Bring back WoL and HotS ladder

Because it’s corporate company now. Old Blizzard no longer exists. Money, money, money is all that matters to them now. Their customer service is non-existent. I’m 100% sure that keeping servers running with old ladders is absolutely no-problem for them.

And for all you people who say that reinstating WOL and HOTS would increase queue times - not true at all. 2 years ago prior to thier removal queue times were decent, nobody complained and guess what ? If Blizz restores WOL/HOTS i GUARANTEE fanbase will increase by 40-50k people. That is the amount of players who played old ladders. Check ranked2ftw if you don’t believe.


Yeah today times game is just micro mechanics fest and worker harass and all ins and suiciding into mineral line without any control you can be bronze but if you kill workers you can have gold micro and be winning, because defenders bases now dry out and 12 worker start broken economy for protoss is it not even chronoboost, hots chronoboost is even stronger than lotv ! And faster economy favors zerg, because it is easier to defend for zerg, which is what he wants get to the lategame…

Best decision blizzard could make revert everything to hots, nerf ravens, swarmhosts, tempest mb and put on ladder balanced maps for all races, not only zerg maps, or blinkstalker maps. So there is variety and no race has advantage ! Maybe even add more than 7 maps, one 3 player map and one 4. and like 5 1v1 maps. No to small maps, or to large so it is fair and some maps you can split in half, which makes good macro games and strategical games and more macro maps !

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Isn’t a problem, they used the same servers. Now Blizzard wants the old modes to be played in custom games and these uses their servers, so this isn’t a server problem.
Queue times in 1v1 are ok in LotV, but in team games they are awful. Even in WoL/HotS modes, you could get a game much more fast.
And yes, the playerbase would increase. Me and other players would return or play more constantly. I played LotV these days to see the changes and I don’t plan to play again after all that I had seen.


They gave the reason behind removing them on the patch they removed them: To consolidate the ladder for the F2P transition.

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I just want to highlight this.

That is indeed the case. One of the facets of the F2P model was to reduce confusion for new or returning players. And one way they attempted that was consolidating the ladder down to the most recent expansion.

SC Remastered followed the same principle and WC3 Reforged is heading that way as we speak.

I googled “Starcraft 2 free to play” and found a hand full articles written around the time it went F2P. They included the reasons Bliz gave when they announced the change.


Rebranding the theft of the preferred game you paid for as ‘consolidating the ladder’ doesn’t make it any less of a scumbag move. It is however an insult to their customer’s intelligence.


I’ve gone over this before and I will do so again here for your convenience:
You did not pay for WoL Ladder. You did not pay for HotS ladder.
You paid for a license to the WoL and HotS campaigns. This license includes access to multiplayer functionality and includes clauses that allow Blizzard to alter, moderate, and remove these functionalities at will and without warning.

It is not thievery just because you didn’t read the EULA.

By common definition this is a compulsory upgrade, free of charge, to the most updated ladder experience.

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This is not a legal argument. WoL and HotS ladders no longer exist, which was a scumbag move. Those who quit and many who stuck around do not consider this to be an ‘upgrade’. Argue semantics all you want, it just shows that you are being purposefully obtuse.

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You’re the one who called it theft, which it is not. I would also argue it isn’t a scumbag move, the point of the second half of my argument, due to it being an upgrade. You’re of course entitled to your emotional response; but you are entitled to little else in this situation.

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It won’t be theft when I can queue a ladder match against an equally skilled opponent in Wings of Liberty.



Dude what is your problem ? Why are you arguing with us that removal of WOL and HOTS was good ? We all know including you that deleting vital part of the game which was prefered mode of play for many old customers is not very nice right ? Besides you enjoy playing current ladder so ? Just leave this thread and go play your game. We’ll be still waiting for the day when somebody at Blizzard will restore our ladders.

That’s not valid argument. Nobody minds consolidating ladder to most recent expansion but “confusing new players” must be a joke. If you’re new to the game IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to read some articles and tutorials about the game before you jump in for the competition. Besides is this really so difficult to keep WOL/HOTS ladder option hidden deep in the option menu. New players wouldn’t even bother.


It is a valid argument since the comment being responded to said Blizzard gave no reasoning for the removal when they quite clearly did. No one even said it was a good reason, just that a reason was given.

No it probably isn’t very “nice” to delete part of the game but neither would it be nice to hold people hostage to supporting a game mode that they no longer want to officially support.

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Well you’re entitled to your entirely incorrect opinion.

He always defend the end of old ladders, no matter how wrong/unpopular this decision was.

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Well, in 2020 will be the 10 year aniversary of SC2. Is a good time to return the ladders.

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Well, WoL and HotS had 6 workers start and people is wishing this nowadays, is a good time to return these ladders.


You can still create that in custom, but if you are masters league, you won’t get balanced match and a lot of waiting. Even when hots ladder existed, it was hard to get decent game, usually no good players were left playing it. They should just delet e lotv and revert to hots and fix swarmhots and put only high quality maps, not from gold league mapmakers ! LOTV is worst starcraft 2 expansion for sure, it made game about killing workers only and suiciding units without any control, or skill… You can see nowadays, people only backstab, or basetrade, no one fights main army with main army anymore. There is no positioning, or skill anymore !

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It’s not coming back. You are acting like a woman in her 40’s getting plastic surgery to try to look how she did in her 20’s.

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It is not coming back, because blizzard is garbage…


Its not coming back because nobody played them and it was a waste of time and resources to keep the ladders running. Infrastructure like that doesn’t just operate for free.

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