And you expect them to have the guts to make a real balance patch?

Ok ill answer. They deserve 1000 times as much sympathy and mercy as the ccp, whose crimes are 1000 times worse

Once one starts down the road of cowardice its hard to jump back off

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Please take note that he’s ignoring me entirely now. Guess its kind of awkward when he cant just accuse somebody of being an agent of the Chinese government to deflect all criticisms.


Sure, we all saw it what it did in ME. Arab Spring turned so good…Sorry bro, you can’t pull that stunt twice…not in China at least.

Look! It’s mainly to force China in a Plaza-Accord that they did to Japan 40 years ago. The issue is that China is not Japan and useful-idiots are used (togather with their Lapdog GB) to put pressure.
It will fail.

What is your actual argument? Tell me and ill respond. Mine is that genocide, imprisoning dissidents and organ harvesting are wrong and it is high time more of us started speaking out against the ccp instead of quietly taking their money and doing as we’re told. Not sure what yours even is at this point.

Social media is nice in free, developed countries like the US where there are no real, overt, direct threats. Maybe it has some effect.

It has done jack for areas of true strife. SJW tweets do nothing for Africans running for their lives from warlords, etc. And you and that hearthstone player clamoring for “integrity” arent helping in any way or form.

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How many social credit points is alibaba awarding you for these posts, comrade? Just curious.


LUL,we have here a James Forrestal here!
The Reds are under my bed he yelled, before…

Yet it played a powerful role in the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. China is much similar to a first world country than africa btw.

Nice poetry. Meanwhile ccp is still evil and standing up to them still the right thing to do

That youre the worst kind of internet warrior: the one who wants other people to do the actually hard part without lifting a finger to do anything themselves, yet talks down on people for not agreeing with their little circle jerk. Worse, you hide behind the legitimate problems of the world to try and deflect all criticisms. You aren’t an activist, you aren’t helping anybody, youre just picking a fight because you think the topic shields you from anybody fighting back.

Going “boo, China bad!” does not automatically make correct any statement then attached to that sentiment, and you need something more than that if you want to actually say that Blizzard did anything wrong here (something you also seem to have given up on).

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let me know when you or those heathstone cats stand up to them.

if you guys actually stand up to them (rather than just SJW it up from afar) I guarantee Blizzard will not stop you or that Hearthstone player.

Until then…maybe Hearthstone figures should learn to keep it professional if they want their jobs


And it went so well for them…First Krimea (given in an unconstitutional way by the slob Kruchev when USSR existed), tomorrow maybe the territories given to Ukraine from V. I. Lenin - historic russian lands and people in order to dilute Ukraine back in 1920’s …
You know Mala-Rossiya…


Mao was the most prolific mass murderer in human history as long as we are playing the whataboutism game.

Nobody wins that game. Let Goba and these other guys play it by themselves.

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Oh ok. /20charactermax

“That youre the worst kind of internet warrior: the one who wants other people to do the actually hard part without lifting a finger to do anything themselves”

Again, you don’t know me.

“yet talks down on people for not agreeing with their little circle jerk”

How is this a circle jerk? You have 3-4 people posting disagreement with me constantly and almost no one else posting. If there’s a circle jerk here, I’m sure not one of the participants.

“Worse, you hide behind the legitimate problems of the world to try and deflect all criticisms.”

Because I’m not the issue here. In terms of importance, effectively I don’t exist here, and neither do you. Imagine ShareBlue is paying a series of interns to make these posts, if it helps you with that conceptual hurdle. Any talk about me, or you for that matter, is the actual deflection because Blizzard, China and to some extent, the players and casters taking a stand, are the ones that matter here.

“You aren’t an activist, you aren’t helping anybody, youre just picking a fight because you think the topic shields you from anybody fighting back.”

Picking a fight with who? Blizzard? Yes, I readily admit I am, because they are an American corporation selling out our values to make a buck, and I don’t have to be ok with that. Picking a fight with anyone here, no.

“Going “boo, China bad!” does not automatically make correct any statement then attached to that sentiment”

Nor does it make incorrect the sentiment itself, which again, is the actual important issue here.

“and you need something more than that if you want to actually say that Blizzard did anything wrong here (something you also seem to have given up on).”

Blizzard is punishing people monetarily for standing in solidarity with a protest movement against a literally GENOCIDAL regime. That’s clearly immoral. When people are being sent to camps and having their organs harvested, often while still alive, you don’t get to plead neutrality or say you are non-political. Abuses of human rights aren’t just a political issue, but a moral and humanitarian one. You don’t get to escape your duty as a human being to uphold the value and sanctity of human life.

If the rules instated by the little legalistic, profit-maximizing bureaucrats who run the corporation preclude upholding those values, then the rules are wrong, not those who act against them.

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Not talking about the politics side of things but… BOTH BROOD LORDS AND INFESTORS ARE GETTING NERFED IN THE NEW PATCH!!


Why? So you can crap all over it like you’re doing here? If you won’t support a small step in the right direction, what makes me think you’ll support a larger step? The cultural battle taking place is important, it’s the only route to change other than an actual war which would result in much more misery. Just because you don’t understand that, doesn’t make it fake or not “actual” standing up.

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Who lives in a glass house is better not to throw stones. Do you know something of India (that country south of China) during 1830-1948? Or about Ireland (not going 800-900 years back, just 150)…
Emotional (bordering in hysteria) cries about numbers invented by the same people that tend to press-charges and profit, won’t do the trick.
You have to invent something new.