And you expect them to have the guts to make a real balance patch?

Your topic doesnt bother me at all.

In fact I enjoy the salt these kinds of topics bring.

The fact of the matter is that you are wrong in all of your assessments though.


LUL. The blood and misery exported by the …“Enlighted West” has a very ancient history.
It began 900 years ago with …Crusades. Europe had the “Divine Mission” to free the Holy Land from …the Muslim infidels…
It continued century after century in Africa, America, Australia, Asia (Indis and China) non stop up to the end of WW2.
This time was to “export the …western civilization” - remember the “White man’s burden” that the uber-imperialist Kipling used to sing?
Now the BS of “freedom and democracy” is used…

Nothing changes in Centuries, just the slogans.

Sorry for being cynical, the combined-west has lost all credibility (if ever had one)…


And yet standing up to repressive genocidal regimes requires controversy. You dont get to spout the whole “its just a corporation bro, just here to make money bro” excuse and escape your moral responsibility to stand up to evil

The only sober people are the cynical ones.

If youre not cynical then youre falling for it.


Raging on the internet is not “standing up to evil” in any meaningful sense of the word. I note that you aren’t flying out to Hong Kong right now to stand with the protestors, so that makes you rather hypocritical.



Look at the moderators and balance team, some say fire the balance team, I say FIRE THE MODERATORS LOSE YOUR JOB GET OUT OF HERE

I suppose with such issues forum moderation is their least problem. I dont care about Heathstone… I played it a little… it is not pay to win like some cansur mobile games but I still dont like it is kind of reminding of that and going that direction

Which assessment? That genocide, torture, organ harvesting and imprisoning dissidents is evil? That evil should be confronted?

Are you sure about that? You dont know me. Whereof you are ignorant, remain silent.

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Talking about politics at work or on twitter is not confronting evil LOL


Given that doing so would preclude you from posting on these forums, for various reasons, I stand by my statement.


Hearthstone blog post




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Whatever CCP is doing, it doesn’t change the fact that HK protestors don’t deserve sympathy and mercy after what they did to the innocent people that don’t take part in the riots and vandalism in their own country.


Yeah no kidding. Everyone has done something bad at some point in life, therefore no one can ever criticize anyone else… not. Evil in the present is still evil even if others did it in the past. Standing up to evil is not wrong, and even if the almighty authority that is blizzards code of conduct disagrees, that is hardly the highest authority one must answer to in life.

Two dodges in one thread! Can we see a third?

What should the ccp’s punishment be for genocide, organ harvesting, and throwing dissidents in camps?

So your argument isn’t an argument, rather a “waaah you do it too so everything’s ok”?

You’re stupid.

And you are dodging the issue whether HK people deserve the mercy and sympathy or not after what they did.

That’s not my argument.

Try reading it again…maybe this time slower so you might have a chance at comprehension

I know that. History and Geostrategy are an excercise on power and blood. Given the opportunity any nation can do…“evil”, just like the tinny Belgium and Portugal which emulated in horrors where their Anglo-Saxon and Spanish counterparts excelled.
What people should understand is that just “freedom and democracy” slogan is weaponized and used as Trojan-Horse to do to China what they did to USSR.
No chances this time!


Social media has played a significant role in many recent democratic movements and protests. You pride yourself on your cynicism, but perhaps you should actually get to know the world around you before adopt the weary attitude of knowing it all too well.

The truth comes out. A ccp party man to the core, suspicious of westerners “doing” to china, what was actually a result of decades of resentment from subjugated peoples in the ussr.