Balance suggestions for blizzcon update 2019

I frequently visit the sc2 forums but have never written a post. This post is my attempt to compile some of the good proposals I have seen, and try to address some of the common community frustrations I have noticed.

These balance suggestions are meant to be in addition to what Blizzard announced (with the expectation of the Viking, Raven, and Mothership)



  • Remove biological tag

It’s been suggested for years. This tag really only helps hellbat all ins, at the cost of mech TvP.


  • Mag-Field Accelerator research time reduced to 79 down from 100

Battle mech created some great games in TvZ, but it fell out of favor sometime after this nerf was introduced. A revert of this nerf would help cyclones get out on the map earlier and start trading.


  • Increase base armor by 1 (up from 0)


  • Remove Interference Matrix
  • Reintroduce point defense drone
  • PDD can no longer block tempest attacks

In its current iteration the Raven is king of timings. The combination of AAM and the interference matrix can both shred the opponent’s front line and render tanks, colossus, immortals, ravens, useless until the fight has been decided. Worse yet, the raven can complete its spell cycle in about 1 second from relative safety. The combination is unhealthy. Because AAM maintains its utility better than Interference Matrix, and synergizes so well with bio, I believe it should remain. Point Defense Drone should take IM’s place as the defensive support spell. I don’t think PDD would have the same negative impact IM has on the early game, and could better serve Terran mid and late game. For instance, PDD could provide the support vikings need in late game against brood lord corruptor infestor. Moreover, the raven has felt out of place with mech, AAM doesn’t synergize well, and emp does a better job filling most rolls interference matrix could play. This new PDD could support mech against the timing attacks with which they struggle, without denying Protoss a late game option.

The goal of these changes are to address:

  • Mutalisk play ZvP
  • Broodlord Infestor ZvP
  • Late Game TvP
  • Reliable Protoss Splash Damage

The following changes are meant to be viewed as a package.


  • Anion Pulse-Crystal removed
  • Reduce Phoenix range to 4 down from 5
  • Reduce Phoenix Cost to 150/75 down from 150/100
  • Increase base armor by +1 up from 0

These changes are intended to reduce the phoenix’s effectiveness against mutalisk. Removing Anion Crystal hurts phoenix scaling, so the price difference makes them less of a commitment. The +1 armor is to help compensate phoenixes for their reduced base range. In total the nerfs revert phoenixes back to an early wings of liberty state, while the buffs help maintain their current early and mid-game strength.


  • Reduce AA attack range to 10 (down from 15)
  • Add [medium] splash damage to AA attack (sorry I don’t have a number to give here. The splash damage would deal bonus damage vs light)

For those that don’t remember, air to air splash was part of the original design for the tempest. 1

It was deemed unnecessary after Anion Pulse Crystal was added later in WoL.

This would be a more reasonable answer to mass mutalisks – in lieu of ranged phoenix. At the same time, tempests would be a softer counter to brood lords and contribute (somewhat) more meaningfully against mass corrupter.

With regards to PvT, it’s the tempest which makes the late game so frustrating for us Terrans. With their 15 AA range - tempests force Terrans to engage, through storms and disrupters. With the nerf to advanced ballistics and the proposed buff to colossus further down this list, the tempest would likely keep its role as a reliable late game AA unit.


  • Reduce Blink research time to 100 seconds (down from 121)

In order to help blink openers in a mutalisk viable meta

High Templar

  • Revert patch 4.7.1 feedback nerf

This was intended to help ghosts and vipers. The nerf followed shortly after a time when the golden armada was seeing a lot of play. Given the current strength of carriers, the reduced range of tempests, and the emp buff – this nerf is not necessary.


  • Reduce Mothership build time to 79 seconds down from 114
  • Sight increased to 15 up from 14
  • Movement Speed increased to 3.5 up from 2.62
  • Acceleration Increased from 1.375 to 3
  • Inherit passive similar to Frenzied [immune to snare, stun, mind control, and movement altering effects]

These changes are aimed at helping the mothership become a more reliable support caster. The buffs to its overall movement and vision make mass recall plays less of a gamble. Its new passive makes the mothership not as easy to pick off. Its reduced build time is now up to date with the pace of the game. These changes could give Protoss players alternative options in dealing with brood lord infestor or mech when behind, instead of direct engagements.


  • Damage changed from 10 + 5 vs light to 15 base.
  • Thermal Lance base range decreased to 6 down from 7
  • Extended Thermal Lance upgrade increases range +3 up from +2
  • Attack speed slowed by 10%

After a number of years, and consecutive buffs, the colossus still feels lack luster. Protoss players often use the word “consistency” when complaining about their splash damage. And they’re right, disrupters and storms can be microed against making the protoss army feel flimsy at times. These changes revert the colossus back to its generalist splash role from heart of the swarm. A more effective colossus would allow protoss players to sink more supply into things such as tempests – which could make up for the new tempest’s weaknesses. Lastly, given the economy changes and the addition of lurkers and liberators – I don’t think colossi will be the same A-Move terrors they once were (lacking counter play).

The dotted ring indicating the disrupters range represents the epicenter of the purification nova. The indicated range + nova radius reaches farther than siege tanks with vision. Instead of changing the purification nova’s movement speed or lifespan, a leash should be added to stop novas from exceeding their range indicator.


Overall good ideas, except for the Tempest

Currently there’s 4 units interacting with each other - Tempest, Liberator, Viking and Templar

Tempests have 15 AA range, Liberators 14 AG, Vikings and Templar both have 9

Tempests are there to siege Liberators, Liberators zone Templars, Templars storm Vikings while Vikings kill Tempests

Overall there’s a 1 range advantage for Protoss in this current interaction. Nerfing the Tempest range by 5 would completely destroy Protoss ability to fight ranged Libs.

I think if Libs and Tempests had the same exact range, so you could move your Templar to the edge of the Lib circle and storm the Vikings the second they hit your Tempests it would be the best option. So assuming the Lib range nerf to 13 goes through Tempests should have 13 range as well


Blink timings will be stronger in PvT if you reduce the research time.

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No, are you mad?

For the mothership I would make it immune to spells (except damage) and make it cost 0 supply down from 8

Vikings are completely fine the way they are, in fact, I consider the viking the most balanced unit in the game

Tempest needs an acceleration buff

High templar i would revert feedback nerf or increase its move speed


You could be right, maybe 10 range for the tempest is too short. But we’ve seen this interaction before, in the case of brood lord infestor - a 10 range flying siege unit can comfortable clear 13 range anti ground units with spell caster support. A lot could be adjusted other than the tempest’s range. For example, the tempest’s splash damage radius, its hp and shield ratio or totals, maybe liberators requiring +3 air attack to 2 shot stalkers, or even a simple acceleration buff as said by LittleSmall might work. I think at most, 12 range tempests with 10 vision. Giving tempests splash damage at the cost of -1 range doesn’t seem right.

Lmfao. No

Nice try making PvT even more P favored than it already is

Abaolutely not


No. PDD was incredibly abusive and stupidly overpowered.


This is the stupidest thing I have ever read; this is nothing more than a gold league terran’s wishlist; basically you want to nerf Protoss into the ground 10X harder than it already is and improve your TvTs, just stop


You’re an idiot, everything he posted here is a nerf to Protoss, classic high iq post from DTRAW


Again demonstrating how “any terran that disagrees with ME is a retard”.

Not saying that I agree with these ideas, but you need to realise the universe doesn’t revolve around you and that you are not the supreme being.


I really like a lot of your ideas and appreciate the thought given and overall post…

Hellbat I don’t agree with because splash damage and the common interactions of the units it fights most commonly against, I think its fine how it is.

Did Blizzard give a compensating buff to the cyclone with its nerf? I didn’t even really know about this…they could atleast have given it +10 health.

Don’t like the reduced phoenix range, its needed against mutas…anion pulse crystals dont really care though. Seems like they only have 4 range as is but thats probably the pick-up distance.

Agree with SPWR on the tempests and that was a good and helpful post.

I really like the Mothership buffs. Colossus dmg change would be nice, for a unit that costs as much as it does they should deal decent damage to whatever they hit imo instead of hitting for less than what stalkers do.


So you nerfed the Phoenix to wol but kept lotv muta. Not biased at all lol.

No one’s gonna use turtle slow tempest to kill turbo mutas, unless the splash was so brutal that 2-3 shots could kill a bunch.

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again you cry there, holy potato

feel free to add me for a custom 1 v 1

I think giving the Viking 1 armor OR increasing its HP is a good idea, not both. They are cheap, long-ranged, and powerful units, and the trade-off for this was always their vulnerability. I don’t think the Mothership needs to be that fast either. That’s really quick! She does take way too long to warp in though. Your proposed Tempest change is interesting. I think every race SHOULD have an AA splash option of some sort, like they did in BW. I am pretty much in agreement with everything else too. Interesting ideas.

I’m surprised by some of the reaction to PDD. Since I was nonspecific in my original post about which iteration of PDD I was talking about, let me clarify.
Point Defense Drone:

  • Cost: 100 energy
  • Cast Range: 3
  • Duration: 14s
  • Radius: 8

When PDD lasted for 20-30 seconds or at one point 180 seconds, yes it was abusive. Other times when PDD was abusive was when seeker missile was effective. During those times, flocks of 20 or more Ravens could roam the map looking to nuke groups of units. Trading energy for resources Terrans waited to mine out the map. This strategy’s linchpin was the PDD, which made catching ravens out of position impossible. With a reasonable duration, and without the combination of seeker missile, PDD is not abusive.

are people seriously this daft


Just reading his ‘suggestions’ already shows the OP is one of those guys who spams 10+ tanks, afk’s and waits for his mass raven ‘strategy’ to come online.

if hellbat bio is removed, add a mechanical tag. So immortals can actually counter them.

Decreasing range of all longer range protoss units. And for what reason? So they cant hit tanks anymore.

Then ofcourse phoenix range decrease so they cant hit his beloved spam raven strategy before dying a gruesome death.

Its like this guy doesnt even play sc2 at all. he wants to afk sip tea while his tank walls protect him from any form of allin untill he reaches an autowin scenario with mass raven.


U guys r something… his proposals help toss out more than anyone

And thats a no from me

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doesn’t even have any zerg updates, i guess everything is fine there… lol…