You gotta feel for mercy players

3 threads to prove that “almost every revert mercy thread acts as if they speak for everyone” is not enough evidence…

Care to tell us who this charismatic leader is?

Nerfs were needed. They nerfed the wrong part of her.

Because Mercy is still OP… Her nerf doesn’t address what’s making her OP, at all.

Most people want a rework. Are you sure you’re on the right forums?


Never said she was and I’m pretty sure no one else was claiming this either.

So because I’m the initial aggressor (not like calling someone a hypocrite is that big of a deal…), it’s alright for you to personally attack me? Makes sense.

Resurrect was why it was OP. After it no longer enhanced Resurrect, it gradually became a jack of all trades, remotely insufficient in none.


Whatever makes you sleep at night…

It would’ve been broken giving mercy a E ability and having mass resurrect. The reason she didn’t have anything other than GA with mass ressurect is bevause her ultimates made up for all of that.

Having mass Rez and a E ability is a bad idea and tbh it sounds pretty spoiled. Just because her rework failed doesn’t excuse that she still needs to be balanced wether it be revert buffs or rework.

It’s wither mass Rez with GA or another rework. You can’t have it all especially with mercy because having mercy a already mobile and survivable hero a E ability would make her broken levels of mobile and survivable making it even more unfun to play agaisnt.

I think I understand why the devs don’t reply to the mercy threads now.

Wait, where were you when people were looking at the footage of the rework and calling that it was going to be insanely overpowered? I only saw 20 seconds of footage describing and showing it and I called it would be a disaster and people told me that the sky was falling.

I don’t really feel anything for mercy players. or any other supposed mains. Change is inevitable. Sometimes you might not like those changes. This type of balancing isn’t going to go away.

Blizzard isn’t afraid to throw something out that they think isn’t working and try something different. That is a good thing even if those changes may not always 100 percent work out at first.

It could happen to any hero at any time. The game pretty much looks nothing like it did 2 years ago and won’t look anything like it does 2 years from now.

You either adapt or you find a new hero to play. I understand if a hero is longer fun for you after a rework. Your entitled to that, but that doesn’t mean reverting a hero back to the state they were in is the answer. They were changed for a reason.

The goal shouldn’t be to go backwards in regard to balance. reverting mercy is going backwards.

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It’s nice to see a non-Mercy player with a little empathy.


Every nerf our hero gets more tiresome, sluggish and frustrating to play because Blizzard doesn’t know how to balance a game and is too damn proud to admit that they made a mistake and take advice from people who play the hero.

Blizzard is shoving the consequences of their mistakes off onto our shoulders instead of taking responsibility and actually fixing the problem. We are being punished. Just not for anything we did.


I really appreciate your kind post OP.

For me,

the worst thing about main Mercy was not the whole Nerf situation.

The worst part was how the community, streamers, youtubers, the forums and the OWL itself throw a bad light on Mercy players.

This lead to an even more incredible hate and a witch hunt against Mercy mains: inhuman insults, (sexual)harassment, real life threats, false report’s aka (we will report you if you not pick Mercy),

that really killed my happiness, it even affected my real life in a negative way.

I loved Blizzard cause it always felt like they truly loved their games and they could create beautiful worlds like no other developers could do.

I loved Overwatch…

… once.


glad someone understands it. this is one thing the players are asking for back. Choices and involvement like that. The whole mental game and shot calling factor. Now the only thing most need to be aware of is “is grav about to come?” they supped up the kit but took away the feel good factor for many, as well as took away the actual required thinking part.


I should be able to give a sad react instead of a heart. I’m sorry Dude!

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Lol I play sombra so I know all about that. But someone always has it worse. Doesn’t mean you can’t be empathetic

You doubted the existence of evidence, I provided it for you. Did my part, not gonna go and link every thread, the evidence is there just need to see it.

The dude with the ridiculous idea that Mass Rez should be back together with friggin 100HP Burst AoE heal for every living ally including Mercy. :rofl:




You don’t read reddit much do you? Also Blizzard supported us by removing Mass Rez from the game. The devs themselves support us, that’s more than enough :rofl:

You are the one challenging my opinions and attacking with me with personal objectification. Whether it’s a big deal or not, you are still the aggressor.

Evidence? Why is still Mercy a must pick after it no longer has enhanced resurrect?

I’m sleeping very well at night. My sleep isn’t affected by the balance changes of a character in a video game. But even if it was, still no reason to lose any sleep - Blizzard are supporting my points by the way they did the balancing - nerf Mercy, buff everyone else. Now it’s a breath of fresh air and Mercy is not a must pick. Everyone wins. Only small fraction of Revert Mercy players are crying.


I’m glad your sleeping well at night bro. As I got older in life, sleep is very hard to come by. At times I feel like I need some sort of medicine to knock me out but I don’t want to become an addict. You guys shouldn’t get this worked up over a video game.


I’m soon to hit 30s so there are the occasional moments of having existential crisis if I’ve spent my youth appropriately. To be honest I couldn’t care less about his point or anyone’s point. I use this conversations as a way to practice my English debating skills and I don’t lose my English fluency. I don’t live in a native speaking country anymore so I don’t get a chance to speak as often anymore and my native language is becoming the dominant one again. I’m very far away from thinking I’m gonna convince some kid on a forum of the validity of my points. :grinning:

I mean I’m in my mid 20s but it’s fun and probably healthy to get out your emotions and be upset about something less important like a video game instead of doing it when you think about the world and life and dying and stuff.

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Your English is very well written and don’t forget there are adults here who are practically children themselves. They haven’t grown up yet at all and still collect Funko pop toys, comic books, posters, manga, figurines and pre-order games to get the statue that comes with the game. I know a man child that is married to his cousin from back home, lives in his parents house and does all this. I went to school with him lol.

That isn’t the story though.

It is more, if our team does not have a mercy and the enemy team does, are we at a massive disadvantage?

The first version of RES made the answer a resounding YES!

Then they changed it, valk for double res and damage boost. So then the question again… if our team does not have a mercy and the enemy team does, are we at a massive disadvantage… still YES!!!

So they balanced it again, now only 1 res and less speed. if our team does not have a mercy and the enemy team does, are we at a massive disadvantage? YES!

So now we get 1 res and 17% less healing. if our team does not have a mercy and the enemy team does, are we at a massive disadvantage… now the answer is “depends on the team, but she is still the most survivable main healer with the most reliable healing”

So the situation is actually better.

I mean better for the game, sure. But If people aren’t having fun and playing their character is feeling more and more like a job, then that ain’t good.

I am a support main, I have hundreds of hours on Mercy, she is still massive fun to play. Sure, RES is 1 person, not 5, but the skill in pulling it off is actually harder than ever, so the value is even higher.

They added useful movement mechanics, turning her into the GEnji of supports, like superjump, guardian angel hopping, Air glide super jump strafing to bunnyhop… she is a real trick to play now! You can now actually juke Genji blades easily.

Honestly she is more fun than ever. Old mercy, you farmed RES then gotr screamed at to hide by all the team, they would all charge point die in a ball and then you press shift followed by Q for an instant res… it was lame.

Trust me, for mercy players that want to be engaged, this is the best version of Mercy ever.

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You don’t really need to convince me. I’m basing my responses on what I’ve heard mercy players say

The vocal minority buddy. She was the “bot” class to play, if your DPS killed their Mercy and protected you and you just floated along healing, you won… simple.

That is why the stigma about boosted Mercy mains happened, because it was true, people who were awful at Mercy, like terrible still climbed if their DPS killed the enemy Mercy…

As someone who played her from day 1, and a player of FPS games for over 20 years, I can assure you, FPS players, that play Mercy … are far happier.