Your personal balance list?

The mercy change sounds like BigMainLittleChains

1.- Widowmaker:
150 hp

Storm arrow cant head shot.

Revert Slam rangue and faster reloading of bullets.

Receive 20% more projectile damage of enemys.

Speed Nerf Reverted for 2/2/2.

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So buff every character but hard nerf doomfist😐

I don’t even play Mercy, and I think she needs to be able to do more during Valkyrie without going back into Moth.

Big Main Little Chains is the best proposal to make Mercy more proactive, so I fully embrace the call for it.

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I will reply seriously later but… just for kicks?
Remove all heroes save


And give them their launch balance. :blush:

All other heroes deleted so the babies can deal with needing game sense or leave


What do you think about the other elements of my Compromise Rework proposal?

I’m going to be the unpopular opinion guy most likely. But here we go!


  • Replace Rez with some form of Anti-CC applicable to her Teammates.


  • Reworked into a Agile Rocket Unit, removing the flight mechanic entirely and replacing it for more of a jump jet style character, instead of actual flight. Allowing for her to be buffed to Blizzards content and be stuck in the dung hole that they left her in.


  • Reverted previous buffs from the Baptiste patch and reverted his projectile size back to 0.3 from 0.2.
  • Addition to his passive, does % amount of more damage to Barriers.


  • Give him back his Orbs after killing someone. They heal for the amount of damage he dealt to their health. (Armor, Shields and Temp don’t count.)
  • Then his base life steal which would be either 35% - 40% down from 50%. Only applicable against Characters with 400 or more health.


  • New Passive: Battery - Gives 15% less ult charge. :man_shrugging:
  • and his reload speed reduced, by a little. Don’t know the specifics, but enough to make it feel like it doesn’t take an entire minute to reload 5? bullets.


  • Revert recent buff to her primary and drop her Walls health to 350 or even 300 and the cooldown is halfed, if she decides to break it herself.
  • Her guns ammo capacity reduced by at least 50, to lessen the amount of Re-freezing. That people keep complaining about. :roll_eyes:

This would cause her to become more of a “Support” in the sense that Symmetra was classified as a Support at one point. Not healing, but utility for her team. In the case for Mei, her utility to freeze while her teammates attack.


  • To be on live already. :sweat_smile:
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I’m not aware of them. Do you have a link?

Nice, I like this. If she’s still super strong afterward (which I suspect she might be), let’s say take down the damage on Biotic Grenade as well from 60 to 30

Sure, I guess. A buff wouldn’t hurt her, and seeing as she doesn’t have the one-shot capacity of snipers, I think it’d be okay to grant her more mobility.

Seems fine. Possibly reduce his Burst cooldown by a couple of seconds

I think Bastion needs more comprehensive changes than this. These aren’t bad, but I personally would propose more aggressive changes.

See Bastion. These aren’t bad, but they’re not going to fix the fundamental issues that she has now (i.e. still needing to do substantially more work just to accomplish what Moira or Lucio do).

Also the Whip Shot suggestion is… odd.

Seems okay, I think it’d be better to look at some changes to how DM functions and making it less clunky while also making it less… all-powerful, should we say? But these are alright.

TBD. He’s not strong right now, and I’d really want to see how he does in 2-2-2 before suggesting what is largely a nerf to him. I would definitely want to see changes/buffs to Meteor Strike, as well.

I don’t think the Deflect change is really necessary. Swift Strike change is okay, I’d rather it just reset on final blows.

Gonna say no across the board on this.

I think he’ll be pretty much fine with the Storm Arrow nerf on PTR, and if he’s still too strong afterward (which… I doubt, but it’s possible), I’d rather go for tuning down his bodyshot damage but upping his crit multiplier instead.

No across the board again. I’m not entirely sure what to do with Junkrat, but keep in mind that he’s insanely pubstompy, and anything that just flat buffs him will make his presence in low and mid ranks extremely frustrating. I think, just shooting off the cuff, a good change for him would be a damage bonus against barriers, which would help solidify his niche at high ranks as well as providing better tools to deal with bunkers/barrier spam in lower ranks.

IDK about the entire animation, but I agree with putting some i-frames on Roll

Gonna say no, again. Her primary probably just shouldn’t truly freeze at all, but instead slow and “frostbite,” preventing the usage of mobility abilities. But, also, buff her Health a little (thicc girl can get 300 Health), let Cryo reload her ammo, and maybe expand the radius of Blizzard some.

Pharah needs a lot of changes to make her good. File her with Bastion and Brigitte.

Only one I’ll say yes to is the TAB change. Not the change I’d make for him personally, but I’ll take it. Otherwise, he doesn’t need to be touched. He’s pretty balanced and is just being meta-boosted by Orisa/Ana bunker.

Seems fine


I think Tracer’s okay for now. Let’s not touch her.

See Pharah/Brigitte/Bastion. Widowmaker’s terrible skill curve and limited counterplay would justify more aggressive changes to her.

Nah… maybe just a second off his Barrier cooldown and toning down his critbox

Seems superfluous, and I don’t think it’d really do anything

Anyway, a couple heroes not listed that I would make changes to:


  • Gets a Smoke Bomb ability. 5 second duration, 15 second cooldown, 3-4 m radius. Lightly impairs vision of those inside, and Reaper’s primary deals 20% anti-healing for 3 seconds while he’s standing in the smoke cloud
  • Damage reduced from 7 to 5 per pellet
  • Spread reduced by ~10%
  • Life Steal increased from 40% to 50% (to help offset damage nerf)


  • Damage Orb reduced from 50 DPS to 40 DPS, but deals same max damage
  • Damage Orb and Coalescence deal a stacking anti-heal, inflicting 3% anti-heal every second up to a maximum of 15%

Mercy (barring a full rework, which is what I’d prefer, but I digress…)

  • Resurrect cooldown removed and replaced with a charge mechanic. Charging requires 1500 HP healed by her primary (or chains in Valk)
  • Mercy can expend half her Resurrect charge on a living ally to heal them for 50% of their maximum health, applied as 50 HPS until 50% of their max health is reached. Using this ability multiple times on a target does not stack, but refreshes the effect
  • Resurrect now restores allies to 50% max health rather than 100%
  • Movement Speed penalty of Resurrect is reduced from 75% to 50%
  • Cast time of Resurrect is reduced from 1.75 seconds to 1.5 seconds


  • GOATS nerfs reverted (Speed Boost returned from 20% / 50% to 30% / 70%)

Mcree - right click damage decrease by 10% , left click damage decrease by 25%, give roll 2 charges

Widowmaker - health reduce to 150, and remove 100% damage.

Roadhog - left click damage is decrease by 10%, inhalf give 25% less ult charge

Genji - Dosn’t get his dash reset when using dragon blade, Double jump has now 5 second cooldown, Dragon blade’s damage decrease by 5%

Tracer - Damage decrease by 10%, Blink’s cooldown increase by 5%

Hanzo - All arrow speed are decrease by 10%, Storm arrow damage decrease by 5% and cannot head crit health decrease to 150 hp

Sombra - damage increase by 10%

I like some of the stuff you thought of except decreasing her base healing from 50 to 40hps. Please for the love of god, she is a main healer, her healing should not be 10 hps more than Zen.

this sounds like a huge overall nerf to Mercy, no thanks.

Lol, no to the 1 sentence Mercy nerf. You want to get rid of arguably the most powerful ability in the game… for an anti-cc ability…? Hard pass.

I disagree. It’s certainly a large nerf to Resurrect, but it’s compensated for by a large buff through the addition of very strong burst healing (you could, for example, maintain 100 HPS on a Hammond for 6 seconds while also providing 50 HPS on a Zarya for 4 seconds). Also, it allows Valkyrie to actually “enhance” Resurrect (which it currently doesn’t do), which serves in part as a buff to Valkyrie and its value in the game.

That said… Mercy is also very strong in the game right now, and she would likely be okay if she were nerfed somewhat (to the horror of Mercy players everywhere, I know)

jesus christ, please dont call for mercy nerfs… not in 2019… were already struggling as it is :frowning:

Lol well… that’s why my intent is to just provide her with a lateral transfer of power that primarily focuses on providing her with more skill expression by creating more depth and variable elements in her kit, rather than flat nerfing or buffing her. But, if said change did alter her balance state, it’s probably better that it’s a nerf than a buff, because she is very strong across the board right now and could potentially teeter back into “balance problem” territory, particularly if Ana got nerfed. And, well… we know how Blizzard handles those sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

thats actually insane lol i cant help but laugh, if people consider Mercy an extremely strong pick now - after (was it 14, 15 or 16) nerfs? I wonder what they thought of Mercy during Mass Rez days & Valk 1.0. I played both iterations and none (except Valk 1.0 in the beginning) felt massively OP, sheesh it’s kinda legendary that after getting everything impactful about you torn up and thrown in the garbage Mercy is STILL seen as a Goddess.

I get some of these, but I really question buffing Junkrat while also nerfing Mei. Mei is really not THAT strong. Considering that her gun shoots only a third as fast as McCree, while doing only 10 damage more. And adding a crit box onto Wrecking Ball just seems like… why? You’ll never hit it intentionally anyway

Mercy in Mass Rez was very well balanced, if not slightly UP, actually.

Valk 1.0 was insanely OP, though (by far the most OP any hero has ever been in the game, except maybe Ironclad Bastion), which is why even after a baker’s dozen nerfs (and then some), she’s still a very strong pick. She went out of meta during GOATS, but she’s easily the strongest main-ish support after Ana, who is… kinda OP lol. A lot of that has to do with nerfs being aimed at the wrong parts of her kit, so she gets power sucked away from stuff like her healing and ultimate to accommodate for it elsewhere (primary culprit: Rez, which is why it’s the focus of the nerfs I suggested). I think that by restricting Rez’s actual value and not just making it less frequent, but providing her with a burst healing option, you’d actually be able to make her feel a lot stronger while actually toning her down… if that makes sense lol

And yet in a position that discouraged actual participating in a fight and doing her job. “Mercy has ult, go hide.”