Any rational Protoss in existence?

Did you do it?

Calm down kid, I gained 400 mmr on that acc in a day, you’re just the first terran to go cloak mine drops on me in like a month.

They also don’t win EU tournaments.

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Did you cry more? You did the same thing today died to the exact same trick. Cry more about it?


It was whiner algoritm some

Remind me again why you’re playing unranked at 4.4k mmr?


As soon as I started playing as Terran, you already had this crafted narrative that you’ve literally parroted since day 1. One of the dumbest things ever. I literally wasn’t even given a chance to have played ranked before you went on your crusade of “Hahaha, Playa can’t even get 1500 MMR within his Toss. He also can’t even get Masters.”

Stupidity, after stupidity. Yet… here you are to school me again. A person really can’t say shut up enough. Just for the record, T vs P was my best matchup by far. I was winning every game. Absolutely nothing was hard that I was promised would be hard. In fact, the only single build that caused me pause is the fastest chargelot warp prism build.

That is the only build that even seemed remotely strong. Toss units are a joke. Every game felt like a joke. But, hey… it’s no secret that tons of Toss players only cannon rush. It’s always been the cheese to get GM race. That cheese every game mentality has no meaning in regards to the pro scene, but obviously it’s good enough for ladder/GM.

I’ve been GM for so many years now. I couldn’t give a f less about GM league. GM is literally SEA now. A bunch of noobs for every race. Yet… it’s supposed to mean something? If GM means something, today, at 200 players, a trash can has no trash in it. It’s time to talk about how pristine the trash cans are.

The race with the most cheese does the best in best of 1s. Breaking news concept that they should have an edge. When Toss was struggling on ladder, I even pointed out that this discrepancy made it even more alarming. It’s just common sense.

It’s way past time to move beyond Terran tears and talking about how hard the race is. Obviously Terran isn’t that hard to play. Obviously their units are pretty good. There’s 5 Terran players in the top 10 of Aligulac. The number 2 player in the world is basically 16… There’s 4 Zerg players. There’s only 1 Toss player.

Obviously, Toss isn’t very good at the high end of the pro level because the race is worse. It’s like trying to win a knife fight with a butter knife. No high GM player cares that you think their race takes 5 less APM or some idiots can win more games with cheese on ladder. No, they wish they weren’t fighting peers who had swords… vs their little butter knife.

I could get GM with any race. I totally don’t care about your pleb grievances.


Remind me again why you’re crying and suggesting I kill myself when I beat you as such?


I was crying? You’re the one that msg’d me after the game wanting to get a reaction, now you got it. Gratz.


Welcome to SC 2. Mr. Harasser/liar appears to have at least 26k games played (more than me). Yet, he’s 4,409 MMR. If you pay attention to the lies and the urgency behind people’s agendas, you can kinda get an idea of what their level is.

So, after 200 games with Terran, I’m a couple hundred MMR above the guy who wants to give me the most grief. Weird, right? Cuts deep, huh? Listen. This game is demonic. There is no such thing as winning. Unfortunately, one can’t even get gratification from beating you little demon noobs, because… you guys just lie about everything, anyways.

Let’s at least give the barcode a hand for not hacking. He’s already lying any chance he gets and using a barcode like a coward. There’s only one thing left for him to do to complete the scum bag trifecta, but given his MMR… clearly he must not be hacking. GJ on not reaching full demon.

That’s the real bar in SC 2 atm. Who even has an ounce of integrity to their name. Obviously it’s splitting hairs talking about “who is a noob and who isn’t.” I’m not playing this game cause you guys are too good, after all. You guys have made this game hell.

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I message you “good game” you message me to kill myself, lol. Maybe you’re just too sensitive, princess?


Nice, you’re defending someone who told me to kill myself over a video game, lol. But I’m the harasser.

Coward? Sure. I’m terrified. You guys actually want to know who I am? You know my terms.


You literally beg people to hate you. You try to be a negative to everyone, and then you’d be surprised if they wish you didn’t exist? It is what it is. People tend to tell gnats to f off. Not too many out there that are like “bruh… you my favorite flying insect. Come take a dump on my food again. I love that. What would I do without you.” I mean… they might say that… but always sarcastic.

That should be the real intrigue in life now. Can we find the guy who actually loves gnats? The guy who actually talks like that unsarcastically. Wonder how messed up that guy would be. That’s how we should award the nobel prize now. The award no one can meet the bar to win.

We should all give it a shot. My name is Playa… and I love it when gnats… Dang. I couldn’t even complete the sentence. Tough one. Mr. Barcode is trying to be the gnat, yet he’s confused.

You hate me because I asked you for one single fact that proved Terran Was OP or easier and because it forced you to either:

  1. confront your cognitive dissonance - or -
  2. lash out at me

You chose number 2.

I figured.


“This game is demonic. There is no such thing as winning.”

Sometimes I wonder if you are talking about SC or existence itself my friend.


I think that time off the internet didn’t help our dear playa… he hasn’t even shown his final stats on his terran yet…

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There are none, I have tried to reason with those who appear to be the more reasonable Protoss, but their usual comeback is that only tournament wins (not even tournament representation) matters. So the fact that GM Protoss representation has exceeded any other representation for a single race in the 11 years of SC2 history across all servers means nothing (Zerg also has the lowest of all time).

The issue has been acknowledged by several casters and pro-players even Protoss ones, because when they get to ladder, they always complain that they get ZvP, TvP or PvP. But sure, we should only look at the top 10 players and the rest can screw themselves.

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Lol reason protoss exist start from wings and only now whine reach it peak terran and zerg forget history how each era goes he s favor start from wings terran time heart of the swarm zerg winfestor brood lord era and now in protoss era protoss must do t3 aoe just to survive while other throw meat and cry then it not work

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Game become demonic because adapt and be better next game are hard process easier just come to forum and throw whine copmlain combine witch exepert suggestion about patch who let hime play without growing skill

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Naughty Elf was the only one to actually engage in any type of scientific language. Likely means that outside of the context of our game, he’s a pretty rational person. Everyone else who responded was just being an invincible brick wall of stupid.

It is time series data, e.g. has trends that evolve forward in time. The more data you include about the past, the less and less it represents the now. To do it properly, you’d have to do a time-series analysis and that’s more complicated, error prone and a larger time investment. By doing a simple average, you get the average performance across a period of time, so it represents balance as it was at the median of your time period.

So if you looked all the way back to the balance patch of last year, you’d be looking at balance as it was about 5 months ago, which obviously isn’t very useful. A simpler and just as effective way of doing it is to just rewind the clock far enough back that your sample’s size grows large enough for statistical significance. Picking the start of 2021 makes it easier and less error prone than any other arbitrary date since the data is already grouped by year on teamliquid.

But since it is an average it means this is balance as it was 3-4 months ago. So Protoss is a lot more overpowered than these statistics indicate.

A 50% winrate is only expected when other factors are equal. Skill has to be equal in the sample. If the sample has 100 TvZs with Clem vs gold league Protoss then it isn’t reasonable to expect a 50/50 win-rate.

This is further complicated by the fact that tournaments deliberately favor the higher skill spectrum, which creates feedback loops that skew the skill representation. So in other words, if you did the math, even a small deviation from 50% is indicative of huge balance problems.