Protoss buffs of 2020

yes, diamond 3 to diamond 2 is equivalent to plat 1 to d3.

i dont think thats true i think the ladder gets exponentially harder as you climb it.

I think when you compare void ray costs to say liberators costs (libs are 150/150), 200/100 is still probably too much for void Ray’s but would be an acceptable starting place imo.

ahahaha so much salt love it

Diamond 3 to diamond 2 is like going from bronze 3 to plat 3. At the end of diamond 3 you will start running into masters players and even occasionally GMs believe it or not. You need to accumulate way more skills and knowledge to progress through diamond than through the first 7 leagues or so combined I feel because you can’t just macro your way to victory. Instead you gotta know how to respond to a lot of very executed pushes and harass and etc. Like I said at the end of diamond 3 you may find yourself occasionally facing a low GM.

On partings stream he sometimes is matched up with people in diamond that are 3K less MMR than him. That’s diamond for you.

thats no true unless they are…

playing in unranked :smiley:

It is 100% true. I have played (and beaten) masters 2 players in diamond 3. I have seen on GM streams players in the mid 3Ks get matched up with GMs in the 6K range when no one is around. The gm literally wins zero points :joy:.

The biggest MMR difference I’ve even had is like 2K in a game.

no it wont happen unless they are playing unranked, you probably didnt notice because you didnt check.

the absolute highest it will go is 600 and thats rare.

I never ever play unranked.
Also again partings stream.

no dude unranked get matched up against ranked thats why i hate it, read the thread i linked it is one of my more reasonable whine threads.

Unranked gets matched up against ranked players? Like I can play where I lose no points but the other guy loses points?

Yes you cant start unranked in other hand meet ladder game it work like mirror

no, you will loose ladder points but only for your unranked mmr, you have two separate mmrs one for ranked and one for unranked.

I don’t understand. You guys are saying that if I click a ranked ladder game, I can get matched up with someone who is doing an unranked game and if I lose I only lose for my unranked MMR?

The answer is simple. Blizzard has always been biased toward Terran and it all goes back to David Kim. Only Terran has all the 1 shot units that are un fun to play as and against.

That bias either comes from a balance dev level, or some incognito pro who is constantly feeding blizzard balance team wrong information.

I suspect special to be one of those guys. He is the guy who plays the most toxic from terran.

Widow mine buff is really another way terran can win even more easily versus protoss.

But seeing how blizzard works, they probably wont even be reading this message. Since the balance changes are final.

I just hope we quickly see something that actually helps protoss.

Not a meaningless buff like dt blink (albeit good in certain scenarios, still a meme)

But something to give to the protoss tech wich has been lacking ever since it got nerfed.

Disruptor seems in a good spot, so i wouldnt change that.

Collosi is a possibility to change up, tempest, maybe even archons, if they become immune to EMP, it wouldnt change anything in the other matchups.

Blizzard is too afraid to buff gateway units. So let them buff the tech wich right now feels redundant to use because they are so costly, tech heavy, and vulnerable vs the dps they do.

i was also thinking of a lategame stalker range increase upgrade. It would deal with clumping and would give stalkers a lategame DPS boost by range.

Mothership buff is also possible, but less favored because it comes so late in the game. (like make mothership cloaking undetectable with scan)

But that’s straight up not true? Banelings can one shot things, so can disruptors.

Not like, liberators, tanks, mines, battlecruisers, ghosts can


In some cases, equal amount of money put into banelings can kill far more than the units you listed can. With perhaps the exception of Widow mines.

Yeah but atleast you can actually forcefields those banelings out. You cant forcefield terran out. Tanks have more range, widow mines will do there shots regardless, battlecruisers fly… liberators fly…

Ghost can EMP