Can't start a new campaign and can't delete old files

also gives me problems on the campaigns then with heart of swarm some dialogues of some characters are no longer there then when completed it gave me the loading of the penultimate mission, then I reset the league of the void campaign that I had completed 2 weeks ago and nova special operations both are now on mission 3 I don’t know what happens but we hope that blizzard solves well and in a short time





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According to information found on Twitter, it seems the Blizzard employees are working out in protest against CEO’s behavior. Could be why all these errors are happening.


I am having the same issue with the LabRat mission and HOT. Cutscenes are skipping directly to the Leviathan after the 2nd mission. Is there a fix?


Reposting what I said elsewhere here: Glad that Im not the only one… Same issue here. Achievements dont work either. I cant replay HotS too. In the first mission I create zerglings and it wont register that I’ve finished the task. Contacted support and they replied with “let Dev know this is a bug”


Glad to hear it, my dude!

Ditto, Can’t delete or move old saved games files.


Any Blizzard devs/engineers monitoring this thread? Can we get an update or an ETA?


I Have exactly the same problem and nothing seems to work for me.
Moreover I have contacted the assistance and the had no solution to this problem…

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Hey Gang,

Blizzard abandoned us guys. They don’t care for the problem anymore. We are going to cry in front our computer screens cause 2 CEO’s left Blizzard. Haha.

Walter Chow

Greetings here in Italy the same does anyone know if blizzard is doing something if he is communicating what he will do in any case tell us what is happening I am in a panic can someone help me ???





Until they fix it the way you can get past this is by loading the victory autosave after every mission. It’ll give you the cinematic money and research.

Same issue here, Cant start new campaign :frowning:

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Have the same problem, annoying as hell!!! All i want is to play the campaign fresh, but it only allows me to play the missions when i press new campaign… So all the upgrades, everything from anything i did, is stuck the way they were the first time i played. (cant even go on the ship, need to manually press the missions.) I really hope they can fix this issue. Should not be that hard imo. But i don’t know anything about programing so i better be silent. Please Blizzard, help us replay something great! I believe there still are people who are competent in your company. And if they are doing this as a strike against the people who are not competent, that’s fine by me. i support that decision, and i will sett my SC2 campaign days on hold. GL


Eyup. Actually posted about this a couple of days ago. This has been a problem for a week now at least, if not longer. It was either last patch, or the one before it, that broke the game, and blizzard hasn’t even issued a statement acknowledging a problem.
How stupid is it, then, that the one part of this game that you pay money for is broken beyond reason, but the free stuff is completely fine. Kinda backwards when you think about it.


Thank you for your contribution. Helped me a lot.
Now I can start the campaign from the beginning again without any problems.

This did it. Thank you!

The same happens to me.

  • Reinstalled
  • Removed the data folder with my saved games & all with the name Starcraft 2
  • Reinstalled another time with another location
  • And other things …
    It didn’t get fixed. I can’t rewrite my games saved. I have to write new files
    Also I had image glitch that units were too big to be shown in the small window in the help.
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works as a temp fix but you have to do it every time the game tries to force an update.

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Everyone there’s not a published patch note but I turned my PC on and there was a Battlenet update waiting. Looks to have been a hotfix. My campaign is starting again normally now. (I’m not getting pushed to the WoL mission archive.)

Please try rebooting, hotfix should be available to you. Whatever they did I hope this fixed it for everyone.

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What about “spheres” in the campaign locations ? Do they still exist ? Yesterday they were still present.