Capital Ships vs Primal Kerrigan

Don’t need to. She can burrow in game. The explanations are beside the point, she explicitly has the ability. I don’t need to explain squat, because the only relevant part is already proven beyond arguing.

If we’re ignoring gameplay mechanics then the burrow ability is irrelevant, and if we’re not, then the game literally tells you she dies and gets resurrected. You lose either way.

Except you don’t actually have any supporting evidence besides speculation, and your position is actively contradicted by the canon and the game itself. If were ignoring gameplay, then you have literally nothing and the game treats her as fully mortal 100% of the time. If we aren’t, then the game literally tells you she deep tunnels to heal, she has the burrow ability (which is consistent) and the game still treats her as fully mortal 100% of the time even when she should logically be in no danger if she could reincarnate.

Wrong. Time to requote myself:

Warfield, art assets, Torrasque and lead designer interview are all about the lore.

Even if you think something as stupid as a human burrowing through miles of rock while injured is legit and that that’s what Naktul’s quote is talking about, then it doesn’t follow that you can just dismiss Warfield’s quote and the rest. Theyre not even talking about the same situation. You don’t get to cherry-pick which parts of the lore to ignore and which ones you like.

When it comes to evidence you’re simply outnumbered. Any whining about “oh but Kerrigan acts like she can die” can also apply to your burrowing explanation and ignores the fact that she can die even with resurrection. It’s a subjective argument and doesn’t constitute evidence. Quotes, interviews, art are evidence. I have those things. You dont.

Warfield and the art assets are gameplay (Regular Infested Kerrigan is both fully voiced even though she isn’t playable, and has a death animation where she falls down as well), the Torrasque is a function of the cerebrate and therefore a void power, and the designer isn’t on the writing team, and was describing the gameplay experience of using Kerrigan the hero unit regardless.

No, you simply choose ignore the things that demonstrate those don’t support your point. Heck, youre doing it in that post where you say that my evidence doesn’t count, and you literally don’t even give a reason.

She cannot move while she’s burrowed, right? Plus she’s what, an inch below ground?

Apparently her suit vibrates really fast and she can swim thru the rocks. :joy: :rofl: :sob: :rofl:

I heard that joke about Chuck Norris.

Apparently all the zerg are just idiots and Kerrigan is actually immortal, even though nobody seems to realize this! :joy: :rofl: :sob: :rofl:

it is ridiculous as they continue to ignore the developers of the game and the long tradition of reincarnation of the zerg, kerrigan resurrects and the dialogues animations are consitent, equivalent as in the nova campaign it is explained by Reigel that she is teletranspoted at the last moment when she is defeated . to take a singular case not like the battle of char is to incur in fallacies of generization to incur as she was buried in those missions or that Naktul points out that she is buried such when she is not a zerg again does not yet apply to each of the other cases in which she is defeated

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Your French is showing.

On a completely serious note…

Do you feel like derailing this?

What is that going to accomplish? Are you 5 years old? What about a “thank you Gradius for injecting some life into this dead forum”?


Just good old fashioned spite and evil.


I’m tempted to bring back the Church of Mengsk just to solve their argument.

That’ll make them agree on something :stuck_out_tongue:


We agree on plenty of things. We don’t need you to settle our differences. Youre just being annoying for the sake of it.


Here is a thing, according to the developer Kerrigan is a torture hero who deserve her redemption.

Now, that’s what real ridiculous is. I decide longer ago that developer’s word mean nothing outside of their work. If they want their opinion to be heard give it via their work.

Slavery, misogynistic, racisim and aristocracy is a long tradition too. Should we support it simply because it is how thing done?

Is totally different and unrelated. For one thing, she has accessed to technology beyound Kerrigan or anyone could have.

Sorry, but I have no idea what any of this means.

Well, you’d need to prove that reincarnation is evil and worthless. I don’t think you’re told that in Buddhist lessons :wink:


Likewise, Brother! To the bitter end, shall we?

Yes, this was truly Straw Man from my part. Emphasis on ‘was’. If this is false argument and simply semantic misunderstanding from my part, then all you have to do is simply declare as such agree that two entities is not suffice and move on.

There is two possible way thing can go here. Either you accept that two entities are too little a number; in which case I was making false claim and we move on to the next number; or you refuse my claim, but this automatically put you in support of the idea that two is enough.

This is rather simple. With all the data that we have it’s enough to rule out two as a minimum number for holding an imprint. If you’re going to say that the data is still not suffice, you have to prove and defend that claim. By disagreeing with my claim, you have force yourself to this position.

Anyway, let us rewind a bit and start on some number. How much do you need to support the reincarnation? Two? Five? Hundreds?

No, absolutely not. To remember that kind of information beyound even our brain. Unless you are making a perfecgt, functioning replica of a brain. That is, the Zergling has a brain that think, feeling and amoral just like Kerrigan is. (Also, this is not an imprint anymore.)

I have given you two information to counter this. The fact that Zergling is considered to be mindless. And the fact that Abathur clearly against the idea of smart individual Zerg entity. Just because we are capable of doing something that doesn’t mean we do it. We could all go back and live in a cave let the nature fix itself and global warming, but we won’t. The Zerg could make a mainframe to backup Kerrigan, but they wouldn’t. We have more than enough data to confirm that a single Zergling can’t be that smart.

Not sure what you mean. You do realize that we never have complete information, right? We always have to work with just a sufficient level of it. For example, when we talk about a smooth floor. We all get it or have about the same mental picture in it. Nobody is going to say how rough is the floor, what if this part is rougher, there is a dust at some part of it. If we need that kind of complete information before any theory can be made, there is no theory ever made.

Just know enough!

Ever played D&D? Or any other table top game.

Yes, but are those different meaningful? They’re all mindless Zergling. They’re all still alergic to lemon juice.

Yes, and at that point there is starting to have the emergence property.

But we can know. Just let them explain themselves and their reasoning behind it.

Okay, explain to me how it is, then? We may never know how smart generic Zerg is, but there can’t be smarter than a dog. Just assuming that they’re all about as smart as a dog is a good estimate for what we need.

Not at all, I’m afraid. For one thing, they’re specialized in killing not remembering. There is zero evidence for Zerg who specialized in that except for Izsha which wasn’t around on Phaeton.

They might be extremely diverse, but not in a meaningful way. They are all mindless idiot Zerg.

Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. We know about the nature of Zerg commander, though. They didn’t give out long and complex command to be follow. Each command always be a rather simple one. Just chase that. Attack here. Kill those.

Overlord is a bit smarter, but an Overlord can control only sixteen Zergling. (I was mistaken and think eight supply is eighht Zergling, sorry.) That’s not nearly enough for our purpose. There is also something you must considered. Unless that Zerg was made just to back up Kerrigan. It’s the redundancy part of their brain that hold this imprint. The other part, which is most of the brain, is for whatever their life requires. (You do know that the ten or whatever percent of our brain is totally myth, right?)

It is! The ability to store large amount of information in our brain require it to be extremely powerful. This is not a machine. There might be poeple who is better at remembering while other is good at calculating, but human’s will always be better at remembering than brid. (Although, my mother would disagree, but that’s because my brother is a special case!)

If you keep raising our ability to remember, at some point you must incease our ability to think as well. Remembering and recalling, the process of storing data is a rather complex one, you need a very good analysis brain to poperly acces them.

Yes, and those are minority and rare. There is no specialized Zerg to speak of on Phaeton. Otherwise, you’re claiming that there is a mainframe somewhere.

Sorry, I have to go now. I’ll definitly come back for the rest. There is no way I left anything untouched!

My favorite die ive ever seen was a d100 that was literally just a sphere. A hollow sphere with a bunch of little sockets in it, that a smaller ball would settle in. It was really cool.

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I’m going to need to pic, please?