And you expect them to have the guts to make a real balance patch?

I dunno. Maybe to help the people being tortured, killed, put in camps and having their organs harvested by the CCP? Kinda like what the rest of us should all be doing? Just a thought.


Yes, I’m sure someone said the same thing when Dow Industrial was helping the Germans make gas chambers. Isn’t there a communist boot somewhere you ought to be servicing?


That analogy doesn’t hold.

Blizzard is not helping China do anything.

Blizzard is merely keeping geopolitics out of their community.

Try again.


Yes, I know, and that’s why I could never live in the US, but lots of people don’t have the option to move wherever they want. And I can’t think of a single innocent country in the world anyway, so the best option you have is at least speaking out about what you believe in and supporting the causes you can.

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If you do read that recent HK news, you should know that those so-called HK protestors don’t deserve sympathy or mercy.


It’s stunning how often the status quo manages to trot out this “the protestors are just rabble rousing, hippie scum, troublemakers who ought to get jobs, they don’t deserve our sympathy or mercy!”

Nevermind that the CCP is torturing them, using facial recognition technology to threaten protestors and their families, keeping thousands of people in camps, harvesting organs and committing genocide… tHe PrOteStORs ArE thE reAL BaD GuyS!!!


This discussion isn’t about individuals speaking out, which is a useless act btw. Keyboard activism doesnt do anything. It’s like those leftist snowflakes who call themselves the anti-Trump resistance when all they do is spew their salt on the internet LOL

The fact of the matter is that Blizzard is a business. Their bottom line is money. Their actions do not support China in any way. Neutrality =/= support. If their company policy is a certain way, it’s their prerogative to have it as such as long as it doesnt infringe on the rights of others

Adopting China’s censorious and repressive attitude towards speech is Blizzard shoehorning geopolitics INTO their community – a brutal, totalitarian geopolitics we’d all much prefer stop existing, or at least be kept well away from us.

Nobody had a problem until Blizzard starting licking the CCP’s boots and punishing players for speaking out against a tyrannical, genocidal regime. Plenty athletes and sports personas took a stand against a certain german regime and the ussr. Plenty will continue to do so in the future, whatever decisions may be made short sighted, stuffy little bureaucrats who would prefer to lick boots and get paid for it.


They don’t deserve sympathy and mercy because they started to resort violence. Go to read the HK riot news and see how they beating people and burning things.

There are many videos about violence in HK riot at youtube, and here is one of them for you:

Taxi driver beaten after ploughing through Hong Kong protest

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Just stop.

If Blizzard doesnt want their personalities to bring politics (or religion, or race, or WHATEVER) into its communities, then it is Blizzard’s prerogative to do so.

Especially if personalities are pissing off one of its major markets.

I don’t care what athlestes have done in the past. It is irrelevant to this situation. Blizzard can do what it feels it needs to. All it is, is talk anyway. A bunch of millionaires “speaking out” doesnt do anything lol.

Follow company policy. If company policy breaks the law, take it to the courts. It’s that simple. And in case you don’t realize, Blizzard’s policy does not break the law.

Plenty are free to do so in the future. Don’t get mad when they get dealt with according to company policy though lol.


Ok cool, tell me what the punishment should be for the protestors since some of them committed violence - but before you do that tell me what the punishment for the ccp should be for their crimes against humanity.

I dont expect you to answer honestly btw since its obvious youre a stooge for the ccp.


Blizzard isn’t a news group or social media site. They have every right to be unhappy if somebody hijacks their video game interview to start talking about politics, that’s just bad for everybody involved. Banning the player was perhaps extreme, but the idea that they should have the ability to just go off script to talk about heated issues unrelated to blizzard is ridiculous. If you want to get your opinion out like that, post it on twitter, talk to an actual news group, record it yourself and put it on youtube. Don’t lie to somebody, agree to an interview, and then use it to get a free recording session.


So you think violence protest is the answer here?

So I guess people who disagreed with HK violence protest is ccp stooge?

Elderly woman vents frustration at Hong Kong protesters

Does that make the HK elderly woman a CCP stooge too?


I get that you hate opinionated ppl nline or whatever (despite being one yourself) but if blizz supporting a regime that is legit committing genocide, harvesting organs, putting thousands of its own citizens in camps and cracking down on human rights bothers you LESS than my posts, you need to have a good long think about your priorities in life.

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You must really be desperate to get this topic locked if youre willing to post the n word

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Thank you for demonstrating why Blizzard is absolutely correct to not want anything to do with politics in their official interviews. Blizzard is not “supporting the regime”, that’s absurd and entirely disingenuous. The only way you could conclude that is if youre already looking for a reason to be angry with Blizzard and are willing to grasp at straws.

Theyre an international company operating in multiple regions of the world that don’t like each other, and theyre trying to avoid actively conflicting with anybody. That’s all there is to it.


Thanks for dodging the question as i accurately predicted you would. Here it is again, another dodge will be forthcoming i dont doubt:

What should the ccp’s punishment be for genocide, organ harvesting, and throwing dissidents in camps?

Where do i say i hate anyone? I just find it comical that people think they are a resistance movement by virtue of the fact that they sprinkle their salt all over the internet.

Blizzard dealing with political talks at its own events is not supporting China.

By the way, assuming you live in one of the militarily active western countries and made a profit on your ACTI shares, the capital gains taxes you pay on them will be used to fund the bombing of innocents and/or dealing with war criminals.


Again, if my being here and posting bothers you more than ongoing genocide and human rights abuses, you should spend like a good hour in front of the mirror asking who you are, where you come from and who you want to be. Im not respond to any of your comments about me because its not about me. I hope you find some peace and happiness thats being denied from over a billion chinese.

That’s nothing to do with that and has no racial connotations. It’s used (not by me but the author) in the way Malcolm-X used it recently…
I have no right to change words in articles written by others.

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