Your personal balance list?

This is including all the current PTR stuff already. I won’t include heroes that I’m not sure of yet or if I don’t think they need balancing at all really. This is my list (Completely subject to change based on incoming ideas, of course):


  • Increased unscoped projectile speed by 15%
  • Biotic Grenade reduces healing by 75% (instead of 100%)


  • Coach Gun cooldown decreased to 8 seconds (from 10)


  • Increased healing projectile speed by 10%
  • Exo Boots charged effect stays for 0.5 seconds longer while walking


  • Takes 50% less damage while transforming from Sentry mode to Recon mode (not the other way around)
  • Takes 15% less damage in Recon mode


  • Shield health increased to 250
  • Whip Shot counts as a melee weapon for the purposes of game mechanics, except it retracts upon hitting a shield and damages the closest target within ~0.7m? (no damage to an enemy if none exist within this range). it does not boop if hitting a shield, and does 50% less damage to the shield and the one enemy hit. It does full damage to a shield if no enemy is hit.
  • Less movement speed penalty with shield up

  • Armor is 300 of’s health instead of 200
  • Head critbox diameter decreased by 10%


  • Rocket Punch cooldown increased to 5 seconds (from 4)
  • Shield decay increased to 5 per second (from 3)
  • 5 less shield generated on hit


  • Swift Strike resets on a minimum of 45 damage per elimination
  • Deflect hitbox radius increased by 5% in front of himself


  • Overall Arrow speed decreased by 10%
  • Lowest charged arrow speed decreased by 25% (allows for trick shots and more arcing shots)
  • Lowest charged arrow damage increased to 40 damage (from 35)
  • Storm Arrow cooldown increased to 12 seconds


  • Can have two traps out, but placing one within 20m of the other breaks the previously placed trap
  • Concussion Mine cooldown reduced by 1 second
  • Concussion Mine minimum damage increased to 50 (from 30)


  • Becomes invincible for the entire animation of Combat Roll


  • Takes 10% more damage to freeze someone
  • Cryo-Freeze only lasts 3 seconds instead of 4 (keeps the same amount of healing)
  • +1 second cooldown on Ice Wall


  • Jetpack is a bit more audible to the enemy


  • Hook range decreased to 18m (from 20)
  • Hook cooldown increased by 1 second
  • Becomes an environmental object while using Take a Breather
  • Cannot headshot
  • Left click and right click damage increased by 10%
  • 15% less damage taken during Whole Hog

Soldier 76

  • Can start reload while running but at 3 times slower animation speed
  • Can start running while reloading but incurs a 4 times slower animation speed


  • 10% less spread on her smg
  • Can hack one large health pack OR two small health packs at a time, but they stay hacked until you switch to another hero or hack a different health pack


  • 10% more spread on her guns


  • +20% increased charge time (almost 1 second to get 200 damage from unscoped, 1.25 seconds to full charge)


  • +5 damage per second to your closest target with Tesla Cannon

Wrecking Ball

  • Gets a critbox spot on the ball during roll form. Would be extremely hard to hit consistently anyway.

What are your ideas?

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Barriers stop EMP, but are also destroyed.


That one’s a buff, not a nerf. The biotic grenade thing is a nerf though.

Ohhh, i read it as reduced projectile speed.
My bad.

An interesting list of balance changes, although personally I’m going to wait for 2-2-2 to go live for play out for a couple of weeks before I think up a list of my own. One or two other heroes I think may need adding to something like the list you posted though, especially despite how unpopular discussing one of the them I have in mind still is (unless it’s to talk about nerfs). Interesting times ahead!

Imagine McCree living through Self Destruct because he stopped dropped and rolled lol


Yeah I’ll change this up if I feel like I need to.

Exactly. The timing wouldn’t exactly be that easy either lol.

Dark souls in a nutshell <3


Most of these suggestions are pretty sensible. However, I think the change to Bastion to take 15% less damage in recon mode is pretty redundant. He already takes 20% less in Sentry.

I think it would make more sense to remove ironclad altogether and just increase his heath to 350 (An overall increase of just over 16%). It just doesn’t make sense to me to have two health reductions that are so similar when you can just have the same effect by increasing the maximum health.

Instead of rolling make McCree do a quick sidestep :smirk:

Oh yeah I forgot about that. That sounds better tbh. Recon mode is kinda awful because his hitbox is huge.


  • Deleted.


  • Deleted.


  • Deleted.


  • Deleted.


  • Deleted.


  • Nerfed into F tier.


  • Grenades don’t bounce, explode a set time after touching the ground.
  • Grenade launcher better at hitting directs.
  • Mines nerfed, they’re brainless.


  • Please god just don’t keep him as this noob trap garbage.


  • Please god just don’t keep her as this… whatever she is.

Wrecking Ball

  • Nerfed to make up for his hard counters getting deleted.


  • Self healing outside of combat.

Ok goodbye.

this is a bad idea

should be 350

tf? no



Genji attack helicopter,

He swings his sword above him to fly while throwing shurikens from feet <3.

Make Mei’s icicle have a random cast time between 1 and 6 seconds.

  • Matchmaking (QP and Comp removed) and those responsible fired.
  • Server browser improved and retains preferences after quitting.
  • Option to replace portrait border with a blank one added if not portraits outright removed.
  • Microtransactions removed and people responsible fed to lions.
  • Dedicated servers can be rented from A/B
  • Lootboxes also removed and people responsible put in a Running Man type scenario where they need to find the key to the exit in random boxes while avoiding themed gladiators. Instead you get coins for completing matches to buy your cosmetic garbage.
  • Option to enable all default skins client side.
  • Select your hero time shortened to 5 seconds.
  • Ultimates removed. Where feasible, ultimates can be worked into an ability for characters.
  • Hard CC effects removed. Any character’s whose whole schtick is this are removed (Mei for example)
  • Widow’s grappling hook disengages if she takes damage while in use.
  • Barrier CD’s start after the barrier expires or is destroyed.
  • Ashe automatically starts reloading while ‘idle’ (Basically TF2’s auto reload)

I’m seeing quite a few issues with this but I’m also seeing some really good changes made. I’ll give my thoughts on the ones I disagree with just so whatever I don’t say can be taken as approval.

I think it’s already pretty fast but that’s something worth looking into.

He’s already pretty powerful especially when pocketed. I think this might be a fine change if you nerf his turret form in some way to encourage getting up and doing damage in recon.

I’m not going to speak on the Brig changes because I don’t really understand the second one and overall they’re not too significant.

I disagree with the dash reset because nobody can properly tell if someone under or over 45hp and not to mention if you go in and get a kill with dash and don’t have a dash to escape you’re absolutely going to die and that’d mean pick for pick so then you have no advantage so there’s really no point. The deflect buff is a solid change though, here’s a clip of why. Nothing should be this close to you and get the animation for deflect to trigger but not deflect.

I don’t necessarily think Junk should get a hard buff like this. The traps wouldn’t work because there’d be no way to tell where that 20m range is and if there was a way it’d add too much visual stimulus in an already incredibly active game with a lot of effects happening all over the place. Not to mention he has two concussion mines so I don’t really think we need to buff them, they’re already really powerful for dis-positioning people or straight up killing them. The concussion mine damage MIGHT work but again it’d need to be tested first.

Shouldn’t be changed, however CC immunity while rolling might be a lot more understandable. If we want to nerf CC like Blizzard said then doing this might be the way to go. They’d have to do it to everyone though, Genji when he dashes, Tracer when she blinks, etc. I wouldn’t mind everyone having a way to avoid CC if they have quick enough reaction time.

What does becoming on environmental object mean? Like he just transforms into a rock?? I don’t think he should get many changes, those nerfs to hook are perfect but the other changes I wouldn’t add. One-shotting someone that’s at perfect range is something that’s very skilled and needs to stay.

I actually don’t know about these changes, it’d be cool to be able to test some of that out to see how it does. But then again he’d constantly be running everywhere and catching him would be a nightmare.

ABSOLUTELY NO, Sombra might need some changes but her usefulness is in her abilities rather than her damage. She creates openings for her team to do more. Permanently hacking healthpacks is also a big no-no because then if another Sombra wants to hack them what can she do? Think about it: Temple of Anubis and Defender Sombra perma-hacks the mega and mini next to choke point. No way.

I think 5%-10% wouldn’t actually be a bad change given her unpredictability and teleporting. Makes it so that she can’t melt you like a god in 1sec but not too much so that she can’t do anything.

I think Winston’s pretty fine currently, maybe this would be a good change maybe not they’d have to test it and see.

Overall very nice ideas and I’d like to see some of these tested out. It might really benefit the game! We just need to avoid any hard buffs or hard nerfs for the characters that don’t really need it.


  • Base heals now 55hps

  • Valk mods: 70 main beam healing and 50 AoE healing

  • speed penalty for rez in Valk reduced 15%


  • shield now 350 HP


  • No crit hits on Storm arrow


  • grapple revered to 12 sec CD


  • spread reduced


  • 100 more HP is converted to shields


  • no more shield passive


  • Anti Nade only reduces 75% not all healing


  • speed nerf reverted for2-2-2
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The thing i like about the OP’s list is that Mercy isnt on it

  • Ana
    • Biotic Grenade debuff now is a 50% healing penalty instead of 100%
  • Ashe
    • While BOB is doing something, Ashe can’t gain ultimate charge
    • Dynamite burn duration reduced by 2 seconds if it blow up upon being shot (same duration if it explodes on its own)
    • Each reload animation now reloads two bullets instead of one
    • ADS shot damage reduced to 75. No damage falloff when ADS shooting.
  • Bastion
    • Config Sentry get back its beta barrier, but Bastion can’t stay in sentry form for longer than 8 seconds at a time.
    • Config Tank becomes an ability (with reduced damage and a headshot weak spot), and also can’t be sustained for longer than 8 seconds.
    • New ultimate: Overclock. Boosts all three Configs of Bastion
  • Brigitte
    • Back to launch version, except Rally is capped at 75 barrier, expires after 30 seconds, and shield bash can’t bypass barriers
    • Defense Matrix cooldown reduced to 1 second from 2 seconds
    • Defense Matrix recharge starts after 2 seconds instead of instantly
  • Doomfist
    • Don’t know enough of Doomfist nuances to propose changes, but I think he needs a slightly buff
  • Genji
    • No change. Genji is annoying, but surprisingly balanced.
  • Hanzo
    • Bring Scatter Arrow back, with a 300 damage cap. Ie, enemy is immune to being hit by more than 4 arrowheads on a single launch.
    • Remove Lunge. He is categorized as a sniper, he should be vulnerable to people going close range. He still have a escape chance on Wallclimb.
  • Junkrat
    • Bring back old grenades: More bouncy, old projectile size.
    • Concussion Mine have no damage falloff. Concussion Mine deal 80 damage if airbone, and 120 damage if placed on a solid surface.
  • McCree
    • Can Roll while Deadeye is active, while keeping the ultimate active.
    • Roll have invincibility frames (exact invincibility time TBD)
  • Mercy
    • During Valkyrie, beam primary target gets increased effect from Mercy (80 HPS, 50% damage boost), while the branching receive less effect (30 HPS, 10% damage boost). This would encourage Mercy to prioritize targets while Valkyrie is active, instead of current “target don’t matter, as long as everyone is together”
    • Activating Valkyrie don’t break healing/boost beam from current target.
  • Moira
    • Can heal through barriers with Biotic Grasp
    • Biotic Orb (damage) inflicts a healing debuff effect (10~20%) for up to 2 seconds after the orb stop dealing damage
  • Pharah
    • No longer recharges fuel while airbone. Increased fuel capacity. The idea is that she is forced to land now and then, instead of being able to stay permanently airbone if the map have a high skybox and the player have good fuel control
    • Barrage no longer damage herself
  • Soldier 76
    • Tactical Visor duration increased by 0.3s (so that after two clips, you get a fast reload)
  • Sombra
    • Revert PTR changes
  • Symmetra
    • Revert her and implement those changes
    • You are no longer required to destroy your own teleporter before replacing it, as long as it didn’t suffered damage or was used in the last 2 seconds (just like Torb’s turret)
    • Teleporter cooldown upon destruction is reduced to 6 seconds
    • Photon Barrier no longer expires. Symmetra can’t earn ult charge while it’s active, and can destroy her own barrier at will by pressing the ultimate button again.
  • Torbjörn
    • Change turret HP to 50 HP+200 armor. Torbjorn can only repair the armor portion of the turret HP
    • Overload no longer have a wind-up animation.
  • Tracer
    • 0.5s cooldown between Blinks
  • Widowmaker
    • HP reduced to 150 from 200
    • No longer have increased critical multiplier on headshots.
    • While Infrasight is active, critical multiplier is increased to x2.5
    • Grappling hook no longer slingshot if it’s hooked at a downward angle
  • Winston
    • Primal Rage no longer gives enemies ult charge
  • Zenyatta
    • Visual change only: While using Transcendence, his HP bar glow full “immortal”, like that part that glows while under Baptiste Immortality Field.

  • Baptiste, Lúcio, Mei, Orisa, Reaper, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Wrecking Ball, Zarya
    • No change
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