I’m pretty sure you are making that up, here are some quotes from recent threads on this very forum.
Doesn’t sound like the complaint is about the matchmaker doing it’s job. In fact, it sounds like the complaint that the MM is dogsh!t, that the team SR difference is indeed above 1000, maybe above 2000, that the MM is placing dogsh!t players in teams against much higher ranked players, essentially forcing the loss.
WHY it does this is the point of contention.
- Is it some kind of failure of the algorithm (probably, people are pretty crap at building these types of things, and tend to rely on blunt heuristics).
- Is it just RNG?
- Is it because the game is basically dead and there aren’t enough players to make a balanced game (and has been for years)?
- Or is it deliberate (putting on tin foil hat), to punish a certain category of players?
- Or is it a commercial decision (putting on second tin foil hat) to drive sales of alt accounts after complete and utter incompetence in introducing new heroes and overbuffing (and nerfing) decimated the player base?