Blizzard remove unranked

yeah but why would you want to do that with your actual mmr? also when i say smurfing im kind of exaggerating i really mean people who dont want to have an actual game against someone at their skill level so they play unranked and more often than not thats what is happening with unranked.

For the same reason youre willing to do it under your unranked MMR presumably. They aren’t looking for prestige, they just want to bully players they can beat easily.

this used to be one of my main complaints with ladder, but i’ve had to get over it.

but honestly i haven’t, it still gets on my nerves but it’s never going to change. just the other day i had a zvz where my opponent was 900 mmr above me, i won and his UNRANKED mmr was below mine so i got like 16 points. when i should’ve got 50… i hate it so much.

but had i lost it would’ve been a big loss for someone who should beat me no problem… it’s a flawed system for sure.

The solution is much simpler than just removing unranked or damming unranked players into 40min ques as they can only match against other unranked players.

Simply make it so the player playing ranked cannot lose any mmr from a loss to an unranked player. However the ranked player can still gain mmr if they were to win vs an Unranked player. Fixes the issue completely, sure maybe you will get butt hurt from a loss but at least you didn’t lose anything except a bit of pride.

that would screw up the whole elo system imo. then again i dont have a full understanding as to how it works.

the way elo normally works is that if you play against someone one and loose, you will loose elo and they will gain elo depending on how close you two are in rank

with this solution new elo will be created because the unranked player will gain elo but the ranked player wont loose any.

so then the ranked player, unknown until the game is finished, is playing an unranked game now?? THAT’S THE SOLUTION? ARE YOU BRAIN DEAD?

I don’t understand what your problem is? People don’t like losing mmr to unranked players who are actually like 700 mmr above them. So this solution would make it so there is no risk at all from losing to an unranked. If you lose you lose, you get the game experience with none of the negatives and if you win its like any other game. It literally has no down side to it. What exactly is your issue? They arent playing an unranked game. They are simply not losing mmr to an unranked if they lose but still gaining mmr if they win. Its really not that hard to understand… But let me spell it out for you.

Senario 1:
Unranked player vs Ranked player
Ranked player loses
Ranked player loses no ranked MMR
Unranked player still gains unranked MMR

Senario 2:
Unranked player vs Ranked player
Ranked player wins
Ranked player gains Ranked MMR
Unranked player loses Unranked MMR

It really wouldn’t mess anything up. Just because one player is unable to lose mmr due to a loss doesnt mean the system would break. A very small percentage of players play unranked and for them the system is working as it does currently. So really the system does nothing except removing the ability for a Diamond player to lose mmr to a M1 who is playing unranked (just for example).

Personally I couldn’t care less about losing MMR in these situations. But I see this topic get brought up so much so this is my solution for it. Personally I see no flaws with it.

You honestly don’t think being unable to lose MMR wouldn’t break a system that relies on changing your MMR based on wins and losses?

no, because it effects you maybe 1 in every 20 games if even that and it doesnt effect the unranked player at all. Its not like you are playing 20 games in a row, losing them all, and not losing a single point. If that was the case then sure, it maybe problematic. But as it stands, idk about you but I RARELY play vs unranked players.

and its not like this system is going to create a surge of unranked players. If anything it would further push people to play ranked more so you would face unranked people even less.

but even if you are super against not losing any MMR (even though I think its silly) you can adjust the system to what ever you want.

only able to lose 10 mmr
5 mmr
15 mmr

What ever the hell you want, it really doesnt matter. Like I said, I could personally NOT CARE LESS about losing to unranked players. But this seems to be a massive issue for people. So this is the solution that would both alleviate that pain in the butt for ranked players but also still allow unranked players to play without 40min que times.

If it doesn’t matter, then your change is still pointless, because all it does is affect the MMR. If a single loss every 20 games or so isn’t enough to worry about, then it isn’t enough to worry about. Your own arguments work against you here.

Secondly this doesn’t actually do anything to prevent smurfing or alleviate the aggravation from playing against a smurf who crushes you due to cheating the matchmaker for easy wins. So you’ve solved nothing and made a change that your own logic admits is unnecessary to resolve a non-issue instead of the actual problem.


I couldn’t agree more with your first statement. Which I why I said, I have ZERO, ill say it again ZERO issues with the way it is right now. I don’t care if I lose to some GM playing unranked at a diamond level. HOWEVER, many other people do have issues with this because I see this topic in the forums constantly. So this is my solution to it that would make if fair for all parties involved.

You’re right that it would do nothing to prevent you from actually playing that GM who has diamond unranked MMR. But if you don’t stand to lose anything tangible from him then at that point you are just whining. Like in my system, if you lose, you lose no mmr. What do you have to complain about? You could have lost to him AND lost mmr. At least this way you get the experience of playing a better player with no consequences, but if by some miracle you win then you will get the normal amount of MMR. Like please tell me what is the down side to this system. Because I can’t see one.

Yeah you still have to play the occasional higher ranked player, but bro. You aren’t losing anything to him so who really gives a fk.

I think making unranked players play in their own que is only going to further screw the game. I know plenty of people who only play unranked for what ever reason, it doesn’t matter to me. So if they forced them to sit in 40 min que times in order to play I wouldn’t be able to blame them if they just stopped playing entirely. This is not a good route to take. You are just forcing out an already dwindling player base. My option keeps them playing and gives ranked player so reason to complain.

i’m glad someone else can tell him why his idea is so bad… lol i don’t have the energy for this

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LOl you are wrong… Unranked can play Rank t hey priority is on match sooner.

Nah… TIME is important. To me and others if you will spend time on many games, better be ranked. Forcing unranked on players who play ranked isnt so good because they may want to achieve their MMR not play for hours and barely get MMR because too many Unranked opponents. So not a good idea.

They need to remove Unranked I agree, with F2P and many accs any1 can have his ‘i dont care’ account

You do realize that playing vs an unranked player is literally no different than playing vs a ranked player right? So you aren’t wasting your time at all by playing them.

The amount of times you face an unranked player is likely something like 1 in every 20 games or more and the likely hood you play against an unranked player who has so much more mmr than you that you stand no chance is probably something like 1 in every 50 games or more. So you arent wasting your time here.

Plus the system that I purposed eliminates any down sides to a loss vs that very rare time that you fight some one you stand no chance against. You seeing a loss in that scenario as a waste of time is just a poor attitude and probably explains why you lost in the first place. You have to learn for your losses and what better loss to learn from then vs someone who is very good.

well the difference is unranked playeres more often than not are way above my mmr.

by way above what are we talking? Because you should be able to beat someone within 300 mmr of you at least some of the time. Hell ive taken games off people who are 700 more than me many times. There is no way anybody is facing a slew of people above 700mmr of them. When I face unranked players I would say a good 70% of the time they are my range, 20% they are somewhere in the + or - 300 range and 10% they are way above me.

well i think even 300 mmr way to good for me to win anymore than 20% of the time but its often over 500+ mmr