Bring back WoL and HotS ladder

yes but Blizzard need to apologize and admit that LOTV was frankly a complete failure in a lot of ways. Archon mode is joke, the balance, speed, and design of ladder still has some glaring issues, the epilogue was a disgrace, the game is now centered around air units, and the neglection of clans and arcade games. Blizzard needs to do a complete restart of SC2 with more of a WOL or HOTS feel to it. That’s literally the only way to save this game at this point.


Archon mode is dead without a doubt but the balance, speed, and design has never been better. The focus isn’t pure air, that’s a pretty rare comp even if you’re rotti. If you went back to WoL style of MMM and Blink Stalker or to HotS Swarmhost Winfestor games SC2 would get dropped by well over 3/4ths of the current player base

yes you would say that as your profile is showing no team games this season. If You ever play team games AIR UNITS IS THE META PERIOD. And your post sounds like your opinion with zero proof. 3/4ths of the player base is what like 10 players??? LOL this game is dead as a doornail compared to WOL numbers. TWICE as many people quit after the LOTV expansion came out compared to HOTS. Thats going off real statistics. And if you’ve ever watched any of the recent pro games you would know Winfestor has been around in LOTV for at least as long as it was in WOL if not longer.

Maybe YOU liked the pace of LOTV but about 46% of the playerbase was not happy with the speed increase in LOTV and 12 worker start. It was all over the forums. People hated it. The only people who liked it are secretary, typewriter types like yourself who input hotkeys at 60 WPM. While hotkeys worked well for you they didn’t for a lot of other people. Which includes well over half my in game friend list.

And the design I hope youre trolling. Zerg favored ladder map pool, swarm host, battlecruiser, ghost EMP, viper, disruptor, and zealot, are a list of just a few of the things poorly designed in LOTV. Oh and I forgot to mention infestors too. Blizzard FAILED and the statistics prove that. So before all of your little troll friends come here to attack me go read some articles online and step into the real world with the rest of us.


Sad that they removed it, LotV is a mess.

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The old ladders would’ve been a nice chill thing to play in the pandemic months, it’s a shame they’re still gone.

Great point about scouting being weaker in LoTV, you can’t scout out cheeses nearly as well because the start goes by so fast.

I’d be happy with HoTS ladder returning, perhaps with swarm hosts and tempests turned into their LoTV variants since those were the worst. No changes at all would be fine too.


Yeah, LOTV is trash. HOTS was better game in every aspect. LOTV is not even RTS. It is BS…


How many low posting accounts are you going to do to bump this dead topic?.

Look at my stats, I played since 2010, mine is obviously not a burner account. I promised I’d keep posting about the silliness of removing the old ladders.

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Not really active on the new forums and even less on the NA ones but I support this idea. Unfortunately it’s not going to happen :confused:


Sadly, but we need to remember that SC2 classic need to return.

It’s never coming back. Stop with your mental illnesses.

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I just want to be able to view some older replays that I know are either really good games or just pure comedy gold.

I like to play WOL ladder again. But give creep tumor diferent tag is more important.

I declare this topic ALIVE


It’s super dead. It’s been YEARS. They’re never bringing it back. Adapt or uninstall.

Bring back HOTS ladder and fix:

  • don’t include many blinkstalker maps
  • nerf ravens
  • remove swarmhosts
  • nerf tempests
  • nerf vipers
  • OR make ground units stronger than air units (prevents camping and massing air units)
  • pool of balanced macro maps (mostly macro maps)
  • balance each matchup individually, meaning changes affect only 1 matchup E.g. TvZ. ALSO THAN YOU COULD HAVE MORE RACES!!! Imagine if sc2 got more races!!!..

If they did that, perhaps game would regain some of popularity and people which don’t play sc2 anymore would comeback to the game!

SC2 popularity has grown, not shrunk.

Yes, after 10 years, isn’t possible to play real starcraft anymore. When you log in and see what it become, you see that this game downgraded after 10 years.


After some time I get to SC1 campaign again and play entire thing in one week. I like it every time I play it. Then I reinstal SC2 after a 3 year absence. And then I realyze that I have zero desire to play campaign after all. Then I see that they not add a single map to co-op since I left. And WOL or HOTS ladder will not return anyway. So today I accidentaly reset all levels on Kerrigan and I dont want to level her up again. So I unistal a game again. All friend who play this game are gone anyway. May be I try it again after a year or so but I doubt it. WOL and HOTS was great but LOTV throw it all away.

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LOTV sucks - 2020

All you idiots that think its better than WOL or hots can suck it