I know that at this point and after 2 years this is almost impossible, but why not bring back WoL and HotS ladders or an unranked matchmaking system? The reason that few peoples plays these modes in custom mode, is because is both a custom mode and there isn’t a matchmaking for equal level of players play, but in WoL/HotS ladders at least 15% of games played were from those ladders.
And more game modes are good for the game, considering that would bing back old players to game, lots of my friend had just quit the game after the f2p update, the maps were good, the gameplay was different.
Why not bring back?
Not this type of threads again. It won’t happen deal with it and keep on. Why spamming the forum with the same useless things over and over again?
Meanwhile WoW Classic …
“this type of threads” keep popping up because there is a demand for the game type. I would play it over most of the content that is being forcibly displayed on the game client.
Also, “spamming the forum with the same useless things” regarding this is a very rich position to hold – have you ever bothered to read the other content of this forum?
Well I’m around SC forums since they exist, so I guess so. Don’t compare Classic with WoL and HotS because the difference is huge. Vanilla has nothing in common with the current expansions and the case with SC isn’t the same. Also WoW has a lot bigger player base than SC2 and on top of everything else it doesn’t fit at all with the F2P model.
There’s also the issue that there will no longer be any new balance patches or changes for Heart of the Swarm or Wings of Liberty.
I mean, no one asks for Vanilla Starcraft ladder when everyone’s playing Brood War.
no I don’t wanna have the queue times increased even more
i used to play HOTS league and i enjoyed it more than legacy , never had the luck to play WoL but would love to try it especially when bases had more minerals and you could enjoy more fights.
Useless post? there are other topics much more useless, at least this topic is about something that could improve the game.
WoL and HotS were patchless during 4 years and people didn’t complained, to be honest was much better this way. If they revert the game the old way it was would be very very good. But if they revert the SH, Raven and Tempest nerfs in HotS and giving a good map pool (the good ones from HotS) in the HotS ladder, would be gold.
Is a bad idea to remove the old versions from sc1 and wc3, meanwhile WoW is having the classic on the way…
The original SC1 never had a ladder at all @Minhow. There is no precedence for maintaining old ladders and the ONLY reason Blizzard did was because they were charging to enter the new ladder. Without that (see: f2p) there is no economic justification for Blizzard to maintain old ladders as it only serves to slow queue time on LotV ladder (which was the only ladder anyone was playing competitively even before f2p (by which I mean premier tournies)). If people wanna leave the game because WoL/HotS is gone, they’re not people Blizzard wanted to keep anyway; as is apparent vis-a-vis their movement to MTs for income which is the entire motivation for doing everything they can to reduce queue time (removing old ladders and merging ranked/unranked) because queue time is, I’m guessing, what their metrics tell them is the biggest impact for player count and thus MT income.
You are frighteningly out of touch with the game if you have this serious of rose tinted glasses.
Out of touch? me? says the most delusional poster in this forum…
Old ladders should be brought back. At least for HoTS if not WoL. That would reduce the diminution of the playerbase.
They were unpatched for 4 years, I didn’t complain. Like in BW, imbalances mattered most at the very top. Most aren’t good enough for it to matter much.
I miss WoL doing a 1-1-1 build vs toss and expanding while you’re moving out. In LotV you have to build an expansion early and then the economy gets too ramped up where too much crap happens instead of a straight up attack/defense scenario with base units.
You obviously weren’t aware that the top end of WoL ladder had legit Master players that chose to play that expansion. None of the WoL players that I know of complained about balance. We were a tight community that loved our game.
But Blizzard fuccked us over.
Yep i would play hots rather than lotv in 200% times. Lotv worst game ever…
12 workers start makes game coinflipp you have to spend your resources before you can scout, even you can hold bane/bust, he may not do it and it is coifnlipp, if you overdefend also ravagers are op to be tier 1 and it is to ez to do that even if you fail you are still ahead…
Also less minerals per patches make game who suicide units into enemy mineral line without any controlling winning over a better player… Which will be stuck on less bases and his bases dry out.
And terran is unplayable in lotv.
Protoss economy op and zerg lategame unbeatable… If you didn’t kill them before lategame gg… And it is also stupid and not fun to play to be forced to all in every game and kill zerg before 10 minute mark… Not even strategy game anymore and massing free units like swarmhosts.
Just delete lotv revert all to hots and fix swarmhosts and mass raven and tempest … And make good macro maps…
@Eregos: Hey, how have you been Eregos? good to see you again. Yes, lots of my friends abandoned the game after the ladder removal, lots of old players would return if the old ladder return too.
@MrJones: the 12 worker start killed lots of strategies, because there is no early game anymore and greedy gameplay cannot be punished anymore like before. Is normal Protoss have 3 nexus while Terran have just 2 bases and if you attack you must deal a massive damage or you lose, that is hard to happen because defensive options of Protoss.
@Glitz: there were master league players in WoL and HotS (I was in HotS), I loved HotS because was very balanced and never complained about balance and if they return the same ladder and maps I would be happy. The only thing that they should change is HotS map pool, let’s be honest, HotS had better maps and balance changes from patch 2.1.9 that destroyed Swarm Hosts, Ravens and Tempests, just because these were LotV design changes and these killed a bit the gameplay experience in HotS (like Deathballs being stronger vs. Zerg and PDDs lasting less time and Terran dying from Turtling Tempests).
@FunkyMonk: LotV is a pain to play, unlike HotS and WoL.
It’s not a coin flip…everything you listed as a cointflip comes down to scouting, understanding unit interactions, understanding build goals, and game sense. The game is only a coinflip if you’re incompetent at one or more of the above. l2p. gitgud.
Lol everything is coinflipp, there is a random delay added to each units -0.4 to attack speed or +0.4 so units wont fire at the same time and than there is moment of silence, which makes tvt reaper and hellions fights complete luck, or you position them under one ramp and he comes from other and your units have worse angle and you autolose, even in pro play, one played randomly attacked with reaper helion and elevator to main and one didnt see it and he kill all scvs… or he could attack from you cannot know that. Or tvp, you can even block reaper scout on some maps and scan is coinflipp you can place it at the edge of ramp and you cant afford scan since protoss is already ahead in economy… Even pros losing to coinflipp everygame, watch pro stream or gm, or pro game. There is a lot of luck, mainly because 12 workers start gives you more money before you can scout what your opponent is doing and you have to spend them already… Or if you dont scout roach warren with 2 helions thing is it can be on every of his 3 bases and you cant scout with 2 helions around 3 bases, saw how gm play and even he didnt know about roach waren with 2 helions scout… And banshe wont hold it, you lose so much workers… U need tank marine… ALso zerg can fail roach ravager all in and has still 3rd base behind it and it always do decent dmg, even alphastar is abusing roach all ins, it had still to strong micro buy beatean gm and he build only 6 helions and than transition to marine tank… In hots if you roach all ined you would have only 2 base and you wouldnt have ravagers. In lotv zerg all ins got stronger, because terran has to establish production facilities before he can spend his bank, but zerg can instantly spend his bank from larvae, i tell even 12 workers start benefits zerg so much, do you know instant build and train, zerg is imba on this map, because he can spend his bank instanly from larve , without needing for production facilities, or even only on big great hunters… You can have like 27 lings and 6 banes where there is 4 helions and 2 another just poping out… You can hold it, but it is very difficult in hot sbane bust was joke it was so easy to hold, or roach all in was harder but still easier than in hots and if zerg would fail he would be only on 2 base and you would have 3rd cc… Also mule nerf even more hurts terran in tvz, because 12 worker start benefits zerg more… I saw one time polt lose only to ling spam like he never lost in hots and polt was much better in hots… Lotv joke… And because less minerals per patches you can suicide units, and zerg will have more bases than any race, so he benefits from this style the most, which is easiest thing to do, i remember one game game i played on 5300 mmr, guy sucidided 2400 zerglings into me one game and i lost after it was close, because you can sack units without any control and defender has to do to 3x more…
Lol dude this game is not a coinflip and everything you’ve said proves you have no idea how to play SC2 or even watch it. Gtfo
We can’t blame allies or enemies for our defeats, it must be fault of the game. How people can make so much effort to protect themselves from the truth