Bring back WoL and HotS ladder

Dude, Beasty also wants to bring back the Beta mothership that had 2 instakill abilities. He’s not exactly trustworthy for balance advice.

As for stages:
Early: 1-4
Mid: 4-8
Late: 8+

So basically this discussion is all about " get over it and move on" ? I can’t. I played +200 LOTV ladder games, and the game pace is too big for me. Up to 5 min is okay, but then in the 5th minute too many things happen at the same time: adding 3rd CC, additional barracks and moving with your initial army to do some damage (drops or hellions) and it’s all about " who kills most workers wins". That’s not Starcraft we used to play back then.


no I don’t wanna have the queue times increased even more

The idea is to hold leaving customers, not to seperate them. They would occasionally also play your LOTV then, more.

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I agree with you, this mentality is what ruined SC2. Is stupidity agree with this policy of removing content . WoL/HotS was much better to play, nowadays is just a worker killing game.


The thing is that even way back when the game did ramp up to pretty much the same “speed” it just took longer.


Also, the worker-killing thing was a complaint throughout SC2.

It was arguably even worse in WOL and HOTS, since the game was basically divided between killing workers or mashing death-balls together.


I’ll never forgive Blizzard for killing our game. RIP WoL ladder.


Then why are you here…on a Blizzard forum…if you can’t forgive them.

It’s like going to your ex’s house and saying “I can’t forgive you.”

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LOTV was worse. Because they added in units specifically designed for killing workers. Youre not even ranked LOL. You’re just bottom feeding for thumbs up with people of a higher skill level than you. Most of your statements are factually incorrect.


They did that in every expansion, and even units that were not intended for worker harassment are often used that way. Worker harassment was always a central focus of StarCraft II. WOL and HOTS regularly had games where players would kill over 60 workers.
with harassment units.

well you’re kind of right about that and kind of wrong. WOL and HOTS really were not focused much on worker harassment at least not to the point where the developers wanted to see it happen (except towards like the very end of HOTS with a lot of the weird changes David Kim made around that time). But yes a lot of workers were being killed but that was because of the uptick in speed and timings since BW. But a lot of workers were dying in that time more because pros would pull their workers to attack which if you think about it wasn’t always a brilliant idea but at that time everyone was doing it. But in any case I am getting rather sick (and I think we all kind of are at this point) of the game just being INSANELY competitive and Blizzard just throwing casuals under the bus and only focusing on the pro scene. Like clans, arcade games, team games, and so on just are not nearly as popular as they once were because Blizzard just gave up on them basically. By concentrating the balance and all of the changes being made to the game on just skins and other cosmetic items as well as competitive 1v1 it just makes the game feel stale and boring. The only other thing they really have right now besides 1v1 is Co-Op mode, which is still popular but they could even lose that if they dont balance the heroes properly or fix certain map issues. My point is in the WOL era you had so many different parts of the game that were super active and clans based solely around those things. But because because Blizzard has neglected a lot of those things they have virtually disappeared. Like for example what happened to all the carbot stuff? Now if you want to keep up with carbot you have to pretty much go to his youtube channel.

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But what about PrEmIuM aRcAdE (and the whole 2 games they ever added) /s


The reason why we are here as well as why this thread was created is because we still BELIEVE that one day we will see our gameplay back.

About harassment
Yes in WOL and HOTS workers were being harassed much like right now, but harassment was mandatory mostly for the Terran which heavily relied on doing economical damage. Zerg and Protoss could completely neglect harassing and still win, but balance is not the main point of this thread.
Like i said before
LOTV killed stages of the game - certain units are now almost completely useless or have very limited window of efficiency - like hellions, medivacs or mutalisks. In WOL HOTS you had plenty of time to use them and do some significant damage to your opponents - now they’re pretty much obsolete 1 -2 min and late game begins where you’re battling tier 3 units. In other words old ladders where much more exciting to watch and play.
Besides just one question:
if i have purchased WOL and HOTS, shouldn’t i be able to play them ? I never purchased LOTV btw.


Nope. The license agreement you were required to agree to when you installed SC2 gives Blizzard the right to make changes to their service, software, etc at any time without warning for any reason. From the contractual and business perspective, they gave you a compulsory service update.
As for the argument of “I payed for WoL/HotS ladder when I b1ought it/them”: No, you didn’t. You bought access to a campaign and were given access to multiplayer. If Blizzard wanted to, they would be contractually within their rights to entirely remove versus mode (though that would be a bit silly). They also have the rights to shut down the multiplayer services entirely at any time (because at some point they could easily decide that keeping the servers going at all is no longer something they want to do, it’s happened to many games before). This is also why they’re allowed to ban people; the multiplayer services are licensed to you, not owned by you. As Blizzard gives the license, they are allowed to revoke it as well.


To you, this would be ‘a bit silly’, farcical, stupid move that isn’t going to happen because why would Blizzard make such a dirtbag move? It doesn’t make sense, except in the scenario where the CEO has a bomb attached to him which will go off unless Blizzard loses X number of fans/customers in X amount of time!

Welcome to how those people who liked WoL but didn’t like HotS/LotV feel. Don’t forget that units like SH were showcased before release and as a result of this direction many opted NOT to buy it. However, their game was effectually deleted anyways. What a ‘silly move’.

And it sucks that they feel that way, but entirely deleting versus and merging 3 versions of versus are factually not the same; even if people emotionally interpret it that way.

That also has no bearing on the question if someone should be allowed to (have the rights to) ladder on those versions, which was what was asked. The shorter answer I could have given is “no” but I elaborated to make it clear why.



Thanks for explanation. Was always wondering about whether multiplayer was INTEGRAL part of the expansion but if it’s not it seems like everything Blizzard did is legit.

Anyway when i played WOL/HOTS i felt that i had enough apm to play in plat/diamond league, however in LOTV for the first time i felt like i can’t click all those things in time - i played some lotv multitasking trainer and for me it’s insane. My APM is 130 at best and it’s nowhere near enough to play this game now. That’s why i would love to go back.


But being integral or not part of content, Blizzard being in their right or not, was still a dick move to remove content.

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dont bring up the WOL days ur gonna make me cry :^(
…sniff sniff…


Those scumbags still haven’t given one reply as to why they removed it to this day. I don’t get it…