Balance Ideas - in addition to post blizzcon changes

Let me give you some ideas for possible changes to the game.
I base this on the premise that the post-blizzcon changes go through.

These ideas come from various places, most recently I liked this post: Balance suggestions for blizzcon update 2019


  • Fungal - No more Damage, instead I would suggest making it capable of deactivating most abilities (more than it does anyway)
  • Infestor - 3 supply instead of 2 - they produce free units, can control capital units and immobilize and deactivate armies… they cannot be 2 supply
  • Swarmhosts - change locusts to be a greater number with negligible damage and low health, this way they can still be used against siege tanks and mines, and with higher speed and in good numbers they could be used to swarm armies (but not have enough damage to kill them). Reason: free units having such great DPS is just really bad design and extremely frustrating IMO, plus they would need skill now to be used in conjuction with other units for damage, creating surrounds etc.


  • Hellbat - remove bio tag, +1 armor. Bio tag never made sense and was an attempt to make them work with bio comps. They should be buffed in their function as mech meatshield instead.
  • Cyclone - Mag-Field Accelerator research time reduced to 79 down from 100. I’m not sure about this one, but I think it might help teran early game a bit (maybe 90 sec would be fine)


  • Tempest - reduce AA Range to 10 but add AA splash damage (see Balance suggestions for blizzcon update 2019). This is a very interesting idea to remove the oppressiveness of tempest range while justifying the terrible supply to power ratio and opening up a good counter vs mass air, plus they might synergize well with fast voids.

  • Phoenix - (from Balance suggestions for blizzcon update 2019) Anion Pulse-Crystal removed, Reduce Phoenix range to 4 down from, Reduce Phoenix Cost to 150/75 down from 150/100, Increase base armor by +1 up from 0. These ideas are great to remove the annyoing combination of range and moving shot, but makes them more viable in direct battles, especially vs marines and hydras. Overall much weaker vs zerg air but together with tempest AOE and fast voids they could bring a good dynamic.

  • disruptor - revert back to exploding on contact (with accompanying changes). That play offered much more counter options, was less hit or miss and generally had a better flow with normal army engagements.

  • Mothership - remove. Why? Because dumb hero unit, which I never see in any cool or awe inspiring play and is the last remnant of mechanics forcing protoss into deathballs.

  • warpin - remove fast warpin mechanic for everything except pylons around the nexus (increase that nexus radius though, by maybe 50%). Why? because the mechanic is oppressive and forces gateway units to be trashy or OP.

  • Adepts - instead of an upgrade that gives 20 hp, give the adept +30 starting hp and lock the shade behind an upgrade (on twilight) and move the resonating glaves upgrade to dark shrine. This way the adept is much more useful as a fighting unit right off the bat but cannot harrass immediately and the glaives need to be moved further back because adepts with lots of hp and damage will be too strong early on.

  • Zealot - charge moved to cyber core. With charge being weaker (no impact damage) and terran early game being stronger toss dying to early zerg pushes so easily and twilight council being overloaded with upgrades this makes sense. Remove the newly introduced charge impact upgrade, add new Upgrade Void Charge on dark shrine which turns charge into a blink ability, which teleports the zealot into melee range of it’s target immediately and guarantees a hit. The blink range could be around 5. Possible way to adjust it’s strength: limit it to not be able to cross, ravines and height differences, make it manually or only automatically triggered (on attack).

  • Stalker - reduce hp in exchange for higher damage. Example values: from 13 (18 vs. armored) +1 upgrades To: 15 (20 vs. armored) +2 upgrades. From: 80 HP to: 40 HP Shields (80) unchanged. Stalkers are generally trash, especially lategame, with these change their damage will be more reasonable, but they will become somewhat of a glass cannon. Terrans can counter them hard with EMP, zergs with fungals (against blink) and lings/ravagers.

  • Recall - Make recalled unit number based (loosely) on cargo size: 1 recall can recall a max of 16 cargo (equalling 2 warpprisms loads: 8 Zealots/stalkers, 2 colossi/carriers/tempests, 4 immos/voids/phoenix/disruptors etc.). Change Energy cost to 100. Turn duration to 5 sec, during which they can be attacked while beaming out and take bonus damage (33%). Change CD to something around 10 to 30 sec, but not global. Result: Turning it into a late game mobility option, mostly versus drops and runbys or tactical positioning, due to limited numbers of units transported. Not useful as an escape mechanic due to long transport duration and damage vulnerability. If it’s too strong mid game, then lock behind Fleet beacon.

Main ideas behind protoss changes: remove gimicky mechanics like long range moving shot phoenix (while phoenix are bad in direct battles), long range tempests domination (while being total trash supply and dps wise), overpowering fast offensive warpin (while gateway units are weak by themselves).

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