Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

Don’t have a pic sadly, I saw it in person.

Actually, if you accept that she can burrow, deep tunneling is just a few Suspension of Disbelief away. Burrowing is when you start by staying in the air; dig and insert yourself in the ground. By keep doing that and adjust your direction ever so slightly, you can keep digging ‘down’ until you reach the Hatchery, feet first.

Bring it.

Actually, there’s a lot more possibilities.

Where’s that data we agreed on? Exactly. Lack of data overall. I have said this multiple times, and I shall say it again. Two is likely not enough, it’s possible but not probable. We have no evidence and no data to build anything.

Either of those have some potential to work.

I have questioned both the relevancy and the actual implications you have derived and I shall do it again.

The Zerglings don’t have to be smart. Don’t mean they can’t be at all.

I have also said, and we’ll get back to this, that intelligence and possessing information are not the same thing. And not everything goes the way Abathur wants.

That’s one bold claim. Why wouldn’t they?

That’s also not true. The table is in front of you. Put what you have in your hand on it. That’s complete information for your task.

Here we may or may not have a table somewhere and we know what we have in our hand goes somewhere in regards to the table, but we don’t know how many we have of it and how many we need.

Easy to say, harder to do. You also ignored my offer to chat, which was just very rude, brother, I’d be heartbroken if it could be broken into even smaller pieces.

Standard: used or accepted as normal or average or something used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations.

Die: singular form of dice.

I know this was a lil’ lighthearted joke, but still.

They might be. This is what I’ve been preaching.

According to mine truly, you.

No, we can’t. We can decide based on our experiences and ideas, but you’re really just picking something based on bias.

Okay, well the problem starts with you thinking that storing information is a measurement of smarts. Information and experiences will only work if something has sufficient intelligence to use them. Some crustaceans live forever, yet their low intelligence will limit their overall use of the infinite experience they can get.

And I am talking about the Zerg as storage containers. Does a Mutalisk have 1.2X worth of storage or 0.8X? May be insignificant, maybe not. If we had numbers, it wouldn’t be.

Empty storage containers.

That’s a number based on gameplay mechanics. This would also mean that a Zerg Brood can only have a maximum of 400 Zerglings in it, which is obviously ridiculous. You don’t see hundreds of thousands of Overlords leaping into battle to control the millions and millions of other Zerg units.

No. Unless you have a certain amount of intelligence, you won’t be able to use the information at hand. These Zerg also only have to store it for a short while.

That’s the correct thinking in our situation. However the Zerg don’t need to rely on individual intelligence because they have the hivemind. Other more intelligent sub-brains can extract the information.

Actually, I wonder. Overlords retain their personalities, so there could be significantly more powerful ones in theory. It’d be neat to see a Brood that is commandeered by an Overlord.

Take your time, brother, I’ll be here.

Eh, that makes little sense to me. How exactly do you dig? And through steel, concrete, rock, etc?

I would have liked to see the zerg hierarchy and culture pre-Kerry explored in depth. We’re told overlords and similar ranked organisms are at least as smart individually as humans. Yet their POV is never explored. Nor is that of any other zerg besides Kerry.

There is one short story where a few marines shoot down an overlord, and his buddy overlord remembers them later and has them brutally murdered for it. But for the most part zerg below the cerebrate/brood mother level don’t have personalities even if they are capable of thinking. Simply due to the way the hive mind is structured, their PoV is that of Kerrigan (or their Brood Mother, or the Overmind, or whichever entity is in command).

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It actually looked like it was a quasi-mate for him.

That’s adorable. Thanks, I’ll check that out.

Can you actually link to this interview please, as I’d like to read it?

I found it; it’s a GameSpot interview (Google Dustin Browder Q&A). Here’s Dustin’s full quote:

" DB : We had to. Raynor’s made of flesh and blood. If he gets shot on the chin with a Yamato cannon, he’s dead. And there’s no logical, rational way to come back from that. You could make up a story where he teleports at the last minute, but come on: He’s dog meat in that circumstance. We’ve all seen that Kerrigan is the queen goddess of the Zerg. She’s capable of dying and returning; players have seen that several times in Wings of Liberty. Not putting Kerrigan [in that gameplay spotlight a la DOTA] is like not having Superman in a Superman game. People will be like “What, are you kidding me?” She can blow up Thors with her mind and smash a battle cruiser fleet with sheer power."

Interestingly though, we didn’t see that several times in “Wings of Liberty” as Browder states and we know that for a fact. She never dies in that Campaign once and is, as we’ve discussed in this very thread, deep tunneling.

Of course, gameplay-wise, we’ve seen her game unit “die” several times in that Campaign as part of game mechanics.

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Starcraft Legacy interview said:

Crota: Another Question. We found out you can actually lose Kerrigan, but all of a sudden the mission doesn’t stop. Is there lore based upon or is that something that is going to be disabled for Brutal, and say Brutal is the true lore?

Dustin Browder: No, we feel that Kerrigan’s revival is a natural part of her abilities as the Queen of Blades. That’s something she can develop as she regains her power within the Swarm. We saw this throughout the last mission in Wings of Liberty. The killing of Kerrigan is a little bit more challenging than just destroying her mortal form, that you have to do maybe a lot more than that ultimately to wipe her out. And so we’ve brought this mechanic forward. Obviously it helps us a lot with the campaign, but it is part of the experience, of the game, part of the lore.

Crota: So, how would one kill Kerrigan? You said that the entire Protoss race wants to kill Kerrigan. How would one kill Kerrigan?

Dustin Browder: That’s something we haven’t revealed yet, what you would do to kill Kerrigan. I could hypothesize with you ways that you could potentially do that, but I imagine it would involve the destruction of her hatchery, all nearby hatcheries, and her, all at the same time, in a place where her consciousness could not really get back to any place where she can revitalize herself and continue forward.


I already addressed this, so I won’t repeat myself. If it’s false argument, then you agree that five is not enough.

Okay, so the number is a couple hundred?

Just you, Brother. I can provide something bettter.

Oh, Brother. Bloodborne is one of my favorite game of all time!

How is thaat exactly?

So you agree that it’s not suffice? Good now we’re getting somewhere.

The Keystone didn’t successfully de-Zergify her, though. She is still Zerg.

No offend, but that’s your ignorant as an owner. Everybody should know that you can’t treat animal badly.

Anyway, your argument doesn’t applied here. Naktul didn’t act surprise when it happens. She didn’t jump and say ‘Whoa, how could it do that’. She outright explain to us how it works.

No, he shouldn’t. Being general means he is good at giving order, command his troop and whatever a general does. This is like saying that having PhD at Physics means you know more about literature than other people.

Even a broken clock could do that.

My point is that I’m so tired of your tactic. Everytime I think I make a good case and checkmate your position you just flip the table with fancy word like Straw Man, Broken English or whatever. It was fascinateing a couple of time at first, but it gets bored really quick.

That’s why I’m going to cut off all your exit strategy first before engage with your reincarnation theory. I’m not going to let you just fly your piece off the table. If I failed to win this argument or any furthur argument, it will be becuase you make a good case to defend it.

Right now my pooint is that you have consistently making lore argument. Gameplay has never been your position. As a matter of fact, reincarnation is not a gameplay argument to begin with. From gameplay argument, there is no distinction between deep tunneling and reincarnation. This escape path is no longer availble to you.

Actually, we can’t lost because there is no way you could win. The Emperor and I have a deep tunneling theory. You got… nothing… Despite being asked point blank multiple time about the exact nature of your theory, you have no answer. You have no position to speak of. All the point you listed support nothing, which renders them meaningless. I’m not sure, but I think this make it so that we can’t Straw Man you.

No, ours trump your because you have no opinion.

In case you still have no idea what my point is, here is an example. You can keep bringing the Torrasque as many time as you like, but it will be meaningless. Unless you’re claiming that Kerrigan is reincarnated via the exact same mechanics, the existent of Torrasque strain has nothing to do with you.

To simplify it all furthur, you basically stated that Kerrigan can fly because she has wings. She is as Zerg as it gets. Mutalisk has wing and can fly! Yeah, well, unless you’re claiming that Mutalisk and Kerrigan use exact same mechanics to fly, this ‘evident’ would never support you. (I realize that I’m Straw Man 2.0 you right now. Do you see how frustrated it is?)

Then why are you doing it again? Did you just grab the wrong reply from days ago and haven’t even noticed?

Maybe, the whole thing is enormous. We might need to summarize and simplify soon.

You haven’t checkmated crap. I’ve given you lore and gameplay evidence which overpowers your one single quote. The game text literally says that Kerrigan dies, the art confirms it, Warfield confirms it, and so does the lead designer (newsflash: I don’t give two craps about your opinion on death of the author).

You’re trying to weasel your way out of defeat with diversionary dishonest bill$hit. Basically shutting your ears and saying “la la la I can’t hear you”. Anything to get out of providing your own evidence for a change.

Your theory sucks. Deinfested Kerrigan ain’t swimming through a bunch of rocks miles back to base while injured to heal. Let me just get brain cancer so I can relate and begin to see how this would make a shred of sense.

Oh! So you were invited me to a chat? I have no idea. Still how would that be a better format than this?

I think I have. Serval time already. I can’t know for sure because you always derail and just blame me for your inability to continue.

And yet not a single claer stand. All you really have is still a vague concept of something that you think you’re right.

Finally! All this time, you could have just told me that and I could have critize your idea. Does this mean that you fianlly admit think the lead designer’s opinion trump all? Are you prepare to defend this stand?

Because I’m fully prepare to attack you with everytime you call the developer idiot. Everytime we agree that Kerrigan is evil despite that contradict the developer’s intent.

You do realize that it’s extremely dishonest to use their word whenever they agree with you and dismiss them every other time, right?

Have I? How? I haven’t even really tried to defend this position, yet. All I have to do is stating that you have no argument’s leg to stand on and dismiss your entire list of evident.

By the way, don’t you think that I didn’t notice your continue lack of clear stand even now. It is clear for me that you have nothing at this point. You have no idea how reincarnation works. You might as well saying arcane space magic that is more believable than deep tunneling.

Not exactly, all I did is shutting my ear and asking “What is your position?”.

Did you read any of the Jörmungandr size back and forth between Brother BartFitz and I? He has a clear position on how the reincarnation works. Not just some intangible concept that nobody can touch.

At least, I got a theory.

@Brother BartFitz

Sorry, Brother. There is a lot of pent up feeling between Gradius and I that really need to be vented. I’ll derive a way to penetrate your ‘not enough data’ soon enough. I think the heart of our argument is that you don’t think there can be any meaningful speculation while I believe we have enough data to rule out the ability to create a perfect replica of Kerrigan’s brain. So, I’ll limit my respond to just that one topic first. I believe I can win the argument provide that I can get you to that head space.

Sure, I’m somewhat open-minded.

Gradius, how many times do we need to point out all the holes in your theory before you acknowledge that it holds water worse than a colander? These aren’t little problems either, theyre great fundamental requirements that youre missing. Just screaming about how we aren’t willing to suspend our disbelief for it when we will in SC1 isn’t an argument.

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I learnt a new word.


Oh my.
Will they? Won’t they?

Some people call it a strainer or a drainer. I don’t know the etymology at all; its kind of a weird word.