You gotta feel for mercy players

I mean, I’m not one, mercy is probably one of the characters I’ve played the least…

but you have this hero that you played because you liked them but also because you needed a mercy to stand a chance, then they nerf her so Rez isn’t instant and all that jazz, and you get all upset because your hero isn’t that fun to play anymore.

But you know people need you so you bank on that and keep playing that hero. And then turns out everyone hates you because of how you played this hero(because you kinda had to) and they’re tired of hearing how the hero isn’t fun anymore.

And then you get nerfed again, and you’re like “well this made my this isnt fun problem worse” and everyone is all happy you don’t get to play that hero they made you play anymore.

I mean, I’m glad because like I said I don’t play her, and seeing other supports is good for the game, but still


Mercy is still good though. And she still fun to play.

The complaints are coming from the same contingent of forum lurkers that they always have.

Mercy is fine now, finally. And I’m still getting plenty of value out of her


I feel for reaper players more


me with D.Va except she’s fun to her mains i guess

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My upset has always been and will always be with the developers for changing this hero when they had ample means of adjusting her former ultimate and giving her an E ability that was balanced.

But for most people its easier to be mad at the people that had no say in this and have no other means of venting but via thread posts. Sure some are spam but I’ve seen and read many with meaningful information on how to fix her. Both current Valkyrie + Res and Ressurect ult.

Sadly no one cares and just wants them to suffer for what the devs did.

PS: Most people think the upset is do to pick rates and Mercy driving the meta. It was NEVER about that. They just want the nerfs to stop, the hero to be balanced for the game and fun for the players that actually enjoy the hero. Oh yeah and they want her to be viable in her niche while more skilled players can eek out more reward at higher levels of play like Vale, Animetic and EeveeA.

But that’s none of my business … “shes fine now” said after every nerf. :joy:


This has been said after every nerf ever made to her.

In January myself and other forum posters said that she will still be overpowered after her nerfs, and we were right.

Mercy’s pickrate will drop until people realise she still has Rez on a 30 second cooldown.


Gah i just don’t understand why I can play mercy all the time and nobody says anything bad to me. That’s how it should be.

It’s hard to realize that other players are getting boned during all of it. It really sucks.

If that’s the case then she’ll be nerfed accordingly once again, it’s not some sort of punishment, it’s just what is required

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I didn’t say it was a punishment. My point was, people are quick to say she’s finally balanced when in actual fact she won’t be with Rez on a static cooldown.


It was obvious those other nerfs were gonna do nothing though. We all knew that.

This one is different. Other healers have clear reasons to be chosen instead of Mercy. This wasn’t just a mercy nerf, it was a restructuring of the entire role.


Wow! It’s almost like she’ll still be OP because the nerf doesn’t address the actual problem! It’s like the thing we’ve been saying for months actually holds some merit!


Yes, I’m sure the next one will be “different” too, and the one after that. In two months it will be “obvious” that this nerf wasn’t going to do anything.

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uh, just as an exercise, what if it does work and she remains with a low pick and win rate?

Then they’ll have nerfed everything that isn’t a problem to negatively compensate for the actual problem being problematic. It’s pretty unlikely, though.


and in doing so they’ve achieved their goal so I really see no problem there but I digress, let’s wait and see

Their goal is an extremely flimsy one if it involves trashing a hero’s playstyle and design to achieve “balance”. Which still wouldn’t even be actual balance. She’d be in the same spot as old Hanzo, an overall trash kit that’s held back because too much of its power is placed in a single broken ability.


I miss mercy 1.0 I think she was more balanced then she is now orb15 nerds agop


I’m a flex player. No sympathy tbh. Learning an entirely different hero is far more difficult than adapting to adjustments of a hero. I sympathize for Sym mains that have legit had to learn entirely new heroes. Not Mercy mains.

So many rejoiced at “LUL GENJI YOU NEED TO SWAP TO A DIFF HERO NOW LUL 4HEAD” yet lament at their kit being basically the same for the most part of a match? Nah… No reason to feelz.


Sounds to me like you’ll just scream “I told you so!” until the nerf mercy into complete unplayability.

Tip: they nerfed her and Brigitte while buffing lucio and ana so that all of them could be in a good spot. Not so Brigitte and Mercy could be useless.

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She doesn’t have it as bad as sym but still I don’t think this was the right nerf to do (sym,mercy,Moira main)