Woah there! You sound very much the toxic player. xD
aka “But I constantly get potato teammates that throw my games. Sadge.”
Woah there! You sound very much the toxic player. xD
aka “But I constantly get potato teammates that throw my games. Sadge.”
just like my alt started in high gold and, after three seasons, got back to high silver where I belong.
If it takes 3 seasons to equalize ones ranking, there is something fundamentally broken with the matchmaker.
I really despise people like you: toxic players who call throwers every other player that doesn’t perform at the level they think they should.
The kinda guy who wants his gold teammates (with all their problems and inconsistencies) to play like diamonds so that they can have an easy climb.
I just encountered a couple players like you in my morning matches, called me a thrower and ask for report because in their opinion I wasn’t performing well enough.
But you know, I’m low gold for a reason.
I don’t have a huge ego like you and some other people around here that feel they are the main character of the game and I acknowledge my extremely inconsistent gameplay.
You are what ruins this community, what ruins this forums and what ruins other people enjoyment.
Have fun with your temporary high plat adventure, rant over.
I smell boosted
Because it matches your experience?
After a fashion.
You have done nothing but make the most moronic and illogical assumptions about me all thread with your posts, which I have patiently corrected with logic, but which you are apparently too thick headed to understand and keep repeating.
But now that you are choosing to make a personal attack, my patience with you has ended.
Do you not have any reading comprehension? I have repeated over and over that silver/gold is full of a mix of good players that belong higher and terrible players that belong much lower, so where do you get the idea that “I think all gold teammates should be playing like they are in diamond”?
The more I read your posts, the more I suspect that you are one of those bronze skill players that gets anchored to gold by the broken matchmaker that constantly places you with much higher performing teammates, preventing them from being able to climb. And you lack the self-awareness and are too egotistical to realize that you actually belong in bronze, you think to yourself “I’m performing just as well as the best teammates I get, we are the same”.
Why else do you (by your own admission) get called a thrower by your teammates so often? Because you are the anchor player and your teammates can see it.
Do you know how many times I have been called a thrower by ANY of my teammates since starting this account? Literally 0 times. How about getting some introspection and realize that if you are getting called a thrower so often, you are doing something seriously wrong, instead of getting mad at teammates for pointing it out
People that understand the game and can actually analyze what’s going on can tell who the weak players and who the strong players in their matches are. This is a big part of the reason I am climbing with an 80%+ win rate and also why I can see such significant problems with the matchmaker.
For the record, I don’t say anything negative to my teammates even if I am raging internally, because I know it won’t help anything (I don’t even ask them to swap if I see them hard throwing on a character, because I know they will likely then proceed to jump off the map for the rest of the game). It’s basically self-sabotage to ever say anything that can even remotely be considered not-positive to your teammates in this game. Most of the time, all it does is make them try to blatantly throw harder to spite you. Even if it’s something just SLIGHTLY negative, some people, like you apparently, will go ballistic about it.
People like YOU are actually the problem with the Overwatch community. People that have skin the thickness of tissue paper. Who get irrationally angry at the slightest hint of a criticism. Such as my game the other night where I asked our brig/zen why they refused to heal me while I was standing beside them spamming for healing, when nobody was in a fight and then they proceeded to go afk for the rest of the game. Or my game when I was playing support and told my tanks that they are going out of position too much. One of my tanks, who was a normal human being, responded with “sorry, I’m new to the game” which I proceeded to respond “don’t worry about it”. Whereas my other teammate (who sounds like you) completely lost his mind and spent the rest of the game cursing me out, who I proceeded to ignore (it’s really not hard to do). Even after the game ended and we won, he decided to get one last insult in during the post match screen, that’s how mad he was.
With your own words:
Thanks for the confirmation.
Boosted? How? I solo-queue.
By what?
Do you mean the matchmaker is boosting me? Maybe it is. But what does that say about the matchmaker then? Could it be… dare I say it… Broken?
You can feel the pendulum swing. Matchmaker is super predictable that way. The more time you have on an account, the more mud the algorithm will throw at your feet.
Truth. It’s not about ranking up, it’s about a consistently mild experience, instead of stomp up, stomp down, repeat.
I too experienced unprovoked personal attacks from this group of individuals.
Yea this is 100% a thing. Ive even documented it months ago doing a climb as hanzo only on an old account. It “is” doable but its stupid difficult. I did go back to that account and now got it to 2400 but took another 30 games or so.
I recently played some pugs with open division guys, ie similar skill levels to my main heros, won (thanks for the games btw hulk was a blast) then hopped onto that old account and lost 3 in a row in gold LOL
Last week i streamed it to a friend to see what would happen. Got it on a winstreak to one game from plat, before hitting queue i said watch this were gona get nothing but toxic players who blame me and we lose. Thats exactly what happened too. Lost a match with 73 elims at some point, How is that even possible
Meanwhile this account is mid diamond and climbing while learning new heros and playing all 3 roles.
All we can do now is have fun, or play other games until ow2 is out
The handicapping system works both ways. You now have one account 300+ SR too high and one 300+ SR too low. Once you get about 250 away from your true rank, the handicapping significantly pushes to keep you away. Average the two accounts’ SRs. That’s likely where your SR is.
That doesn’t make any sense. If you get two incorrect calculations from a system, you don’t just average both incorrect calculations to get the correct answer
Measurements of natural phenomena always have a variance. Skill, in particular, has a lot of factors that can change the result, so there is going to be a wide range.
Perhaps you’ve heard a phrase like “the value is 2000 +/- 250 with a confidence of 75%”. This, and only this, is the fully proper way to express the sampled value of a natural phenomenon, which is what skill is.
Many people experience around a 250 +/- SR variance, I’ve noticed. Some are more, sure. Some are less, but either way the SR precision is just insane. Going up 1 SR is meaningless. In that video by Josh Menke he mentioned a full tier difference will result in a 75% chance for the higher tier to win.
A lot of these conspiracy theories have as a core belief that the MMR is very, very accurate. A lot of them feel that any inaccuracy, therefore, is malicious.
The truth is that skill is hard to measure and many players don’t play in a consistent way anyways. Once you understand that, nearly all phenomena can be explained by that fact. Including yours.
The idea that there can be correct calculations is what is incorrect here.
That’s true. The lower could be correct and the higher rank incorrect, or vice versa. It just seems suspicious that the SR gap is almost exactly that which would be for one account held too high and one held too low by the handicapping. Playing on an account around the midpoint would clarify the answer.
my losses are not my fault when they are steamroll despite me playing at the same level of the last game that was a success despite both being the same rank, because a steamroll indicates a complete systemic failure of the team. and the problem lay elsewhere. I will not blame my so called “teammates” even though I’ve never met them before in my life, even though they are not speaking at all, and even though some of them are certainly displaying a lack of ability compared to others i’ve seen at their rank. They were placed on this team by the same system that placed me on this team. In other words the true culprit is blizzard and their matchmaking system that seems to operate based on some pseudoscience pre-bias about what the result should be. It’s not a matchmaker’s job to determine the outcome of a game before it starts. Even if it was not designed with that intention, it’s the result. It also does not account for people intentionally throwing or playing at a rank they do not belong at, because RMT is a real issue and so is pubstomp mentality. I have no issue being in silver/gold forever, but the games are rarely well balanced and enjoyable for both teams. This is not the player’s fault. It is Blizzard’s fault.
I disagree. My main account is level way too stupid high. A point of toxicity in many games actually. And I am struggling to get out of gold. I’m actually falling toward silver on tank. I have 3 alt accounts on Playstation. Two of them are mine only, one is my wife’s that she gave me after she realized much more quickly, like 5 years sooner, that this was impossible.
I have 1 alt account that plays strictly dps and I have placed either highest platinum or actually diamond every single season and maintained just for the purpose of comparison currently sitting at 3300, just shy.
I have another that I practice widow and support on, with a high platinum widow at 2890, and diamond support.
The wife’s account was placed by her and played for about 50 hours when the game first came out and she ended up placing silver the first competitive season. It wasn’t touched for 2 to 3 years, and I played for her. In my main account and in my high dps alt I play pharah and do well. On her account I play pharah and actually obliterate everything. Well playing 3 games in this manner she gained exactly 6 SR. So we retired her account.
Legit… bronze is 99% thrown games by one team somehow… like I just had a match with 2 members “new” to the game. One was a Ball going off to Narnia… or something, and a Lucio who was just trying to get environmental kills only on Oasis. Never on point. This is super common in the lower ELOs. ELO hell exists, and people who say it doesn’t are ignorant. Every season, bronze should be boosted 1500 SR (2000 if below 1000), and Silvers boosted 1000… And they should not have to do placements. They will fall naturally where they should be over time. But honestly… Bronze is not possible to climb out of when you have 2-3 members purposely throw every other match. Anyone at Blizzard with any braincells would be able to fix this with this simple application.