Bring back WoL and HotS ladder

Okay what is your highest mmr i was 5300-5400 top 2k in world and beatean 80 gm top… There is a delay added to units attack speed -0.4 or +0.4 so there is no moment of silence after they shoot, which makes reaper hellion fight complete coinflipp, but if you skip reapers and helions and transition and second player massing them and attack you autolose. Or if you put your reapers and helions on ramp and he comes from another… Watch any pro game tvt… Seems you have no idea about the game… Yep diamond leaguer…


Again, you’re posting this from an account with no SC2 history so it’s only your word I have on your MMR and game history; and one’s word is worth nothing online without evidence.

If you’re telling the truth then it’s absolutely amazing you got to such a high level of play with such a poor understanding of the game. I’ve never heard a pro level player/GM streamer that isn’t famous for bemoaning every little thing say this game is a coin flip. Balance whine? yes. That the game is entirely up to luck? Literally not once.

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not sure who you were but spot on


not sure who you were but spot on

Why the **** would you bump a months old dead thread?.

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team games are very much a coin flip. it is impossible to scout everything in time in LOTV

WOL and HOTS were far superior team games


where is your high end account?

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very valid point.
idiotic way of thinking

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I hate it when people bring this up as if it means anything. They HAD Wings and HotS ladders. They have solid data on how popular they were. This isn’t like WoW classic where there are hordes of people who want to subscribe, the playerbase simply isn’t there.


Diamond 2 is my peak right now. Unlike the person I responded to, I haven’t claimed to be higher than something my account can reflect.

Team Games are just a bonus mode. They’re not intended to be balanced so they’re not relevant

Because is Still an useful one.

@MGTOW, yes WoL and HotS team games are much more fun, LotV ones are just terrible to play. Personally WoL/HotS was much more fun to play in all aspects.


Legacy of void is garbage, Blizzard destroyed any such thing as early game.


Early game was funny to play and important. Nowadays everything is rushed.


20 characters…


But the early game was strategic.
Cheeses are worst nowadays.

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That hasn’t changed one bit. What did change is the 1 minute of downtime.

this also hasn’t really changed.


I dunno, I kinda like Cannon Rushes. Just make Ravager/Queen Kappa

I am from Poland, and i created similar thread some time ago on polish forum. I am surprised to see how few people are interested in bringing back old ladders. Aside from the playstyle and all the arguments posted above, the main reason why i hate LOTV is “major balance patch” every few months that turns the game upside down. You already learned how to play specific race/build and all of a sudden you need to relearn almost everything from scratch because units/composition you were using is no longer playable in certain matchups. Basically you cannot improve with all these changes every patch. WOL/ HOTS remains untouched since LOTV release and thats why i would like to see it back in action. I dont mind everyone else playing LOTV as long as i can play some old ladders. Blizz can even keep LOTV ladder as “default” so people new to SC2 are not confused, but i highly doubt if WOL / HOTS ever sees the daylight again.

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What? All these balance changes matters only at high level, for example 3rax reapers into fast 3rd cc build which was absolutely imbalanced in tvz was nerfed, so you will never see it on the pro level, but there are still terrans at 6k mmr who play and win with that build. In plat and leagues around it you can play everything what was nerfed and still win with that.

As a counterpoint whenever I mentioned to people that I played on the WoL ladder most didn’t even know you could switch ladders let alone know that WoL had an active player base. It was buried in the options menu with zero advertising.


@ Farbros
Perhaps, but still 12 workers start really killed clear division of stages of the game. In WOL/HOTS mid game began around 8 min mark and it lasted around 7-8 minutes before players transitioned into late game. In LOTV mid-game begins around 4-5 min and it lasts 2 minutes. Even Beastyqt mentioned in one of his videos, that all medivacs upgrades are pointless because Terran makes 1-2 drops in the entire game, and after that you’re fighting broodlords, vipers, BCs, Tempests, Disruptors and so on.
Besides is it really matter of server maintenance cost to keep these ladders alive ? Come on Blizzard is corporate giant and they can’t afford few bucks to keep 50k players happy.