Balance team is on right way...No jk

I know balance team is known to be bad and not playing the game etc etc, yes probably but they are doing well for 1 reason:

Pro feedback

The ones who know more than these here being Grandmaster just on posts, the forum ‘grandmasters’.

And since the CONCLUSIONS of both based on the changes shows that:

  • Widow Mine arent OP, l2p against them (how I play as T against them??)
  • Zerg needed nerf and yes such a core unit Queen that solved everything for them
  • ZERG IS NOT A PUNCHING BAG (as another forum grandmaster on posts made a thread here)
  • Zerg NEEDED NERF and is not UP!!! Yes Creep Spread became too ez foor every1 they made it more challenging
  • Microbial Shroud needed to be made more viable yes

As long as Protoss Nexus OC doesn’t mean another Pylon Overcharge or Proxy SB I dont mind

Oracle ADDS MORE MICRO TO PROTOSS - 1/2 duration but also 1/2 cooldown. meaning extra click from Protoss players

HT Feedback is welcome

Mega Conclusion

You are not losing to Mech as Protoss because OP Mech, you are not losing to mass Viking because OP Viking, dont make up your bad builds wonder why u lose

MULE, Scan are not OP

As opposed to the anti-terran brigade coming here to call us clueless and that they know what is needed - a mega nerf on Terran, this is the only true balance for them!! Nvm Terran barely existed in recent years

So can we invalidate every nonsense thread and troll of that kind and ignore them from now on? Thanks