Zarya need reduced damage

Okay ok, how bout this then the bubbles scale too. So she has a total energy pool, at zero energy her bubbles are 400 health and last 4 seconds while she has low damage?

How you like that?

How bout you stop trying to take away her damage when her damage is her best defense.

Yes, everyone has to change their playstyle because one person decided to play a hero.
You just named two of the most selfish heroes in the game.

ā€œName a more team reliant heroā€
ā€œNo theyā€™re selfish, they require the team to change their playstyle to work with the teamā€

You canā€™t ask someone a question and change the goalpost and conditionsā€¦

If youā€™re claiming Symmetra is ā€œselfishā€ because she requires the team to work around her, Isnā€™t that Symmetra being a more team-reliant hero?

This forum doesnā€™t understand active defense. You wanna live? Kill them first. Learn to aim and track properly.
They just want tanks to be shield bots yikesā€¦

ok i justā€¦dont know what to tell you if you cant see it. what about sombra? she is also very team reliant.

You could probably do this if you did something like

  • Bubble maximum charge reduced from 40 to 30
  • Proyected bubble CD reduced from 8 to 6
  • Self barrier CD reduced from 10 to 8

i think that would make her able to protect other players more often

She can already do that in good handsā€¦ in good hands
You have to time your bubbles correctly, be patient and not waste them like noobs, stop trying to make her easy
Stop trying to turn every tank into Orisa, if you wanna play an easy shield bot that requires 0 brain a hero like that already exists

Stop picking apart my arguement. Iā€™m literally a Zarya main. I want LESS power to her beam and MORE to her nade. It would allow her to have a little bit of CC and burst damage in her kit, which opens her up to more plays and raises the skill floor. Zarya is simply too easy to get value out of in low ranks because of rein usage, and they need to make her synergize with supports, DPS, and other tanks more so that she can have a stronger role on her own. This will benefit her in other comps and kill this stupid rein zarya bullsh*t that dominates low ranks because itā€™s so easy to run.

stop trying strawmanning everything i say.

Inventing a ā€œReasonā€ to attack your version of my argument is stupid

these two only know how to strawman. i dont think its worth to continue this conversation with them

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Whatā€™s your rank?
It doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re a Zarya main if youā€™re not masters at the very very least
The point is to demonstrate you know how to properly play the game and the hero youā€™re suggesting changes to

Itā€™s literally not possible for her to gain Energy without her bubbles being shot.

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Beeing able to balance a game is acomplete different skill to beeing able to play the game

Source? jeff kaplan admitted he is platinum

Funny how they were completely clueless as to how to balance the game (and screwed up like 10 times) until recently that they decided to start listening to streamers like sam, jake and others

besides jeff is diamond and he isnā€™t part of the balance team

looks like good ol jeffy got good

dont the streamers question their decisions as well?

implying diamond is good pepega clap

Thatā€™s a 30% increase in SPSā€¦ And even if you decreased Energy generation by 25% at that point, sheā€™d still generate almost exactly as quickly over time, just less burstily (i.e. with longer ramp-up, which is already a problem for her).

got better, are you happy now?

You really gotta chill out, we get it, you are 3817, good for you :joy:

though i assume this is your alt, Yes?

Iā€™m a Zarya main who is 3500-3600 in RQ and 3700 in openqueue (only play zarya there because goats). Sheā€™s one of the tanks I can play really well, so I think Iā€™m safe to speak on her. Also, it doesnā€™t matter what you rank is. Everybody has a valid opinion. MORE SO plat and diamond players Iā€™d argue, infact. They make up the majority of the playerbase that also understand the game, albeit on a fundamental level. They should be who the game is balanced around.

I was thinking why does this guy wanna nerf every high skill part of Zarya and buff her spam and I just saw youā€™re a console player.
Nvm xd

I think Iā€™m wasting my time. They will never balance for console, learn how to play with kb and mouse.

best of luck

Hahaha, I understand you are trying to invalidate my arguement but tanks really arenā€™t all too dissimilar on Console and PC, atleast in masters. DPS is a whole nother ball game, though. Iā€™m sure I could sink time into zarya on PC and end up in masters as well. Sheā€™s not exactly difficult to play.

Also Iā€™m not trying to take skill from zarya. I want her to have better beam management and better damage/CC with her grenade. Increase the decay, revert the size change on her nades. Tracking with zarya is a cake walk and it makes her quite boring to play. They need to up her skill floor and ceiling so sheā€™s not so dominant from bronze all the way up to masters.

Yeah like i said, i dont think this person is worth arguing, they dont argue against your points, just look for a reason to invalidate your opinion.

Especially funny considering he is either on a smurf account. or an alt

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