And you expect them to have the guts to make a real balance patch?

If taking a stand against genocidal tyrannical regime is unprofessional, then the entire field of professional ethics is at fault, not the players and casters doing so.

Yes I understand that

what I’m saying is your code of ethics is nothing more than that…the code of ethics you concocted in your brain. your fantasy

you are just making things up and selling it as gospel

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It reminds me up to a certain point the mass-hysteria caused by…Greta Thurnberg. It has certain parallels with the “Children’s Crusade” in the old times of 1100-1200…History tells us how those children fared.
Using a legitimate issue - (Global Warming) by hysterical and hypocritical ways -she employed 40-80 people full-time for the traverse of the Ocean to a tune of millions of $…
The tactic is old and well-known (at least in the Departments of Psychological-Warfare): create using hyperbolic lies a sense of urgency via mass-hysteria. Once done, the human psyche suspends the rational and measured thinking.
Once the deed is done, no one (with few exceptions will remember).
It was used in Timisoara in 1989, bodies from morgues were used to create the mess…

Again, quick question, just to be clear: which do you want more, for me to keep responding to you, or to accuse me of bullying? Because you aren’t permitted to do both. If I’m a bully, then I’m not going to keep respond to you, because I don’t bully people. I will respond to you again if and when you have decided I am not bullying. Not my intention to cause emotional harm to anyone here.

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Youre wrong.

Blizzard is completely within its rights to do what it did.

Do something about it. Oh wait you cant, because we have laws defending the rights of individuals and their entities.

SJWs dont get to decide to take away the right to run a business lawfully just because they get triggered.


I am far, FAR from the only person to criticize blizzard’s actions in this case. If you search reddit, or any place other than here where theres discussion happening on this case you will see that many peoples sense of ethics have been affronted by blizzards actions.

In my ideal world, you would say “Im sorry, you are right, this isn’t helping anybody or doing anything productive and only serves to make people mad at me.” and go on your merry way.

Alternatively, you would stop ranting about how evil china is and start explaining how, exactly, it became Blizzard’s responsibility to provide people with a platform to talk about how evil china is. You know, what the thread was nominally created to talk about.


You keep telling me to do something about it but also tell me to shut up. You keep harping on the rights of businesses, ignoring that human rights also exist and must be defended. You’re very confused. But hey, that’s to be expected when one finds oneself on the same side of an issue as genocidal maniacs, tyrants, state propaganda outlets and other bootlickers.

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Unfortunately for you guys, your warped sense of rights is not how the real world works. And rightfully so.

Deal with it lol !


Ok, so you refuse to say Im not a bully, so Im not respond to you because its against my beliefs to knowingly cause harm to others. I hope you find solace for the emotional pain youre experiencing. I wont go so far to apologize for it, since its not my responsibility to safeguard your feelings online, but yours. But I do hope you find the help you need to get to a better place.

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The hearthstone GM was not defending human rights LMFAO

I am not on the same side as China.

I am on the side of Blizzard.

Whatever you just said applies doubly to yourself lol, you hardly exercise a ton of moral authority based on your speech thusfar and stated beliefs. Putting this in words you can understand: I bought the right to post at this forum, so I will continue to post here. If you don’t like it, hit the report button.

What are you talking about?

I agree that Blizzard had the right to terminate unprofessional employees and associates that were jeopardizing their company.

Our Law agrees with me too. Our social contract agrees with me. I don’t make things up like you guys do.

You and those who have the same beliefs you do, do not understand the concept of liberty and protected rights.

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Uh huh. One boot’s as good as another to the likes of some. Why not go straight to the source though? Does kowtowing to a corporation, who is in turn kowtowing to a genocidal regime, not feel inefficient? Why not cut out the middle man, bend over for the CCP and start singing their praises here? Now that would really trigger the SJWs.

It cant be that against your beliefs, given that your go-to response to criticism continues to be to accuse people of supporting mass murder and the other crimes of the Chinese government. You can say that you aren’t doing it intentionally, but there isn’t any way to read that claim without it being insulting.

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I’m afraid I don’t understand your argument. Of course it makes the most business sense for Blizzard to do what they did.
However, are you trying to tell people that because it is LEGALLY alright for Blizzard to make this call, they don’t get to complain? They don’t get to try and tell Blizzard that they think they are wrong? Laws and ethics don’t always overlap, and trying to shut down an argument because of that just shows you to be a drone. Your argument makes no sense.

I am not kowtowing to anyone.

I am saying Blizzard was within its right to do what it thought was necessary to save its market.

Not a difficult concept to understand

You dont understand my argument because you dont understand what rights are.

Your great-grandparents didnt fight ww2 so you could make posts like that in defense of a genocidal tyranny lol. I’m glad you’re aware of social contract theory though, since a close reading of it directly invalidates your defense of a state which has become the greatest threat to its citizenry and human rights

Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you, only more eloquently and with greater justification.