Any rational Protoss in existence?

Meh all race chesee but if protoss do that it most bm reaction think about it maybe you play bad against p and you hate protoss after

According to the data presented, everyone plays poorly versus Protoss.


According to human nature people made mistake today you win most p tomorrow you lose a lot because you tomorrow not you in this day

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This. Is what a Protoss thinks “English” is.

Dude, please go learn how to read and write.


You can use tranlaton google anyway l2p

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Notice how not one of you, outside of Elf, even engaged in my arguments? And even he built a stupid strawman. Typical PPP response.


It make no sence arguing witch you you dont hear any word despite protoss op omg nerf


I would find it irrational if any player recommends to nerf his main race…

That’s all apetoss does:
Ignore statistics that disagree with them and engage in strawman arguments.

Note, all the statistics they say don’t count are ones they brought up every day when they felt Protoss was UP. They don’t like the door swinging both ways.


The statistic was nothing to against 7 + year no gsl in protoss combine witch fact some terran can spam mmm in any stage game against any army of protoss


See, this is what I mean. The biggest issue facing Protoss is they specifically didn’t win GSL Code S. Imagine the biggest issue that faces your race being that you lose 3 tournaments a year because your pros can’t prep. Terran/Zerg players would kill for that to be their biggest problem :laughing:


The bigger issue thinnk gm protoss representation is a marker of balance while gsl it just another level of skill in simple word get gm just cheese

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If you want to claim every Protoss GM gets there off only cheese you need to show me definitive proof of that. Otherwise, it’s empty words. Any race can get GM with cheese, so if all things were even GM should reflect pop.


Now you answer for your self any race can get gm by chesee now to the fact some other 2 race not know right counter simply not a lot practice against that and even if he knows nothing to do witch gm representation

Ah, so you don’t have evidence to support your claim. Cool, then you tacitly admit you made it up.

GM race representation is a sign of balance state. When one race has nearly half the GM slots that race is imbalanced. 100% confidence, 100% of the time.

If you disagree, you’re entitled to your patently incorrect and uniformed opinion.


Meh man wanna evidence look on Beatyq Harstem get gm by stupid stuff

BeastyQT is a sensationalist that said we should have the blatantly overpowered beta units because then the game “would be fun”

The capacity to get to the bottom of GM with quirky builds doesn’t mean a race isn’t OP; it’s not evidence of anything other than “the player that did it is mechanically skilled enough to do something that normally shouldn’t work and doesn’t work when you hit skilled players”

So again, thanks for demonstrating that you have nothing useful to contribute, no actual argument for why statistics should be ignored when applied to protoss, and that you don’t have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of the game (or should I bring up the whole “forcing casters to be inert for a minute is literally useless” argument you posited last time?)


K this not make sence

This is the most ironic sentence of existence.


He stay on he s point so thats it no matter what you bring on