BBB's prediction of GSL Finals (spoilers)

In this season of Code S, my algorithm has been fairly accurate with about 25 correct predictions and 6 wrong (roughly 84% accuracy) when predicting the outcome of individual games. So far it has been 100% accurate at predicting which player advances. Well, I’ve updated it for Maru vs Rogue in the finals:

Round of 2: 100.00%.
0-4: 6.10%
1-4: 12.28%
2-4: 15.45%
3-4: 15.52%
4-0: 6.41%
4-1: 12.72%
4-2: 15.79%
4-3: 15.73%
Round of 1: 50.65%.

Round of 2: 100.00%.
0-4: 6.41%
1-4: 12.72%
2-4: 15.79%
3-4: 15.73%
4-0: 6.10%
4-1: 12.28%
4-2: 15.45%
4-3: 15.52%
Round of 1: 49.35%.

Translation: it’s a VERY close match and just about anything could happen. The only thing we can really say is it would be unlikely to have a 4-0 or an 0-4. I am picking Rogue because he is favored by 1.3% according to this model but it’s so close the threshold is definitely below the model’s accuracy.

All that being said, none of this constitutes advice and if you use this information then you use it at your own risk. There is absolutely no warranty expressed or implied.


Just bet my life savings on rogue. Thanks BBB :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :rocket: :rocket: :rabbit: :dollar: :dollar: :do_not_litter:

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This didnt age very well.

Batz stats never do.


Sure doesn’t help terran when maru plays like garbage and let’s slow banelings blow up an entire mineral line.


Congratz on your winnings!

Rogue his b07. When he wins he seems to win in strategy. That’s why his games are terrible to watch. I’m sure in his practice he devised a plan with TY to win against Maru. He’s just so good at it. Serral wins by being solid af, Rogue wins by strategy/builds it seems. I don’t think Maru played badly though.

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I just speedwatched the games, but I got the impression that Rogue won by pure macro and not carefully chosen strats, 4 roach ravager games, 1 ling bane muta game with tons of banelings.

Games 3 and 5 sure, Rogue just outplayed him, but game 1 was definitely a strategic win.

Maru was opening mine heavy, and Rogue showed a ton of early speedlings. He even kept some roaches back (far enough away to be missed by the first scan) and defended the initial harassment with mass speedling queen, strongly telegraphing ling bane play. By the time Maru saw roaches, he’d already committed a lot to mine play and didn’t have tank production rolling fast enough.

I think game 2 was similar, with Maru just not adequately accounting for the possibility that Rogue would do it again.


Is it even worth the time to bet $10?

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Batz stats: 100% accurate on matches and 79% accurate on games.

AOB (autists of bnet): BatZ StaTs NeVeR AgE WeLl ReEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEe

Go back to school. You shouldn’t have dropped out. It’s never too late to restart your education. Put down the blunt, turn off the television and get off your coach. Just throw your coach, tv and your stash into the dumpster so they’re no longer a temptation. While you’re at it, throw out the magazines, too. Set yourself a goal to get yourself a real woman. It will be hard. You’ll need to lose a lot of weight and start brushing your teeth (and shaving, too) but you can do it! Don’t forget to do your laundry, too. Make sure to bleach your socks. I believe in you. You can make this happen.

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who are you to decide who Crusaderking does the hokey pokey with…

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Mr Crusader over here larping as some kind of doctor, when it’s obvious his skin hasn’t seen the sun in a decade. HE wants it. He just doesn’t know how to get it. He’s also crazy jealous of people with education. Consider me for example. I was going to college at the age of 10. Crusader’s ego still hasn’t recovered from learning that fact about me. He obviously wishes he had an education since it’s such a sore topic for him.

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Motivational speaker 10/10,

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Sometimes I Larp as Batz.

Oh yeeees. It was sooo close :slight_smile:


10 year old college Batz probably would have made better stats than grown-up Batz.


As close as your metrics of skill are to the truth :slight_smile: .

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Am I supposed to care if you don’t understand basic statistics? 4-1 is a common outcome from an equal match. If you disagree, I would kindly refer you to your local university where you can shed your ignorant ways and become enlightened (well, you can try).

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Thanks, with an accuracy of 100% I do take pride in my predictions.

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