You gotta feel for mercy players

Look, just posted now… "We need a Mercy!"

A lot of people that sound like you are players that just dont know how to kill Mercy. She’s barely pulling out her pistol to defend herself and it just seems like you are the spoiled ones.

I dont know you personally and have no ill will toward you but I must say. You and many similar to your stance sound like you want Mercy as unplayable and unenjoyable as humanly possible. And you’d be happy if she were erased from the game.

Now I’m not saying that you do, I dont know that but that’s how you sound when I read comments like this.

Mass ressurect was NEVER OP. And it never will be if brought back or not. Because it was an ult that gave her one moment to fight back but even so her team was left to capitalize on the second chance she gave them.

Her current ult relies COMPLETELY on her team not being potatoes and capitalizing on her ult. She can focus on healing or boosting that’s it. NOTHING she does in the sky box will enhance or hinder her teams ability to do great or not.

  • Damage boost that is out classed by Orisa’s super charger.
  • Healing that is out classed by Zen’s trancsendence

What does she bring to a fight that is of her own ability? A one man res? Whooo… either remove this crutch and give her something new and engaging or rework with mass ressurect in mind.

I’m just tired of the devs being so stubborn with her broken state. I dong care whether they revert, rework or remove something I’m just tired of her state and want her to be balanced like she used to be and not at the expense of her player base being shafted so salty players can have their POTG while she remains a side kick.

I hope I didnt offend. I wasnt trying to attack you, there is too much of that as it is. I was just expressing what your comment sounded like and I’m sure you are a cool person so forgive my seemingly aggressive response. Have a lovely day. :blush:


Thanks. I worked hard to get it to a native level of speaking. At one point in my life, it even became more dominant than the language I was born with. Alas, the last 3 years I’ve returned home and created a more stable life with less traveling so as a result not as much chance to speak other than to have a debate or two here. And yes, this is my observation of most western societies - particularly of the men. Unfortunately men are being heavily targeted there and purposefully made weak and powerless. Too much feminism and liberal progressive agenda destroying men. I’m glad I left the West at that point of time when it started to emerge.

Exactly. Same for me. It’s only a small minority of very loud players or as I call them the Revert Mercy cultists that constantly spam the forum claiming that they speak for every Mercy or support player.

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The nerf isn’t what made the other healers viable.

its the buffs they finally got to help them out.

mercy more or less is the same power state she was before and even still just take an ana with your mercy and boom prenerf healing is back plus extra on top of that and anas healing too.

That’s a pretty bad joke.

No joke, I go in with my team, I make maximum use of my new and amazing movement skills and I stay alive, juking so much focus. She is easily the best support still.

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You are completely wrong.

Mass res meant if you did not have a Mercy on your team for RES you lose. FACT.

That is the definition af a broken ability.

She can always damage boost, giving 30% damage boost per shot in between healing a hanzo for instance or Pharah… that is an amazingly powerful combo, it is why Pharmercy is so strong, “mouse 1, mouse 2 during shot, mouse 1, mouse 2 during shot”… Ana only gives 50% damage boost with her ultimate…

Now mercy ults she can “mouse 1, mouse 2 during shot, mouse 1, mouse 2 during shot” for the whole team!!! giving her whole team30% more boost to their ultimate charge.

Plus she can fly in and take out targets with her projectile machine gun!

Orisa ultimate gets pulse bombed, moira ulted through the orisa shield or reindhart charged through the orisa shield… so no… not comparable.

Zen trance is much shorter and when all targets are full health can not then trance to make all his team do 50% more damage… and he cant fly or res…

They added movement skills, like GA bunnhop, GA superjump and made her the most survivable and reliable healer in the game.

She is amazing, I like her now more than ever.

Sorry to be so brutal in tearing your opinion apart, but facts are facts.


People said literally the exact same thing while the 2.0 was on PTR and with every single god damn nerf she received

But hey 7th times the charm yeah?


The revisionist history on Mass Rez is laughable at this point, it was the worst state Overwatch has ever been in with it included. Everyone hated it and it was the single most complained about topic on this forum outside of Genji whining threads.

Good riddance.

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Not particularly, ever since her rework she now lacks the hero moment she used to have.

she feels like a sidekick now and she enables everyone else now while not really getting anything to herself.

Her bunny hop is nice I suppose but it doesn’t make up for the lack of a hero moment.

She’s dreadfully dull now and all you need to have her old healing is an ana to amp your healing up.

Shes just as op as she was before but even more boring.

Nothing’s really changed expect for the enjoyment factor of actually playing mercy.

this was only the case when they overbuffed mass rez with invulnerability upon cast.

I have very little empathy for someone in the support role who is “sad.” Mercy sits on a strong pick rate which almost doubles Zenyatta and he’s the 2nd most picked.

Lets look at the heroes who barely have even 1% before we try to feel sorry for the ones who are still top of their role.

The only argument I have to bring up is how they complain how Mercy is less “fun” to play…the main issue I have with this argument is how while Mercy has had tons of changes ITS NOT SYM LEVELS OF CHANGES meaning while some stats have changed the way she played in season 1 is almost identical to this season now…and even then her ult changed to let you be more involved which i feel would be more fun you know, flying, very good regen, linked healing and DB compared to clicking q and having your team come back to do all the hardwork…I just don’t get Mercy mains sometimes

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Try more like 13 (14 if you count the “bug”)

Theres no beam management in ult, you go into spectator mode and your healing you can be using your unlimited pistol and if you stop to use your pistol you cant heal or boost.

Her ults not engaging and it subtracts from things for an already passive hero to do.

They wanna play a hero not a sidekick.

I hope you’re not trying to respond to me with that, I myself used to play Mercy lots but since the last set of nerfs (before the HPS nerf) I had already quit playing her. For the exct reasons combined with the fact I just never felt really powerful. Which I admit is quite the feat, having an OP hero that dosen’t feel powerful to play

amen to that!!!

It was SO boring… remembr those drawn out fights where the Mercy’s got res off 2-3 times… I rememeber overtime lasting minutes… i wanted to die in real life! xD

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How do you think Ana feels, she literally gives her ultimate to someone else.

I feel like a hero when I res Genji as he is dead but i see he has blade, then immediately valk and go in with him, damage amping his blade so he can slash and dash for resets. Then fly back to heal my whole team as we push.

Clutch Res’s now are game changing still, a good res makes a fight 7v6 every 30 seconds… A res is just as good as getting a pick. It is a REVERSE PICK for your team. It still literally saves fights.

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Yea but its immediate and you right back to being back in control of your actions as ana and your not limited to only doing 1 thing over the course of 15 seconds if you want full value like mercy’s valk.

Ana at least has a “hell yeah I did that suckers!” Moment that Mercy dosen’t have anywhere in her kit. Literallly nothing Mercy does is solely her moment of “take that.” Given hwhat it takes for mercy to pull off her ult and her E turning her into a passive Super charger or very mini trance for 15 seconds.

I’m a hog main, I really don’t. Because Mercy still remained viable afterward, meanwhile hog was left in a buggy state of inconsistency and is the worst off tank for two years now.

People have left the game not because they changed how an “op” hero has become “tuned” but because they never asked for this and had to endure so much toxicity from the player base when at the same time they help their teams playing the “boring” and “brain dead” hero that they refuse to play in order to win the game, or god forbid they have fun playing the hero which isn’t allowed!

I never seen a game where people take a crap on people playing support for the team, usually people are begging and full of appreciation for them lol. I’m so confused how people think getting rid of support players is ever going to be a good thing.

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