Zarya need reduced damage

I have never thought, “man, that barrier is getting in the way. Our Zarya should focus it!”

I’d rather she focuses the enemies and leaves the shield-breaking to someone else. While she could do that, I feel like that’s a waste of her kit.

No one cares about low ranks… Jesus
Learn to play the game first

You dont have to balance for the lower ranks

just not break them, and with this youd be breaking them

but you clearly dont care about balancing the game

And what if the enemies are behind the barrier?
Two options: 1. Break the shield 2. Flank zarya

You’re saying you want flank Zarya to be the dominant strat by saying that

Zarya’s job is to brawl alongside her main tank and push into the enemy with her terrifying damage. Yes, breaking shields is a part of that, but it is not zarya’s direct job to break barriers.

I am main Zarya, and it not that easy because like someone said- a good Zarya can charge her bubble fairly quickly with great positioning and timing. Also this game has a lot and I repeat A LOT of damage spam, so it is easy to get a quick charge in.

Yeah let’s murder 1 of 2 last remaining tanks that aren’t already dead.

And that’s why you arent the balance director


This is not true. Rein Zar is picked in every rank, and Rein still has a significantly higher pick rate. Sigma’s pickrate is higher than hers in Masters. Zarya dominates on ladder because she has the ability to function independently from her team AND has great synergy with the best off-tank in the game. The higher the Elo, the less this matters, and the harder it is to play zarya because truthfully it is easy to punish her with even an iota of teamwork.

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No one cares if you are a rubbish low masters. Just because you are rubbish low masters doesn’t make your words law. A rubbish low masters isn’t in low ranks so you wouldn’t know how strong she is there or not. How bout you put something quantifiable instead of oooo I’m a low rubbish masters listen to me.

Buff Zarya or go home.

Hot takes right here boys lmfao
Name a more team reliant hero than Zarya

The forums in a nutshell: If a smurf can carry using a hero it needs nerfs :rage:

I’m not saying she can’t be effective against breaking shields, but I’d never say it’s her job to break them down is what I’m saying. I feel like every hero has a primary function or purpose. I don’t consider Zarya’s primary job to break down barriers.

I have zero problems with Zarya. I just don’t think her “job” is to break shields is all.

I can’t, I can’t do it! She is the ultimate team synergy hero. 1+1 for anyone else = 2. But 1+Zarya = 2.5

yeah thats true, zarya is easy to punish when there is coordination

but on less coordinated enviroments, she run rampants due to the lack of fire-moderation and spam damage, making her charging up easy

as well as the fact that they heavily reduced her skill ceeling with the changes they had been giving her.

honestly ,for zarya id do this:

it should leave her in a nice spot, reducing her power in the lower ranks while increasing it in the higher ranks where people know how to retain charge

symmetra, bastion

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I definitely agree with you on the Powershift front. I would like to see zarya with a higher decay time and the revert to grav and grenade changes. If possible, take some damage away from the fully charged beam and make the grenade a little stronger. This would give a little more skill and decision making to zarya, which would knock down her pickrates but also allow her to have a higher skill ceiling.

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Yeah very team based hero that he just sets up and everyone else has to do his bidding and play around him
Very selfless hero, very helpful towards the team

Exact same thing for Sym

Again all you guys want is for good players to not be able to solo carry on their own

This exactly. I really want Zarya to be more team centric and less Tank centric, so that you can have more rewarding plays and less braindead “hold M1+W and the occasional press E” play style. This would make her function so much better and allow for her to synergize with other tanks more instead of JUST rein (although Winston zar is getting play now!).

okay i can maybe let you pass on the bastion thing maybe you just dont play him

but…for symmetra its like you completly forgot that she has an ability thats completly reliant on the team using it to provide her value…

stop inventing stuff, no one wants this

What an interesting thought, and perplexing position to be in. I can’t say I’m on board with the idea 100% but it does resolve some issues with Zarya being the best team enabling tank. She is already incredibly versatile with her projected bubble, and the extra charge on top of it is simply icing on the cake. So for starters we could try removing the charge bonus from projected barriers but keep the enabling aspect. This way Zarya has a harder time keeping her charge up unless she is constantly on top of it. Right now, building charge is fairly easy as long as you have Rein.

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I find her to do absurdly too much damage for how easy it is to charge. She’s actually bordering on OP if you ask me.