And you expect them to have the guts to make a real balance patch?

I understand what rights are. Blizzard is within their rights to make this choice. That doesn’t make it the right choice ethically. Laws and ethics are separate, as I said in my last post. Just because something is lawful doesn’t mean it is ethical.

I thought you said I was bullying, yet you continue to attempt interacting with me. I must ask to you stop for your own sake before you end up institutionalize for the great emotional harm youre causing yourself. One shouldnt masochistically subject oneself to interacting with bullies. Have a blessed week.

I have thick skin. I have a faint hope that I can get you to understand that what you are doing is hypocritical and serves only to cause strife and weaken the cause you claim to be supporting.

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That is irrelevant. What is relevant is the Millenia-old common-sense Rule that if you want to do business somewhere you have to respect their Rules and Customs (When in Rome do as Romans do -2000 year old).
What you and the SJW of your type do is push extraterritoriality.
You have done it in Europe (still occupied) Japan (still occcupied), Africa, Latin America, Asia, but you can’t do it with China unless you are ready to shed the blood of hundreds of millions of people on both parts of the Pacific…

Blizzard acted correctly!

Look at berserksword he thinks because he is some dipsh/t at 20s nah maybe still teen, thinks he understands politics. Typical NA trash, clueless and still with a big mouth

Ohhh I cant wait to see the SOAP develop further… do you think Hearthstone will be BOYCOTTED at Blizzcon! YASS I WANNA WATCH let me get my snacks!

What dont you understand?

Blizzard is within its right to terminate/ban those people. That has nothing to do with China. It does not mean I or Blizzard supports China.

That is where social contract comes into play. Social contract does NOT give employees the right to say whatever the hell they want in a professional setting within the venue of their employers.

The fact that the only negative consequence sof this action are SJW screeching on the internet + forum poster sells his 3 ACTI shares means that they are completely within their rights.

If it is, i wont subject you to it anymore. Have fun discussing whether infestor change is a nerf or a buff. I dont bully people so Im out of our little tete a tete.

It depends

are we going according to your personal, fantastical code of ethics?

or are we going according to the code of ethics protected by the constitution?

Millenia old rules also include slavery, genocide, subjugation of women. Being very old is not an inherent justification for customs.

Just proclaiming that you don’t do something doesn’t change your actions. Ive been pointing to you doing the very thing you claim you don’t do, and your response is to essentially claim that it didn’t happen. Is that really all that you can say in your defense?

There will be much worse negative consequences coming, believe me. The era when corporations can do whatever the hell they want like help germany manufacture gas chambers is over, the public is too aware for that. There’s a reckoning coming for all the big US tech firms helping China construct a modernized police state.

Yes it does, because as you will note, I am not interacting with you anymore except to clarify that I am not bullying you. Thats a qualitative change that will continue until you accept that the lively debate occuring here is not bullying. If it is bullying in your view, I will not inflict it in you further, as Im a believer in nonviolence.

One that guarantees basic freedoms? Sure. Basic freedoms that are being denied to Chinese citizens and the people of Hong Kong? Yeah, those same ones. My personal, fantastical code of ethics is that people shouldn’t be subjugated by their government. I know, far out there. I’m sure when the US government starts putting us in camps I’ll see you up on a podium, giving the thumbs up and down for who lives and who dies. Because that’ll be lawful, and thus ethical.

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You aren’t talking with someone without a cursory knowledge of history, I’m well aware of the crimes of the western empires, including America. But that’s not what this thread is about, it’s about a guy that got banned and lost all his winnings for speaking out against what the Chinese are doing in Hong Kong. If he got banned for ripping a different empire my opinion would be the same.

I.E. the punishment doesn’t fit the crime, of course this has the added nuance of being blatant pandering to the market they’ve based their entire business strategy around.

Selfishly Blizzard getting kicked out of China would probably be a good thing for us Western market gamers.

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Last year at Blizzcon the Diablo Immortal was the comedy, gief new comedy. Boycott Hearthstone torney (after HotS another game to die, so more for SC2 )

So why do you continue to inflict it on everybody else then? You pay lip service to these ideals, and then when challenged on them just shrug and change the topic. Heck, you keep telling me to go away, but by your own standards if I see somebody doing something wrong, I should take a stand against them. Or is it different because you personally don’t see anything wrong with your behavior?

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Blizzard fired some employees.

It has done nothing like you stated.

Youre delusional if you think companies that dont break the law are going to be subject to a reckoning.

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if u sign ur name on a damn contract u best be damned if u violate it, when you choose to do things for money whether its video games or cooking fries, you are forced to follow the rules that your employer gives you.

violation of rules is literally just read the damn contract before you sign it, but if you guys actually look at it i think the pro player was well aware of this beforehand and was willing to sacrifice parts or most of his career in order to pursue what they view as justice (and good for them if that was their intention, many of you may know Colin Kaepernick of the NFL also making the same decision)

i don’t know if many of you have been employed but when you are employed you can’t break the existing rules unless the employer changes them and tells you about it


Blizzards exercised its right to run the company the way it wants to without infringing on the rights of others. Blizzard did not do anything to infringe on the rights of others.

Employees dont have the right to spout whatever they want on company time and property. End of story.

I have no idea what youre talking about with regards to the US government putting us in camps. It is irrelevant. I am as anti-government as you can get but this has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

I am not telling you to go away, but if accused of a crime, I will not continue to interact with that person on the off chance it is true. In your case I have no way of knowing to what extent my words actually strike you as bullying, so I have no choice but to not interact with you. I trust you would hold yourself to the same moral standard.