But also, note what you have quoted here. Your complaint was that the SR differential in the matches was lopsided. That is, one team would have all the best players and the other team would have all the worst players.
I asked you for what the scenario you were imagining was and you gave me these numbers:
In your scenario, the first team has all the worst players in the lobby (with one exception), while the second team has all the best players in the lobby (with that same exception).
But now go back and look at the quotes you gave me. People are complaining that if they are the best player in the lobby, they get the worst teammates. That’s the opposite of your complaint. In your scenario, the problem is that the best players in the lobby are all distributed on the same team (so it’s not that the best players get the worst teammates- it’s that the best players get the best teammates.) You are complaining that the matchmaker is not attempting to balance matches (or at least not hard enough), but they are complaining that the matchmaker is attempting to balance matches.