Balance Update - April 28, 2020

That’s the point though. The balance team said they don’t want feedback shutting down ghosts.

Shield batteries can now restore 1200hp…

It’s like I wrote these patch notes myself. Awesome changes Blizz, I agree with all of them except for that weird Widow Mine buff.

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Yea 3 Protoss buffs and 2 HUGE Zerg nerfs do nothing for Protoss… ok dude.


Does not matter, it needs a new ability from the Nexus, and it can be DPS’d down faster that it heals.

I regret having bought this agme. Frustrating to play, crap campaign, multiplayer is Terran.

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One year and your changes look like written by a gold player…

Yeah, i will rather switch on AOE.

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“increasing its shield restoration rate by 100%” maybe you need to read the patch notes before whining.

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Im not even whining, I just give up.

I still don’t get how everyone in the world can know Zerg is EXTREMELY favored in the late game, yet… the balance team does NOTHING about a “should be” key late game unit not being utilized because it doesn’t warrant ever being made. The tempest.

You could give the templar 25 feedback range and the broodlord is still gong to zone it out and kill it. What’s supposed to kill broodlords? Tempests. What doesn’t kill anything? Tempests. So many of Toss’ problems center around their absolutely god awful anti air.

The number 1 priority for Toss should obviously be the tempest and anti air in general. Addressing anything else first is just flat out horse manure…

Zerg’s late game wouldn’t be as strong if they weren’t allowed to make broodlords. If I’m not allowed to make tempests, how about removing broodlords? That’s the fair exchange. If you’re not going to do that… make our units viable.


as a protoss player, thank you for decreasing revelation duration even further. protoss should have to use observers more during a match. That change will also make playing against protoss a little bit less frustrating too.

lol good riddance… less trolls. Pro feedback put it in your faces terran haters, who really was Op and who wasnt. Most of you dont even play just backseat and troll Terrans and think that hating on terran = right balance. The reason why in 2018 there was so much Terran QQ was we were UP probably more than Protoss is now. Only because of blinded by hate one thinks the source of Protoss lack of success is Terran when majority losing due to Zerg.

Now, as for the Balance, I think it is correct one, is it enough? Maybe some things and concerns were missed but I take it in order these to be listed… Pro players found this highest priority.

So balance team is OK for listening pro feedback NOT forum feedback.

My post here shows what I think

In short: MULE not Op, Mass Viking not Op, WM Drop Not Op, Raven not OP - thats what pros tell, Zerg is not UP, or punching bag. STOP TROLLING you grandmasters of posting only

And thanks for Balance team, it could give more things to protoss if you like such as Tempest buff, and Z was in wayy too good position, contrary to again Z trolls telling nerf terran too strong lol…

Can’t make it easier for Terran

As A terran, I know Disruptors are hard etc… but they gave us Lib range w core without needing Tech Lab, EMP enhancement, you gotta use these and tanks when there arent mass chargelots to take out Disrupt

Cant make it so you do 0 effort to own then… so the rest is gotta deal with it.

I will tell you few things about disruptor:

Did you know that they returned the Disruptor ball it was in the beginning? If you run a marine through the ball, it doesnt explode. Then they added a patch where the Disruptor ball explodes on touch. Now it explodes again after some time and not on touch, so you can go through the ball before it explodes.

And HT feedback - when we get better EMP it is only fair they give HT something too… and it is better to be this than storm buff

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Only change I dont like is the shield battery overcharge on the Nexus. Pvp was already about turttling into mass air, this will be make toss turtle even more.

Mass air pvp will continue to be the pvp meta, and will be until toss has a good aa ground unit. The colossus should be that unit.

Tvt and Zvz arent dominated by mass air because thors and hydras are really good, and so are their spell casters.

Protoss is still stuck going mass air in all match ups especially pvp.

The only change the game needs going forward is a collo redesign into that good, strong aa unit imo.

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Do you even play protoss? No one rushes mass air because the other player is going to waltz into your base with 20 blink stalkers at the 5 minute mark.


did i say rush air? no I didnt.

TvZ is heavily favoring Terran as it is. with 2 back to back pure zerg nerf patches and now you are nerfing Queens, creep, banelings and buffing Terran even more?

The Queen anti air is a topic of discussion for ages and it can be tried out. But zergs potential to end the game in mid game is very limited and early game is completly domminated by terran as zerg tries to survive.

The match up has been that way for forever but now the difference is Zerg has nothing to survive to, we dont have infestors with inf-terr we dont have Broodlords and ultras cannot even do damage to a single unit if there are “multiple tanks” so tank buff after tankevac with all the ultra nerfs Broodlord nerfs making Tank Thor sit in base all day move out when +3+3 is done. And have an army that zerg can never engage cos +3 siege tank is too punishing and we have nothing that can zone Thors next to the tank.

If there are going to be changes Thor should be adressed, tank-thor hands free a move is not a good game play.

Thor kills the higest tech tier 3 Broodlords with easeeven thou Broods are higher tech much more hard to produce and much more expensive than thors and terran also has vikings BCs to engage Broodlords meaning more options.

But zerg does not have anything else there is no way of engaging or zoning an incoming tank thor army with leap frog.

And the same Thor that kills the entire zerg late game also kills Zerg’s mid game opitons such as muta play with its absurd attack speed and range and splash.

If WM are going to be invisible than maybe Thors are not necessary to counter mutas. So not its splash mode can be nerfed so that 35 mutas may stand a chance? maybe give zerg to play muta ling bane vs terran which produced the best games of sc2 history.

Thor is a super powerful all around unit with extremely high hp, armor and range. It needs to be at least same range with Broods and should not be this powerful hard counter of mutas, if the unit is going to be such a powerful late game unit.

Terran ha no reason to make anything but tank thor and spamm helions all game. whereas zerg makes queens lings than banes or roaches than hydras than maybe lurkers with vipers into corrupters into useless broodlords. too many expensive tech transitions while terran making 2 “tier 2” factory units that zerg has no counter to…

So in sum; Thor should not counter Broodlords this hard and by countering late game this hard it should not hard counter mutas as well leaving no mid game or late game option for zerg.

Note: for the cluless that claims i m in his mmr range im master 1 zerg in EU server this is the link: so pls no gitgud stuff and it does not get better than Dark so…


Why would zerg want to end game in midgame ? Maybe you all in and losing games, because of that and you don’t know your own race. Zerg wants to defend and get to lategame… Early game dominated by terran ?? HAHHAA zerg makes 6 queens and is immortal to every build terran can do and if hellbats add couple bannes and lings, but it is mainly queen range, that makes terran build sucks, because hellion/hellbat banshee was best opener in tvz and allowed you take 3cc and hold all ins and force macro game, which you can’t even do anymore, because queen range and ravager all in kills you and even if you hold you can’t do any counter dmg, because queen range and zerg is on 3 bases, while in hots he would be stuck on 2 and you would have 3 orbitals… You sound like gold no offence…

Master 1 Zerg in EU profile link added. Please dont talk if you cant comprehend what is being said. And Hellbat Banshee is not a good opener in TvZ for terran at all btw. that would put everything on hold and the counters will be too harsh so Teran will never be allowed a third base or has to pay too much to take it.

want to add me go for it. You are cluless low league maybe some guide watching barely dia or platinum level player. That cant comprehend that zerg late game is nerfed to a point that Terran! yes the race used to have the worst late game has a better late game than zerg now! the race that should be the most powerful in late game, since as time goes zerg colonises and spreads and multiples and all that… but it is not anymore 2 patches back to back now this 3 conseq nerf on zerg and previous nerfs on ultras makes Zerg tier 3 useless and infestor nerfs makes it incomplete and unplayyable

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No one slow transitions into air either because the game never goes that long.

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hush. So you lose a few games to BCs too bad. By the way congrats on being the only person for the rest of SC2’s history to whine about a Queen nerf. Nobody here agrees with you. Those three thumbs up HAVE to be from bots or your other accounts. A queen nerf would be WORSHIPPED. I’m just saying Ive read enough threads to know. Let another race get stronger so you dont always get free wins.