I’m at 2800 SR now and I’m getting really worried about playing… I KNOW the game is setting me up to go on a massive losing streak that I have no control over. Why? Because it has been too long since I’ve been on a losing streak… Last time I went on a losing streak was when I was at the edge of ranking up to plat. Now I’m getting to the edge of diamond, I know I’m going to get a series of unwinnable games to bump me down again, soon.
I’ve already started getting complete clown games again, ones that are basically already decided before the spawn doors open. Last night, I had a game where our support were brig/zen and would only heal the tanks (basically hard throwing from the start). When I asked why they wouldn’t heal me, the whole team just stopped playing and went afk until the game ended… Then the next game as soon as the spawn doors opened on defense, the enemy team (I think they were all at least top 500 players, if not OWL players) immediately killed our entire team. Except for one guy who never selected a hero and eventually left the game, causing the game to be cancelled (spared me the SR loss, which was inevitable). After those 2 games, I quit for the night.
Then tonight I played a KOTH game where my tanks would not stop charging into the enemy team solo like they were playing deathmatch. About 30 seconds into the match, one of the enemy players leave, but the match doesn’t get cancelled for some reason (I’ve seen this bug occur intermittently).
Even with a 6v5 game, we barely win round 1 with our tanks hard throwing. Then the enemy team gave up so round 2 was an easy win. But this game felt stupid, it was one where we would have lost for sure no matter what I did if the enemy player hadn’t left. But instead, we won BECAUSE he left.
Then the game after that, enemy team had a guy playing bastion and a guy playing torb with no shield (basically both hard throwing). So we rolled them on attack round and one of my teammates decides he wants to play ball because “we can’t lose”. And then does absolutely nothing the entire defense round. Refused to switch, even when enemy team had Mei & junkrat, he just rolled around the payload the whole time.
We still ended up winning that game because our Reinhardt was REALLY good, but it was very frustrating having to work so hard to make up for a throwing teammate in a game that should have been an easy win at that point. We ended up stopping them JUST short of the final point on defense
Even though I won all my games tonight, it just felt frustrating as hell, the matches are still just complete garbage.
I spoke too soon when I said in my previous post that plat feels a lot better than silver and gold… There are less hard throwers, but it generally tends to be like 1 per game, rather than 2-3 every match.
Still too often the matches feel outside of my control (not to mention that I’m STILL seeing gold players show up in my matches, in high plat!). I know a lot of people quote Jayne who apparently said something like “40% of matches are automatic wins, 40% of matches are automatic losses, the other 20% are ones where you influence the outcome by your individual play”.
I’m starting to understand that sentiment, although I think those percentages charge drastically based on which elo you are in. But at the same time, how can you quote that, implying you agree with it and STILL not think the matchmaker is broken?
A rank system is supposed to determine your individual skill, but this quote is basically stating that the overwatch rank system just isn’t able to… unless you grind hundreds of games. Or are currently ranked multiple tiers below where you belong…
Which… most people could watch 30 minutes of someone playing the game and be able to accurately identify within a 3 tier range of where that player should be ranked…
I’m just tilted tonight after the experience of the last 2 nights of playing, despite continuing to climb