Blizzard remove unranked

every day, i play against someone 700 mmr above me whos playing in unranked, there is no excuse to have it because 80% of its use is people who are smurfing. and 19% is gold leaguers who dont want to feel sad about being in gold league.

edit: if you dont know people in unranked DO playa gainst people in ranked and thats my problem with it.

when you play in unranked you get a separate unranked mmr that is seperate from your ranked mmr.

right now my unranked mmr is in diamond 3 for example because i haven’t played unranked in over a year.


I don’t understand. If you don’t like it don’t play unranked and play in your own league on the ladder…

I will say I wish blizzard would make unranked more user friendly so that people could specify say what race they wanted to play against.


i forgot to mention in the post for people who dont know that

unranked 9/10 people play against ranked people.

I dont follow.

Unranked means playing against other people playing unranked. A match without consequences to your rank.

I dont think you understand what unranked is for.

Pep gotta smoke ton of weed to make this post.

that is not true my friend i understand why you think that because anyone with half a functioning brain cell would have set it up that way, but instead blizzard makes it so that unranked IS matched up against ranked.

I don’t agree with the OP. But just so it is clear, there is no 2 different queue for ranked and unranked. It is the same queue.
But your MMR may be different for your ranked and unranked games, depending on performance, so you may meet different opponents.

Regardless of whether a person is smurfing. If he continues to win, his MMR will rise and he will go back to his stable MMR. And when he wants to drop his MMR, he will leave games, which explains some of the quick games you encounter. Overall, it averages out, except maybe you remember the pain of the loss more that the quick wins you get when you encounter them.

its the way around- why ranked players can lost to unranked players? its so messed up and unfaire


The problem is when you play ranked games you are matched with people that play unrank.

To know if you played versus someone who is playing unranked ladder, at the end of the game screen you don’t see the logo of the league next to his name. You’ll notice it’s really frequent to play versus player who unrank during your ranked sessions.

If you play unrank you’ll notice the MMR of your unrank account is different compared to the one of your rank account.
The unrank MMR is most of the time lower than the one of your ranked MMR. It seems that there is MMR decay (when you stop playing for some time you MMR decreases, so as you usually play more rank than unrank), there is the fact the unrank guy tends to quit miror Matchup.

So it’s a bit a problem because you can be matched versus people better than you, and as you are in rank, when you lose you lose MMR like if a player of your level has beaten you. You can aslo get free wins (people see a miror and just quit because they don’t want to play it and they don’t care about their MMR in unrank), and you get free MMR.

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I play mostly unranked because I like it that way, if I must to do something, I can leave the game with no worries instead of a really long pause or losing points/visible mmr.

normally i’d agree with this, but when ladder manipulators are using smurf accounts the only way to dodge them is by playing unranked until they go away.

they will always be using smurf accounts im saying unranked makes it too easy because they dont even have to make a new account, and not only that but its still unfair if regular none smurf play unranked because they will probably get matched against someone hundreds of mmr lower than them.

It could be modified so that if you win ranked match and your unranked MMR is lower than ranked one, the unranked MMR gets increased as well.
And probably also the other direction - if you lose ranked match and your unranked MMR is higher than ranked, the unranked gets decreased as well.

Its a separate MMR but I suspect that if there is not enough people playing unranked games you could potentially be matched up with somone playing a ranked game. but that’s ok the pressure is on that guy. You can do what every you want whether you are practicing or just want to see if something would work.

You have a separate unranked MMR from your Ranked MMR. If you are playing against someone a lot higher rank than you well that happens on the ladder as well.

However, I wished that they put in a feature to allow you to play the match up that you wanted. so you get that selection first. or better yet. that match up only feature. yes the games may take longer to play but you only play the match up that you want.

What does ranked vs unranked have to do with smurfing?

what inspired me to make this post was when i played against 2 unranked people in a row each of which were 5k mmr so like 600 above me.

because you have a separate mmr for unarnked so people can throw a bunch of games in unranked to get easier players. additionally if you dont use unranked for a while it will not move up with your ranked, my unranked mmr right now is in diamond 3 so if i wanted to i could go on a noob smashing spree and get literally 20 wins in a row.

You can do this on the ranked ladder too though.

I guess you could technically do that to. I am still trying to figure out the purpose of a smurf.

Its to get easy games by playing vastly inferior players. The only remotely legitimate reason ive seen for smurfing is to practice and refine experimental builds, and that doesn’t hold up very well under scrutiny, especially if youre dropping from diamond to silver.