zerg use the void is because Amon uses the void and he created the Overmind, Cerebrates, hive mind, etc. The default assumption is that all zerg use the void. At least for the psionic functions.

No, the ultralisk evolution mission is them finding a work-around for the normal reincarnation process and making a new Torrasque strain. They found a more efficient way to reincarnate, whereas before it required energy directly from the Overmind.

However, it doesn’t follow that regular Torrasques no longer work for the swarm. That requires proof. It also doesn’t follow that the Torrasque itself has to be a void user.

the game sc? the manual? Do you forget that the overmind is a void construction (it is a pisquica entity that was affected by void energy by using the same type of energy)? Made from the union of all the Zerg minds, the Zerg were adapted to be connected through this psychic entity of the void. The entire Zerg telepathic system is built on this pisquic base, and Kerrigan inherits overmind abilities such as opening dimensional cracks as an example( Q&A #12), without omitting that we overcome them has telkinesis the queens can make mental attacks and the chaneling can manipulate psychically to infiltrate

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